#man zexal was a trip



Zexal Month 2021, Day 3

What’s your favorite moment or favorite episode in the series?



Words cannot explain how much I love this episode. Though there are other great episodes/moments that I feel deserve a mention, like:

  • The Tomato Episode
  • “You just summoned your mom…”
  • “Yuma, meeting you… was totally hot… *dies*”
  • The Vector reveal
  • The Nasch and Merag reveal
  • NASCH AND MERAG AND DURBE BEING FRIENDS IN THEIR PAST LIVES (listen, i love their relationships with each other you don’t understAND)
  • “Observation Number 2: You are weird.”
  • Seeing the Barians revived via Numeron Code
  • The Astral/Yuma reunion after Yuma’s duel with Eliphas

I’m so sure there’s so many more I’m forgetting, I have a shit memory TwT
