#makers being good with kids yes please


Exposure Therapy pt 2 - snippet

Without breaking his stride, Ulthane suddenly swings his bulky head over a shoulder and squints playfully down at the little humans sneaking along behind him, pushing a gentle growl out of his throat in what you recognise is a completely harmless threat.

The reaction is instantaneous.

Shrieks of laughter erupt from the kids who scatter like rabbits fleeing from a hungry bear, tripping over themselves and each other in their haste to bolt behind parked cars or flee into the safety of nearby gardens for cover.

At the sight, Ulthane throws his head back and roars with laughter.

You can no longer keep a lid on your own amusement and momentarily shove the last few days to the back of your mind, making the executive decision to appreciate the frankly endearing scene playing out in front of you.

Once upon a time, you’d been utterly terrified of this maker. A single glimpse of his face, and you were convinced he’d crush you as soon as look at you.

You’d likely still be terrified were it not for the evidence of one, simple fact -

- When it comes to humans, Ulthane is total pushover.

His gargantuan shoulders are still rocking with deep, rumbling chuckles when he draws parallel with you and finally turns his head to notice he has an audience.

Gulping audibly, he slows to a halt, his sounds of amusement tapering off into an awkward hum, highly reminiscent of a cool, older brother getting caught playing ‘tea party’ with his younger siblings. Never in your life did you think you’d find a ten tonne giant with the strength of a thousand men 'cute.’

But. Here you are.
