#man i miss accubed


Whelp. No idea of my table app results… I was pretty quick on it too (AN has trained me well)… but haven’t been even denied or waitlisted? X_x;;;

(Did anyone who’s been accepted select Paypal for payment? That’s only thing I can think of could be causing a delay? Maybe? \O_o/ Nope. :( Maybe my clock was a second too fast or something. T_T)

(Orrrr I was just so on the money, I must have been in the top bunch of apps, and they were working from the bottom, up. Ah ha. ;;;; Yeah. Table Get.)

Between this and trying to get in touch with AN’s CC coordinator… Blargh.

Feeling like it’s gonna be a super blah year for the conventions. I need to find some other cons to attend, especially now with Naru dead and buried, the Pop Expo looking like it’s done and G-Anime’s tables are always gone before can even think about it. lolol ;A;
