#male fat admirer


This is what happens when you let yourself eat as much as you want without thinking about limiting yourself to so many calories or servings or type of food.

You never have to ignore a craving again. You want to eat it, eat it.

I only think it’s time to stop eating once I can barely move and I feel like I’m going to throw up. Before that moment I’m not thinking about the fact that my stomach can only hold so much and overfilling will lead to a stomachache or throwing up, I’m only thinking about the food that’s going into my mouth. How it feels, how it tastes, how it smells. Indulging in pleasure.

I’m a big fan of hedonism. Find what gives you pleasure and jump in head first. Life is meaningless if we restrict ourselves. We should enjoy ourselves, while we are here.

Eat what you like, drink what you like, dress how you like, fuck who you like (with consent, always) it’s no one else’s business what makes you feel good.

Food makes me happy, weed makes me happy, anime makes me happy.

I will gladly watch anime, while smoking weed and snacking for hours on end.

There are unfavorable outcomes sometimes but pleasure in the moment is what is important, you never know when you’ll have your last ice cream sundae or your last cigarette, or your last road trip or whatever it is that you want to do because it makes you happy.

I like wearing my hedonism on my body.

He/Him, 28yo, 318lbs

Bigg Squish

Fuck, I wish I could show more of this fat body.

Bigg Squish
