#makos a they themmer

baby… now with DADS[Image 1 ID: A chest-up picture of Flynn and Yuri from Tales of Vesperia, baby… now with DADS[Image 1 ID: A chest-up picture of Flynn and Yuri from Tales of Vesperia, baby… now with DADS[Image 1 ID: A chest-up picture of Flynn and Yuri from Tales of Vesperia, baby… now with DADS[Image 1 ID: A chest-up picture of Flynn and Yuri from Tales of Vesperia, baby… now with DADS[Image 1 ID: A chest-up picture of Flynn and Yuri from Tales of Vesperia,

baby… now with DADS

[Image 1 ID: A chest-up picture of Flynn and Yuri from Tales of Vesperia, kissing. It was drawn in a sketchbook and colored digitally. Yuri and Flynn are holding hands, fingers intertwined, while Yuri twists back over his shoulder to kiss Flynn. Flynn cups the back of his head. In Yuri’s other arm, he cradles the artist’s fan-child for Yuri and Flynn, Mako. Mako is a toddler with brown skin and short, fluffy dark hair. They are wearing a green shirt, and sleeping in the crook of Yuri’s arm.]

[Image 2 ID: A waist-up picture of Flynn and Yuri from Tales of Vesperia, kissing. It was drawn in a sketchbook and colored with colored pencils. Yuri’s hair is tied up in a ponytail. They hold hands in front of themselves, and Flynn’s free hand rests against Yuri’s shoulder. Behind the two of them, Mako looks up at them, gasping.]

[Image 3 ID: A picture of Yuri and Mako, drawn in a sketchbook and colored digitally. Yuri is lifting in his arms, cradled against his chest and shoulder. Mako is beaming with their eyes closed, wearing overalls and a green shirt. Yuri is smiling, with his mouth close to their face/temple.]

[Image 4 & 5 ID: Two doodles, drawn in a sketchbook. In the first, Mako is drawn waist-up with their teenaged design. They have long hair now, partially tied back with a ribbon, and wear a tunic over a turtleneck. Their hair whips around their face and shoulders. They have one hand poised with magic and the other holding a sword as they shout “FIEND!” In the second, Flynn and Yuri are doodled from the waist up. Yuri demands, angrily, “what are you TEACHING my poor KID” to which Flynn, appearing tired, annoyed, and exasperated, replies, “you taught them to say ‘fuck’.” Yuri shouts, “AND?!”]

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time to blow kisses to my sweet baby child[Image 1 ID: A full-body picture drawn in a sketchbook andtime to blow kisses to my sweet baby child[Image 1 ID: A full-body picture drawn in a sketchbook andtime to blow kisses to my sweet baby child[Image 1 ID: A full-body picture drawn in a sketchbook andtime to blow kisses to my sweet baby child[Image 1 ID: A full-body picture drawn in a sketchbook andtime to blow kisses to my sweet baby child[Image 1 ID: A full-body picture drawn in a sketchbook andtime to blow kisses to my sweet baby child[Image 1 ID: A full-body picture drawn in a sketchbook andtime to blow kisses to my sweet baby child[Image 1 ID: A full-body picture drawn in a sketchbook andtime to blow kisses to my sweet baby child[Image 1 ID: A full-body picture drawn in a sketchbook andtime to blow kisses to my sweet baby child[Image 1 ID: A full-body picture drawn in a sketchbook and

time to blow kisses to my sweet baby child

[Image 1 ID: A full-body picture drawn in a sketchbook and colored digitally of Mako Lowell-Scifo, the artist’s fan-child for Tales of Vesperia characters Flynn Scifo & Yuri Lowell. Mako is a young adult who has brown skin & long dark brown-purple hair. Their hair is partially tied back with a green ribbon. They’re wearing thigh-length short overalls over a short-sleeved t-shirt. One of their knees and one of their elbows is skinned. They are snapping their fingers to summon a golden glow, and holding a sword in their free hand. They look annoyed.]

[Image 2 ID: A full-body doodle of Mako, drawn in a sketchbook and colored digitally. They’re partially leaned over, hip cocked, one hand on their cocked hip. Their hair is partially tied back with a green ribbon. They wear a light green sleeveless tunic over a dark green turtleneck, and beige pants tucked into grey boots that resemble Yuri’s. Their tunic is belted with a dark brown sash, and they wear dark brown fingerless gloves. They are smiling, but look a little flustered.]

[Image 3 ID: Two portraits of Mako, drawn in a sketchbook. In one, they are wearing their normal outfit and smiling. In the other, their hair is fully pulled back into a ponytail, and they wear an elbow-length cloak. They appear flustered.]

[Image 4 ID: A doodle of Mako, and the artist’s fan-child for Estellise & Rita, Aither Evander Heurassein, drawn in a sketchbook. Aither is a young man with short hair and bangs. He is wearing a short-sleeve shirt, athletic shorts, and a shoulderbag. He leans over a desk where Mako is drawing in a notebook. Mako is wearing a cardigan over a shirt. Aither says, smugly, “Is that anime?” and Mako, annoyed but not looking up at Aither, replies “Die.”]

[Image 5 ID: A doodle of Mako from the waist up drawn in a sketchbook. They are wearing a plain shirt, pushed up to their elbows. They hold a jar with the partially-obscured word “COOKIES” written on it with both hands, and have a cookie halfway in their mouth; they look startled and embarrassed. They say “Dad?! Papa?!” A speech bubble with a headshot of an exasperated Flynn says, “Aren’t you too old for this?” while another speech bubble with a headshot of a laughing Yuri says, “LMAOOO”]

[Image 6 ID: A full-body doodle of Mako drawn in a sketchbook. They are lying on their stomach, drawing or writing in a notebook. They are smiling, humming and kicking their legs.]

[Image 7 ID: A full-body, full-color digital picture of Mako with their hands on their hips, smiling. They are wearing their hair partially tied back with a purple ribbon, a blue-grey hoodie over a light grey shirt, and dark blue athletic shorts. They also have beige sneakers.]

[Image 8 ID: A full-body picture of Mako, drawn in a sketchbook and colored digitally. They are wearing the outfit with the green tunic again, leaning forward with their arms behind their back. They are smiling and looking off to the side.]

[Image 9 ID: A full-body, full-color digital picture of Mako with their hands on their hips. They look grim and slightly dissheveled. Instead of partially pulled back in a ribbon, their hair is up in a messy bun. They wear overalls with a flower on the chest pocket over a blue sweater with ¾ length sleeves, and grey socks. There’s a friendship bracelet on their left wrist.]

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