#male friendship



My very first Venom Fanfiction, which I have written like two weeks ago or so.
I haven’t seen many ticklefics of this fandom and thus I decided to contribute one of my own and this is what came out. This is a long oneshot, just saying ;).

And guess what? The next one is already in progress and almost done.
And I am not sorry for this at all. I mean, come on guys: I can’t be the only one who wished this would have happened in the movie, right? XD.

Oh and one more important thing you need to know: English is NOT my first language, so I am very sorry for grammer/spelling mistakes. I hope it’s not too bad.

I have been gone from tumblr for one and a half year and just decided to come back and get active here again and this should be the first story for a fresh and new start on here.

For those who are looking for smut or a love story: Sorry guys, but Eddie and Venom are just very closed friends in my eyes and nothng more, so this might be the wrong place for you then ;).

And since this is a tickle story (and since my whole blog is a tickle blog) I ask you kindly to leave, if this is not your cup of tea, thank you.

As for the rest: I hope you will enjoy it :).

PS: That movie was amazing! Definitely going to watch it again and for me personally the best movie of 2018. It even beat Infinity War and Jurassic World 2 for me (but then, I am new to this Marvel stuff and I am not such a big fan of the Avengers. I know, I know: Shame on me ;P).

Keep reading

Gaah! Finally getting around to reading your Venom stories!! Sorry for the delay! I love these two nerds so much so thank you for writing for them! ^_^ First of all I want to say that your English is not bad at all! You actually write better than a lot of native speakers that I’ve seen so don’t even worry about having perfect grammar and all that. Your writing is really good too! I love how you set up the beginning just describing Eddie’s adaption to living with his new alien buddy, and the struggle of having to constantly satisfy his need to eat things. As well as the silly moments like Venom chewing up the tv remote, heheh. XD

And yes yes, the tickling set up was perfect! I love these type of “tickle origin” stories where one character discovers the other character’s ticklish weakness, especially when it’s someone who doesn’t understand tickling or even know of its existence. So fun! Poor poor Eddie. Your descriptions of the actions are so well done that I could see it all play out in my head, and that is awesome because it’s almost like I’m watching it happen in the actual movie! XD I love Venom sneaking in the little tickles until he got the reaction that he was looking for, and then Eddie having to awkwardly try to explain how tickling worked to Venom while at the same time trying to convince him to drop the subject. But Venom is just too curious! XD

Oh gosh, the descriptions of Eddie being all adorable with his helpless squirming and endless giggle fits just has my head swimming and my stomach feeling all fluttery. It is so damn cute to picture him in that situation! And I enjoyed reading Venom’s thoughts as he tried to figure out exactly why the tickling caused such reactions, with him teasing Eddie about how humans are so weak. XD Then Eddie just HAD to call him a parasite and then received what was probably the worst tickling of his life. But at least they came to agreement; over food for Venom naturally. lol Eddie, you idiot! Using the “P”-word again! XD He deserved more tickles! <3

Again, thanks so much for writing Venom fluffy, tickle stuff! It made my day to read it, and I hope to read your other fics soon!!
