#making it complicated and being cute at the same time



by: mldrgrl
Rating: PG
Summary: Set somewhere in season 7, Mulder and Scully intend to spend their first weekend apart after taking the plunge.

“So, I’ll see you Monday,” Scully says, folding her blazer over her arm and adjusting her grip on her satchel.

“Yep,” Mulder answers, nodding slightly as he leans back in his chair.

They stare at each other.  He taps the eraser-end of a pencil against his jaw.  Going home for a weekend, alone, is different now.  Though they spent seven years going their separate ways, three weeks of spending nights together has made saying goodbye feel awkward.  

He wants to kiss her, even just on the cheek or the corner of her mouth, something friendly and casual, but he knows he won’t be able to stop at that, and so he keeps himself firmly planted in his seat.  He can’t help it if his gaze drops to her lips.  He also can’t help but notice that she does the same.

“Okay then,” Scully says.

“Have a nice weekend.”

She gives him one last glance over her shoulder as she walks out the door and he sighs quietly when he hears the elevator ding.  Mechanically, he prepares to leave for the weekend.  Though he told her he’d be staying to finish a report, he’d merely been avoiding walking out with her, knowing how weak-willed he was and he’d look for an excuse to keep them together for the night.  

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