#malec are just the smart ones



okay but magnus and alec as a pairing makes somuch sense in retrospect just looking at their early season 1 scenes - not even ‘malec’ scenes just their scenes separately

like with the exception of magnus going to pandemonium to get camille’s necklace - because he’s also very sentimental - magnus and alec are consistently the most pragmatic and big-picture-thinking people in their respective “rooms,” especially when it comes to decisions that affect other people. e.g., magnus declining to help dot track down clary even though he probably wanted to, because it was more important to focus on helping the warlock community as a whole. or alec constantly trying to rein in jace and izzy because he can see the clave consequences that’ll come down on them or the way them trying to take on valentine on their own could spiral completely out of control.

so it makes total sense that they would end up connecting because they both look at things the same way and feel the same sense of responsibility for what’s going on around them

(of course they become idiots when it’s about each other but that’s a whole other thing )
