#makes me swoon






Fandom:Ikemen Sengoku

Character:Kyubae the bae’st bae of all aka Kyubei

Prompt:Seeing how Kyubei is named after an alias that the real Mitsuhide Akechi used (Juubei) the chances of fans getting a Kyubei route from Cybird are slim. However, it is simply impossible not to fall for this man. He is too good. So here have my attempt at writing a route.

A/N:Last week’s key was (Romantic/Dramatic): 

  1. +4/+4  
  2. +2/+4 
  3. +4/+2 


1.1| 1.2


A wicked smile played across Mitsuhide’s features as he smiled down on me. A cold shiver ran down my back as I stared at him, desperate to find back my voice as I felt my throat tighten.


I finally found my voice, but I barely registered the words as I looked down at the bowing man that had brought me here. My helper rose his head as he flashed me an apologetic smile, the kindness and warmth from before a mere mirage from what his face was now.

“I’m sorry for tricking you, lady [Name].”

I stare at him, eyes widening in shock and betrayal before I take a step back, trying to think of an escape plan.

“How, why?”

It is all I manage to get out when I try to question him, but panic is taking over as I scramble back further.

“Well, the how is obvious.”

Mitsuhide’s smile grows wider as he stares me down.

“You followed my vassal here, which wasn’t very smart of you to begin with.”

Feeling a dread climb up from my stomach I’m unable to register any of Mitsuhide’s words, my breathing growing haggard as I stare at the man called Kyubei.

“As for the why. It was simply to test you.”

Another smirk met my surprised gaze as I came to a terrible realisation. I had played right into their cards by trying to run away, making my whole presence even more suspicious than it already was.

“I must say that I’m a little disappointed, I would have thought that for all that planning you did you would be less… naive.”

(Now I just felt silly and infuriated.)

Feeling my eyes burn I angrily tried to fight back the tears welling up, not wanting to show Mitsuhide how right he was about my own folly. How could I have been so stupid? Of course there was something fishy about a kind man who conveniently pops up through the servant door!

“Now, there is no reason to feel so upset. I’m sure Nobunaga will have a good laugh at your story, though I do suggest you try to stay put if you are this ill-prepared. The world isn’t a kind world after all.”

Mitsuhide’s words cut deep as I gulp down my emotions, taking a few steps back.

  1. (I was tricked.)
  2. (Am I going to be stuck here forever?)
  3. (What am I to do now?)

The thought terrified me and I could feel my lips tremble as I was unable to say anything in answer.

Not paying attention to where I’m going I feel myself misstep. A gasp escapes me as I feel gravity pull me down from the engawa on which I was standing, my balance losing out as I feel my body rush for the ground behind me.

“Lady [Name]!”

Strong warm arms wrap around me as striking blue eyes meet mine in shock. They reminded me of a clear summer sky, though his concern reminded me of a thunderstorm to come. Fair alabaster skin that resembled the pale reflection of the full moon, contrasted the dark hair coloured like the midnight sky, some of it softly tickly my cheek as I was pulled flush against Kyubei’s chest, bringing me back onto my legs.

“Are you alright?”

Kyubei asks me after a short silence. Unable to respond I just nod shyly, too distracted by his eyes as Kyubei breaks out into a smile.


His response is soft and gentle, unlike the feeling of dread from earlier and I feel myself unable to tear away from this man.

“My, I never knew you to be so forward, Kyubei.”

Mitsuhide’s comment startles me back into the present time. Realising how close we are I quickly try to push myself out of Kyubei’s arms.

“Ah, careful lady [Name]. Let me help you. Lord Mitsuhide, you really need to stop all that teasing.”

Helping me away from the edge of the engawa Kyubei finally releases me, immediately turning around to scold his lord.

(I never knew that a vassal could talk to his lord like this. Almost as if they are equals.)

Mitsuhide only smiles as he waves off Kyubei’s comment before he turns back to me.

(This man is definitely up to no good. How unnerving.)

“It is too late to return to the Azuchi castle now. You will stay here for the night and return tomorrow with me.”

With those words Mitsuhide turns around, walking off gracefully to who knows where.

Turning towards Kyubei I bow my head, resigning myself to my fate for tonight. My voice stuff as I addressed him.

“I shall be imposing.”

Kyubei quickly raises his hands, reaching out for me to straighten up.

“Please, there is no need to be so formal with me, lady [Name]. I’m just a humble servant that carried out my master’s orders, but I’m still responsible for tricking you to the Akechi manor.”

(Was that kindness from before genuine after all?)

“Will you trust me one last time and let me lead you to your room?”

The same cat-like smile smiled gently upon me, though his eyes hid a kind of sorrow that I couldn’t quite place.

(He looks like he feels guilty for tricking me. Could it be?)

I want to believe that someone with such kind and sad eyes was truly someone gentle. That Kyubei was someone I could rely on despite his earlier trickery.

“Okay, but only if you stop with the honorifics.”

I say this as I gulp down my earlier fears. To this Kyubei breaks out in a laugh, his eyes crinkling into two slits as he nods.

“That is a promise.”

Hehehe albyyy is starting from the beginning!? Lolol perhaps i shall do the same! Eeeeek❤️❤️❤️

I think I’ve read this like two or three times already, that’s how much I love this fic! It really felt like it could’ve been an official route!

I’m not good at reacting, but this compliment makes me so happy to hear because I spent so much effort in trying to make it seem like an official route and it always made me a little sad to see that Kyubei gets so little attention that I thought I was doing a bad job, because it is definitely not him lacking the presence to grab attention.

(it makes finishing writing the romantic route also so much worth the while, because I honestly felt bad for taking so long, but felt that I was just doing something wrong and I hope you guys will love it despite the many flaws and how long it took me and how long it took me to come back to it and knowing that so many people have been quietly and patiently waiting for me is just heart warming and encouraging.)

NEMOOOOOO DONT YOU DARE FEEL BAD ABOUT TAKING LONG! and ya better not feel like you were doing a bad job cause my excitable ass was and does squeal everytime u released a new chapter! And that latest chaper omw i still think bout it i swear no other kybae route would be acceptable in my eyes!

bastart13: I love drawing Julianne and Julian!Everyone check out @timmys-and-scribbles because her


I love drawing Julianne and Julian!

Everyone check out @timmys-and-scribbles because her art, apprentice, and Julian content is fantastic

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