#male possession


Nothing sexier than switching bodies with a dominant bear who only tops, massaging your new hairy chest and beard, and letting a bunch of twinks fuck your juicy furry ass. Even more fun when you make that bear trapped in your old body watch how easily his body takes it



Hell yeah, switched bodies with my plumber when he came by today. I didn’t even tell him it was going to happen, while he was crouched under the sink I made it happen. He’s a big guy, decent shape, but with the thickest stache I’ve ever seen on a man. It’s like a broom exploded out of his upper lip, and I knew I had to have it for myself. He looked at me in disbelief as I turned around and got up, but he soon ran upstairs to *his* bedroom, leaving me alone in the kitchen. This body is incredible, I brushed one hand through the dense mustache on my rugged face, and with the other dove deep into the back of my stiff denim jeans into my exposed crack. Oh-looks like he wasn’t wearing any underwear today, and what a thick ass this is. I pulled the buttons apart of the shirt he’s wearing to get a look at the hairy chest that now greeted me. The smell of day-old musk emanating from the thatches of black hair of my new armpits, I got comfortable on my old couch, sniffing and tugging at the fur that adorned my new body. I can hear him upstairs moaning and groaning, little does he know his plumber is lying naked on the couch worshipping his hairy muscles.

Can’t believe it, he came again to fix a leaky faucet and begged me to switch bodies with him again. I had to say yes, since we last swapped he’d traded that thick mustache for a glorious full beard. Of course I had him give me a sneak peek and let me feel his beard in my fingers before I let him switch bodies with me, and I loved the thickness of it. I gave him a week in my body, which means a week as this hirsute brute. I love hearing him scream in pleasure upstairs in my old voice as I roar downstairs. Sure, he might not have the best hygiene, and these pits sure do sweat a lot, but I’ve never felt more manly. He liked to role play and pretend we never swapped, so he kicks me out when he finds me naked on the couch, but it just makes our game more fun. Maybe if I’m feeling generous I’ll let him keep things this way for a month

H-he ran off with my body! I had had enough after we swapped for the week. His back-breaking labor was exhausting me, and the stench that emanated from my pits after a hard day’s work was getting to be too much. I told him on the final day of our swap, meeting him upstairs after fixing another “leaky faucet.” He was sprawled on my bed, in the middle of fucking my old ass with the series of toys he’d bought that week (with my money!), when I told him that I wanted my body back.

Cut to today, I wake up and crinkle my nose, smelling a (now) familiar musk. Shit, I’m in his dirty bed again! There’s a text message on his phone saying he somehow made the swap permanent. I can’t believe it. I stare down at the brawny chest I now owner, and take another tentative sniff of the thick black pit hair that bursts from under my thick arms. I’m….him now….forever. I get up and stare at the gruff face in the mirror, my fingers tangle in my gigantic beard….I’m trapped in this furball. The worst part? This body is painfully horny all the time. I slap some lube on my hairy knob and start pumping like I do every morning waking up as him. Tugging at the thick bush that surrounds it, I get off the bed and walk around my dirty room. The floors creak under my massive frame, and I grunt in animalistic pleasure.

Huh…I can’t cum. For some reason his fuck stick isn’t getting what it needs today. A thought in the back of my head surfaces. I hadn’t fucked him since we swapped bodies, but a carnal need to dominate my old body overwhelmed me. Hope he’s ready…sounds like he’s going to be getting a visit from the plumber this morning.

Hitting some writer’s block, send some story suggestions you want to read

I tell you I’m going to swap you into a random body, but it has either a perfect beard, perfect pits, perfect chest rug, perfect hairy ass, or perfect bush. Which do you ask for?


Who haven’t I switched bodies with that you’d like to see? Could be anyone, fictional, or an occupation—send me an ask and let’s make it happen

Keep them coming!

Not tired of swapping yet

What fictional character do you want to switch bodies with the most?

Comment below

Who haven’t I switched bodies with that you’d like to see? Could be anyone, fictional, or an occupation—send me an ask and let’s make it happen

Some bodies are meant to be shared, so swap over yours



It’s such a shame when a man can’t appreciate what he’s been given, when he can’t explore his urges because of something silly like pride. Take Bruno, a handsome father of 3, down on his luck from a recent divorce. His wife left him because of the lack of sex, but the truth is he always struggled with his urges. Countless times he downloaded apps in the hopes of feeling the touch of a man, but immediately he’d delete it, worrying about the consequences. He was extremely handsome: 45 years old, 6’3”, in great shape (although with a slight belly he was trying to get rid of), and covered in a pelt of brawny hair. He even grew his beard out the past few months, and now it puffed out from his face and commanded even more attention when he walked into a room. He was too proud to give into what he wanted the most, so I decided to interfere.

Introducing Carter, a kinky 21 year old twink home from college for the weekend. 5’8”, he was also gifted in the looks department, albeit in different ways. His curly, blond hair flopped in his face like all the popular TikTok boys, and his toned body was almost hairless, albeit for some underarm hair and a dusting across his nipples. Carter has always taken his sexuality in stride, and so he was the perfect teacher for this lesson.

Bruno was on a run early in the morning around his neighborhood, committed to getting back into peak condition after the divorce. The hot California sun was already beaming down, and sweat dripped down his bare chest. Carter had just left his house and was walking to his Jeep to meet some friends in town. This is when I made the swap.

Both froze immediately, Carter had dropped his keys and they loudly clacked against the driveway. Bruno’s eyes widened, and he looked down. It was a strange sight to behold, both men seemingly confused in an instant. Staring down, Carter wasn’t greeted by the baggy t shirt he had put on moments earlier, but two mounds of hairy muscle, slick with sweat. Bruno, on the other hand, was transfixed by the slender fingers that were reaching down to pick up the keys.

It was Bruno who noticed first, he glanced to the side and upon seeing his own body, shouted. “W-what the fuck! What’s going on? Who are you?”

“This is weird…” Carter muttered. “Woah! Are you…me?” He stepped onto the lawn and approached Bruno, who was staring into his reflection in the Jeep window.

“Fuck! Are you in my body? Did we switch bodies? I can’t—I have a family!” His fingers lifted to his face, and twirled the bouncy curls that covered his forehead.

Carter investigated his reflection, staring at the rugged man in the window. His fingers brushed his face delicately. “I—I have a beard?” More confidently, he plunged those fingers into it, feeling the sweaty mass of hair beneath them. “I have a beard! Holy shit…feels so good in my fingers. Oh shit…I’m so old…” He was still smiling, however.

“Stop that!” Bruno yelled, but to no avail. Before he could stop him, Carter had already grabbed the keys off the driveway and ran into the front door of his house. Bruno took one last look in the glass, then turned to run inside after him.

Inside the house, Bruno got confused. He had no idea where the body thief had gone, and thinking he heard a sound upstairs, climbed them quietly.

Carter, however, had gone to the small bathroom off the kitchen and was now marveling at his new form. Staring back at him with wide eyes was the sexiest, burliest man he’s ever seen. Rough hands stroked the thick pelt of sweaty chest hair as a deep groan escaped his furry lips. “Fuck…” Flexing both arms, he stared in awe at the massive bushes of pit hair that hid underneath them. They smelled incredible, and for a moment he became dizzy comprehending that manly musk was now coming from him. His pecs bounced at the slightest flex of muscle, and he pinched his nipples in pleasure. Looking down, he saw a large tent forming in the front of his workout shorts, so with his two man hands, Carter began to pump his cock through his shorts, staring at the beast in the mirror.

Upstairs, Bruno had walked into what he assumed what Carter’s own room. His nose crinkled at the sour smell of a young, messy adult, and he stared at the mess on the floor of dirty clothing. Seeing a full-length mirror in the corner, he cautiously approached. Staring back at him was a handsome young man, a huge departure from his own body. Gingerly, he picked up the hem of his t shirt to stare at his chest. A light happy trail extended up from his shorts, but other than that, his slim chest was hairless. With a grunt of frustration, he ripped off the shirt to expose his entire torso. Moving his smooth jaw with his fingers, he stared at his reflection. A subtle flex of his biceps confirmed a lack of real muscle, but he was transfixed for a moment by the two thatches of dirty blond pit hair under his arms. Taking a quick look at the door to confirm he was alone, he lifted both arms high above his head, inhaling the sweaty smell.

Fucking tie me up and fuck me, he thought.

Where had that thought come from? He shook his head. He needed to fix this and get out of this kid’s body, but how? Staring down past his thin chest, he saw his new cock straining obscenely against his shorts. Instinctively, he brushed it delicately with his hand and nearly fell to the floor in pleasure. All at once, he felt like he’d lose his mind if he didn’t cum. Bruno’s eyes then drifted over to a pocket pussy the previous owner must have left out in the open. He hesitated, disgusted by what he was considering doing, but his body needed release.

In no time at all, he stripped off his shorts and underwear and was staring at his new cock. It was longer and thinner than his old one, and complemented by a well-kept blond bush. He moaned as his cock pierced the cool lips of the toy, and in no time was pumping it like a maniac.

Downstairs, Carter was interrupted from stroking his own man cock by groans upstairs. Remembering there was a stranger in his body as well, he put down his new meat and left to investigate. He tried to climb the stairs as quietly as possible, but his huge frame made the floorboards creak with every step. Past the door to his bedroom, he was greeted by the sight of his own body, sprawled on the bed with his eyes clamped shut, furiously fucking his own flesh light.

How dare he, Carter thought, steal my body and my toys. His new cock stood at attention, he wanted something else as well. Staring at his old body, he wanted to fuck it. He never topped, but this body seemed to direct him. He walked over to the bed and stoked the soft hair on Bruno’s inner thigh.

Bruno jumped, opening his eyes and seeing his own body. “I-I’m sorry. I had to, your body was so horny. I felt like I was gonna lose my mind if I—“

It’s fine,” Carter growled. Taking his shorts off. “Cause now I wanna fuck you.”

“What? No! We have to fix this I can’t be stuck like this forever. I—I’m not even gay. I don’t want to fuck myself…”

Carter nodded towards Bruno’s leaking cock. “That tells me a different story. Come on, one round. You’re gonna love it.”

It was true, Bruno still felt dangerously horny, like someone had possessed him. It had to be his new body, so accustomed to gay sex that it couldn’t reject someone as handsome as himself. He nodded in agreement, and Carter immediately ripped off his underwear.

Carter almost came at the sight of his new cock. He had just rubbed it through his shorts downstairs, but now he saw it for all it’s glory. It was shorter and fatter than his own, but with thick veins and gigantic balls that swung freely. Surrounding the entire package was a huge bush of kinky brown hair. With a large hand, he cupped his balls and winked at Bruno. “Fuck, dude. You ever shave this thing?” Bruno rolled his eyes, but the sight of his former cock made his tight hole twitch. “This’ll be fun. Now flip over.”

Bruno obeyed, and yelped when he felt Carter plunge his face into his waiting ass. The feeling of his thick, sweaty beard against the smooth cheeks of his ass was euphoric, and Carter ate it hungrily. Bruno moaned like a bitch, unashamed by the whiny tone of his new voice. The feeling of his former beard against his ass was enough to make him cum, but soon he was begging Carter to fuck him as he tugged his throbbing cock against the sheets.

Carter suddenly got up, eliciting a moan of protest from Bruno. He picked up 2 dirty t shirts from the floor and sniffed them, smiling into the fabric as he smelled his old musk. Coming back to the bed, he expertly tied both of Bruno’s hands above his head, leaving those cute pits on full display. “Please fuck me already,” the father-now-twink begged.

Obeying his commands, Carter grabbed some lube from his bedside table and slathered up his dick, proceeding to shove the length of his fuck stick into his old ass. He had been told throughout college how tight and juicy it felt, and he wasn’t disappointed. In the mirror he watched the most erotic sight imaginable, himself, a hulking, hairy, beast of a man, fucking his tied up old body senselessly. He flexed both biceps in the mirror and saw the stranger do the same, white teeth flashing through his dense beard as he smiled.

Drops of sweat dripped off of Carter onto Bruno and he rhythmically pumped his cock. The room began to warm up as the two men furiously fucked and it didn’t take long for both of them to climax. In a rush, they both came at the same time, two men groaning in pleasure as they felt an orgasm from inside a different body. How different it feels to cum between a 21 and 45 years old!

Carter rolled off of Bruno, collapsing onto the mattress to his side. Both men breathed heavily, their bodies exhausted. The smell of sweat and sex lingered in the room, and for a moment neither had any anxiety about the swap.

That was until the front door opened. Carter’s eyes widened as he stared at his old body next to him. “Fuck…my parents are home.”

Who wants Part 2?


It’s such a shame when a man can’t appreciate what he’s been given, when he can’t explore his urges because of something silly like pride. Take Bruno, a handsome father of 3, down on his luck from a recent divorce. His wife left him because of the lack of sex, but the truth is he always struggled with his urges. Countless times he downloaded apps in the hopes of feeling the touch of a man, but immediately he’d delete it, worrying about the consequences. He was extremely handsome: 45 years old, 6’3”, in great shape (although with a slight belly he was trying to get rid of), and covered in a pelt of brawny hair. He even grew his beard out the past few months, and now it puffed out from his face and commanded even more attention when he walked into a room. He was too proud to give into what he wanted the most, so I decided to interfere.

Introducing Carter, a kinky 21 year old twink home from college for the weekend. 5’8”, he was also gifted in the looks department, albeit in different ways. His curly, blond hair flopped in his face like all the popular TikTok boys, and his toned body was almost hairless, albeit for some underarm hair and a dusting across his nipples. Carter has always taken his sexuality in stride, and so he was the perfect teacher for this lesson.

Bruno was on a run early in the morning around his neighborhood, committed to getting back into peak condition after the divorce. The hot California sun was already beaming down, and sweat dripped down his bare chest. Carter had just left his house and was walking to his Jeep to meet some friends in town. This is when I made the swap.

Both froze immediately, Carter had dropped his keys and they loudly clacked against the driveway. Bruno’s eyes widened, and he looked down. It was a strange sight to behold, both men seemingly confused in an instant. Staring down, Carter wasn’t greeted by the baggy t shirt he had put on moments earlier, but two mounds of hairy muscle, slick with sweat. Bruno, on the other hand, was transfixed by the slender fingers that were reaching down to pick up the keys.

It was Bruno who noticed first, he glanced to the side and upon seeing his own body, shouted. “W-what the fuck! What’s going on? Who are you?”

“This is weird…” Carter muttered. “Woah! Are you…me?” He stepped onto the lawn and approached Bruno, who was staring into his reflection in the Jeep window.

“Fuck! Are you in my body? Did we switch bodies? I can’t—I have a family!” His fingers lifted to his face, and twirled the bouncy curls that covered his forehead.

Carter investigated his reflection, staring at the rugged man in the window. His fingers brushed his face delicately. “I—I have a beard?” More confidently, he plunged those fingers into it, feeling the sweaty mass of hair beneath them. “I have a beard! Holy shit…feels so good in my fingers. Oh shit…I’m so old…” He was still smiling, however.

“Stop that!” Bruno yelled, but to no avail. Before he could stop him, Carter had already grabbed the keys off the driveway and ran into the front door of his house. Bruno took one last look in the glass, then turned to run inside after him.

Inside the house, Bruno got confused. He had no idea where the body thief had gone, and thinking he heard a sound upstairs, climbed them quietly.

Carter, however, had gone to the small bathroom off the kitchen and was now marveling at his new form. Staring back at him with wide eyes was the sexiest, burliest man he’s ever seen. Rough hands stroked the thick pelt of sweaty chest hair as a deep groan escaped his furry lips. “Fuck…” Flexing both arms, he stared in awe at the massive bushes of pit hair that hid underneath them. They smelled incredible, and for a moment he became dizzy comprehending that manly musk was now coming from him. His pecs bounced at the slightest flex of muscle, and he pinched his nipples in pleasure. Looking down, he saw a large tent forming in the front of his workout shorts, so with his two man hands, Carter began to pump his cock through his shorts, staring at the beast in the mirror.

Upstairs, Bruno had walked into what he assumed what Carter’s own room. His nose crinkled at the sour smell of a young, messy adult, and he stared at the mess on the floor of dirty clothing. Seeing a full-length mirror in the corner, he cautiously approached. Staring back at him was a handsome young man, a huge departure from his own body. Gingerly, he picked up the hem of his t shirt to stare at his chest. A light happy trail extended up from his shorts, but other than that, his slim chest was hairless. With a grunt of frustration, he ripped off the shirt to expose his entire torso. Moving his smooth jaw with his fingers, he stared at his reflection. A subtle flex of his biceps confirmed a lack of real muscle, but he was transfixed for a moment by the two thatches of dirty blond pit hair under his arms. Taking a quick look at the door to confirm he was alone, he lifted both arms high above his head, inhaling the sweaty smell.

Fucking tie me up and fuck me, he thought.

Where had that thought come from? He shook his head. He needed to fix this and get out of this kid’s body, but how? Staring down past his thin chest, he saw his new cock straining obscenely against his shorts. Instinctively, he brushed it delicately with his hand and nearly fell to the floor in pleasure. All at once, he felt like he’d lose his mind if he didn’t cum. Bruno’s eyes then drifted over to a pocket pussy the previous owner must have left out in the open. He hesitated, disgusted by what he was considering doing, but his body needed release.

In no time at all, he stripped off his shorts and underwear and was staring at his new cock. It was longer and thinner than his old one, and complemented by a well-kept blond bush. He moaned as his cock pierced the cool lips of the toy, and in no time was pumping it like a maniac.

Downstairs, Carter was interrupted from stroking his own man cock by groans upstairs. Remembering there was a stranger in his body as well, he put down his new meat and left to investigate. He tried to climb the stairs as quietly as possible, but his huge frame made the floorboards creak with every step. Past the door to his bedroom, he was greeted by the sight of his own body, sprawled on the bed with his eyes clamped shut, furiously fucking his own flesh light.

How dare he, Carter thought, steal my body and my toys. His new cock stood at attention, he wanted something else as well. Staring at his old body, he wanted to fuck it. He never topped, but this body seemed to direct him. He walked over to the bed and stoked the soft hair on Bruno’s inner thigh.

Bruno jumped, opening his eyes and seeing his own body. “I-I’m sorry. I had to, your body was so horny. I felt like I was gonna lose my mind if I—“

It’s fine,” Carter growled. Taking his shorts off. “Cause now I wanna fuck you.”

“What? No! We have to fix this I can’t be stuck like this forever. I—I’m not even gay. I don’t want to fuck myself…”

Carter nodded towards Bruno’s leaking cock. “That tells me a different story. Come on, one round. You’re gonna love it.”

It was true, Bruno still felt dangerously horny, like someone had possessed him. It had to be his new body, so accustomed to gay sex that it couldn’t reject someone as handsome as himself. He nodded in agreement, and Carter immediately ripped off his underwear.

Carter almost came at the sight of his new cock. He had just rubbed it through his shorts downstairs, but now he saw it for all it’s glory. It was shorter and fatter than his own, but with thick veins and gigantic balls that swung freely. Surrounding the entire package was a huge bush of kinky brown hair. With a large hand, he cupped his balls and winked at Bruno. “Fuck, dude. You ever shave this thing?” Bruno rolled his eyes, but the sight of his former cock made his tight hole twitch. “This’ll be fun. Now flip over.”

Bruno obeyed, and yelped when he felt Carter plunge his face into his waiting ass. The feeling of his thick, sweaty beard against the smooth cheeks of his ass was euphoric, and Carter ate it hungrily. Bruno moaned like a bitch, unashamed by the whiny tone of his new voice. The feeling of his former beard against his ass was enough to make him cum, but soon he was begging Carter to fuck him as he tugged his throbbing cock against the sheets.

Carter suddenly got up, eliciting a moan of protest from Bruno. He picked up 2 dirty t shirts from the floor and sniffed them, smiling into the fabric as he smelled his old musk. Coming back to the bed, he expertly tied both of Bruno’s hands above his head, leaving those cute pits on full display. “Please fuck me already,” the father-now-twink begged.

Obeying his commands, Carter grabbed some lube from his bedside table and slathered up his dick, proceeding to shove the length of his fuck stick into his old ass. He had been told throughout college how tight and juicy it felt, and he wasn’t disappointed. In the mirror he watched the most erotic sight imaginable, himself, a hulking, hairy, beast of a man, fucking his tied up old body senselessly. He flexed both biceps in the mirror and saw the stranger do the same, white teeth flashing through his dense beard as he smiled.

Drops of sweat dripped off of Carter onto Bruno and he rhythmically pumped his cock. The room began to warm up as the two men furiously fucked and it didn’t take long for both of them to climax. In a rush, they both came at the same time, two men groaning in pleasure as they felt an orgasm from inside a different body. How different it feels to cum between a 21 and 45 years old!

Carter rolled off of Bruno, collapsing onto the mattress to his side. Both men breathed heavily, their bodies exhausted. The smell of sweat and sex lingered in the room, and for a moment neither had any anxiety about the swap.

That was until the front door opened. Carter’s eyes widened as he stared at his old body next to him. “Fuck…my parents are home.”

Need to switch bodies with one of those TikTok twinks with the curly floppy hair. You know the kind, it’s so grabbable. The blonder the better, I wanna lift my toned arms and see cute bushes of pit hair underneath too. Ah, that’s better. Wow, he was in the middle of a workout, and these cute pits sure are ripe! Checked my phone and now I’ve got so many studs in my DMs on Instagram begging to fuck me I don’t know how to service them all. I’ll start with the daddy with the beard, he seems like a fun ride. Gotta rip off this tank, sheesh I’m toned. Love this happy trail too. Fuck my nips are so sensitive, can’t stop pinching them. Gonna record a dancing video later for my followers going commando under some loose exercise shorts. The more people who see my bulge the better, I’ve got an audience to entertain!


Shady App


I’ll be the first one to admit that maybe I shouldn’t have been fucking around on the dark web. But what I can say, I was bored. And besides, most of the things I’ve found on there haven’t been that serious. Jump scares, scam ads, shitty mobile games, and even the occasional doxing blackmail that turn out to be nothing but empty threats. So I figured this “Body Lottery” app wasn’t going to be any different. 

It was late at night when I found the app while scrolling through the dark web. I didn’t recognize it, it must had been recently added. I clicked on the app info, which read: “New body, new you! Just fill out some basic info and get ready for a brand new life!”

I thought it was fake. After all, body switching only happened in movies or in books. Fantasy stuff. But I decided it couldn’t hurt to try it out for shits and giggles. I downloaded the APK file onto my phone and started it up. It took a minute to load, but when it did I was greeted with a “Welcome!” message, followed by a long text box that I didn’t bother reading. I clicked “I agree to the Terms of Service” and proceeded to the next screen, which asked for some info from me. Although really all it asked for was my name (I just put a fake name), my birthdate (I randomly hit some numbers), and my preferences. The preferences were just two questions, what gender and age range you wanted. I filled in male and early 20′s for my preferences, and hit submit. 

It asked if I was sure, and I hit yes and submitted my info. A confetti effect appeared on my phone and said I was successfully entered into the lottery. It laid the next steps, which read: “Go to sleep, and be ready for a new you!” 

It was pretty anticlimactic to be honest. But whatever, the damage was done and I just had to wait for this magical switch to happen. I scrolled my Twitter timeline for a bit before I couldn’t stay awake anymore and fell dead asleep. 


I slept so good that night. I felt so refreshed when I woke up from the sunlight hitting my face. That feeling of total relaxation didn’t last long however. I caught a glimpse of the bedroom I was in and quickly realized it was not my room. I saw a wall of shoes and a neatly organized rack of clothes, all of which weren’t mine.

I sat up in the bed in a panic. I was alone in the room. I was freaking out, but then I figured it was probably just a prank by my friends.

“Alright guys, you can come out-”

I stopped mid sentence when I heard my voice. It was lower than I remember it. I reached out to touch my neck, and I felt stubble brush against my hand. I touched my face and felt a beard growing in. But I had just shaved! This was not me!

I jumped out of the bed and saw that I was fully clothed. There was a phone and a wallet I didn’t recognize on the floor. I picked up the wallet and pulled out the ID in it. It belonged to some guy named Fernando Castillo. I grabbed the phone and unlocked it with the face ID.

“Not a good sign,” I said out loud. 

I opened the camera in selfie mode and saw Fernando’s face on the phone. I looked between the ID photo and the face on the camera. No matter how many times I checked there was no doubt about it, I was now Fernando Castillo. 

I noticed a mirror on the wall and walked up to it. I still had the phone on in my hand. I switched to the outer camera and took a mirror photo of me.


Damn… this guy was hot. Err, rather, I was hot I guess? I’m Fernando now. 

I felt around my new body with my free hand. I lifted the shirt and saw my chest. I couldn’t help it, I had to take more pics. 


This guy was pretty lean, not totally shredded but still fit. He didn’t have too much body hair but he had a treasure trail. Just the way I like them. 

I took off the shirt and jacket and started feeling all over my new body. I loved it. Every touch felt brand new as I explored my new body. This guy had thick thighs and a nice ass too. 

I remembered the mirror, and suddenly had an idea. I adjusted where the mirror was pointing and leaned forward onto the bed. I grabbed the phone and took more pics. 


Damn… I’d fuck. 

My new dick started getting hard. I grabbed it through my jeans and rubbed it, letting out a moan as I did so. I couldn’t take it. I unzipped my jeans and my dick sprang right out. Fernando’s dick was longer than my own, and uncut too. I grabbed his dick and started jerking off. It felt so good, every stroke felt like pure ecstasy. 

“This is so wrong… but it feels so good…!”

I took off my jeans and shoes as fast as I could and kept stroking my new dick. I licked my fingers and started fingering my hole too. It was tight, and I could feel the hair as I slipped in my middle finger. I didn’t know if anyone else was in the house but I didn’t care, I moaned loud and hard. 

I was close. I wanted to edge but I was lost in the moment. I slipped in another finger in my ass, my strokes got faster and I felt the pleasure spread all over my body as I shot warm loads of cum all over the bed and floor.

My face felt warm. I was gasping for breath. My dick was still leaking out cum onto my legs. It was so much… no doubt the real Fernando hadn’t gotten off in a while. I had so much fun, I almost didn’t want to leave my new body. But I had to. I had to get back to my real body. 

I grabbed the phone and opened an incognito tab. I’m sure the app could bring me back if I tried. You know, that one app….. What was it called again?

I stared at my phone as I tried to remember the name, but I drew a blank. Damn it! Was the name of that… that… Was I looking for again? I felt like it had something to do with my phone, but I couldn’t remember what.

For some reason, I felt myself getting worried. I’m not sure why though. I felt like I had to go back… somewhere. I think I had to “become” someone else? No, that couldn’t be right. You can’t become someone else, that’s just fiction. I’m Fernando Castillo. Always have been, always will be. But I still couldn’t shake the feeling that I was going to download something on my phone. It was no use, I couldn’t remember. 

I felt some cum run off my leg onto my bed sheets. I just jerked off, but I was still horny. Oh wait, maybe I wanted to download Grindr. Yeah, I wanna get fucked tonight. 

I went to download Grindr, and as I waited for it download, I took one last pic.
