#mama rin




I’m not gonna lie, I wanted to see this emotion from Setsuna. I wanted to see them be sisters, and while this hurts my heart, this is what they both needed.


Kohaku and Sesshomaru working together again! It’s very funny to me that Kohaku is now physically older than Sesshomaru is and is calling him sir.

This episode was stressful to say the least. It hurts to see Rin in this way, it hurts to see the Sessrin family fighting just to live. Rin’s so selfless and kind, so much so that it almost makes me angry. Rin will protect anyone and give her life for anyone above herself.

She’s so kind hearted, I just want her to live a happy life with her family.

Scary. Frightening. Both words I would’ve never thought would be applied to Towa. Towa’s unlocked her demon side, I’m curious to see where this will take us.

Towa is very emotional as a person (similar to her mother), it only only makes sense the key to her demon side would be overwhelming emotion.

This weeks episode was hard to watch with Rin’s possible death on the horizon. My heart hopes that she will defy the odds again, my heart breaks for this family. It’s not fair.

Towa is so much like Rin, almost exclusively so, her kindhearted (and a little naive, I say in the most loving of ways) demeanor and overall spitfire-ness is representative of her mother.

There have been a few moments where she’s proved she’s Sesshomaru’s daughter, but it this moment above, she truly looks the part. The determined look her eyes and the way she looks like she can take on anything, is her father.

Now Setsuna is experiencing the opposite of her sister. Setsuna is TOO MUCH like her father (even though he’s also improved in the empathy department) where empathy does not come easily. The wall she has built prevents her from forming strong bonds with those that just want to love her.

Setsuna needs her mother, she needs that unconditional love and eternal kindness of her mother and to see how those traits are GOOD. Are they weakness? Maybe. Life is not meaningful without weaknesses. You can only be truly strong when there is someone you have to protect, when there’s someone else to live for. Setsuna’s been, essentially, alone most of her life. She’s formed friendships, but her empathy is lacking.

I think when these sisters return to each other, they’ll understand the other more. I think this “training” arc has shown the sisters why their siblings’ traits are just as important as their own. Towa needs to understand Setsuna’s determination and guardedness. Setsuna needs to understand Towa’s heart and desire to see the good in people.

Sesshomaru and Rin’s daughters are such a perfect mix of their parents. And I think as sisters, they truly do need each other. In my opinion, they are stronger together and need each other.


I love them, they’re so pretty.

They’re so in love, even after all these years apart, they trust and believe in each other.

Sesshomaru ADORES this woman. In just his small smile, you can tell she means everything to him, and by extension their daughters as well.

Even though we haven’t seen much on screen romance for the couple, the little touches and the way Rin stays close to him, does show their love. They are a high ranking Lord and Lady, PDA doesn’t seem like their thing, am I still holding out for a kiss though? Absolutely.

I just love watching their interactions, I love seeing how their relationship has developed and how much love is in their faces.

I love them so much, they will always stand by each other. The little glimpses of their relationship have been precious to watch. You can see the love they have for each other displayed in the littlest things.

Sesshomaru handles her so gently, with so much love.

Their reunion was so short, Rin didn’t get to see her daughters, Sesshomaru is in a dangerous state. My heart breaks for their family, may they please get the reunion they deserve.

The fact that Sesshomaru is married with twin daughters will forever get me.

This angry, self righteous, grumpy guy settled down and has a whole family now. Sesshomaru’s change in priorities is amazing to watch, he loves his wife and children. I truly believe they mean the world to him.

Sesshomaru has something to protect, people he loves. The love a husband, the love of a father motivates him. And I honestly think that’s beautiful.

They’re back together, all they need now are their girls.

The love that shines in both of their eyes speaks volumes to their relationship. It’s been 14 years and the amount of love shared between them has not changed.

Sesshomaru looks so happy holding his Rin in his arms again.
