

Makoto, Hari and Rin are all in love I don’t take criticism

  • Makoto and Haru were dating first, then Rin began dating Haru
  • It took a LOT of discussion to get everything to work, and Makoto was especially insecure and nervous about it–
  • But it slowly started to resolve once Rin and Makoto also decided to date
  • Rin doesn’t flirt too much with Haru because Haru doesn’t react, but he’s super flirty with Makoto because it freaks him out
  • Makoto is the designated pillow, always sleeps in the middle, and there’s nightly fights over who can put his head on his chest (it’s usually Haru)
  • All three of them have trouble sleeping (Rin’s nightmares, Makoto’s Anxiety™, Haru’s insomnia) so getting to bed is a group effort
  • When none of them can sleep it’s bad decision o'clock and, heralded by Rin, they venture out to the streets usually to get some fast food or alcohol
  • Rin and Haru have become pro babysitters and whenever Makoto needs it they sub in to watch his siblings
  • They have at least one cat. Maybe more. Haru and Makoto won’t stop feeding every stray in the neighborhood and it results in at least one accidental adoption
  • And no matter how many cats they get they all hate Rin because of course they do
  • Rin wakes up the earliest, but is the least capable of cooking, so once he’s done with his morning work out he has to “”“subtly”“” wake Haru
  • Makoto does all the cleaning around the house, he finds it very calming
  • Rin does basically all of the shopping and any errand that involves going outdoors, being the most social and also contributing the least around the house
  • Haru and Makoto have the energy of an old married couple
  • Rin really likes biting Makoto and it’s becoming an issue
  • Makoto’s clothing is constantly being lent out and borrowed to the point where half the time he can’t even find a shirt to wear
  • “Haru have you seen my–” *Haru, wearing it* “No”
  • Haru and Rin get competitive over every single little thing, Makoto had stopped trying to prevent it and instead uses it to trick them into doing chores around the house
  • Aquarium Dates. That’s it.
  • All three of them will go to pay respects to Rin’s dad every once in a while. It’s some of the only times they see Rin be openly emotionally vulnerable
  • Rin does his best to teach them English. Makoto surprisingly picks it up well, which means he now has an Aussie dialect.