


Title: An Interview With the Crown Princess

Book: The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir

Pairing: None. The Heir and King Liam (father/daughter)

Series: Favorites

Rating: G

Word count: 2,103

Tagging@choicesficwriterscreations for Fics of the Week 

A companion piece to Favorites. Parts 1and2 attached here. This takes place shortly before Favorites begins.

Trend Magazine

An Interview With the Crown Princess

Her birth came at a tumultuous time, but signaled a new era of stability for Cordonia. Since then, everyone has wanted to know more about her. For her 24th birthday, I spoke with Crown Princess Yvonne about her education, life, and family.

By Marco Eliades

When I first walk into the private area of the Palace to begin my interview, Princess Yvonne is waiting for me in her office. I quickly run through the etiquette crash course her private secretary gave me before I entered the room: Bowing the head. “Your Royal Highness” for the first introduction, Ma’am for everything after. Waiting to sit until she sits. Through it all, I can feel her eyes on me. Her manners are perfect, but there is a certain intensity in her presence and gaze that some have described as cold or intimidating. Whatever it is, it’s powerful, and I don’t want to mess up.

When we’ve both sat down and she’s poured tea for me (a lavender and sage blend, always!), she tells me that I’ve done a good job. As we drink tea and munch on cookies, we chat mildly about recent events, like the news, the recent public concerts in the park, and whether I watched the national team’s upset win over France in EuroBasket qualifiers to move on to the next round (I didn’t, and she tells me to watch the highlights as soon as I can). When I ask why she has an office, she smiles. 

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Oooohhhh I absolutely loved this little peek into Princess Yvonne…or as we who eagerly followed Favourites would call her, Evie!! This was such a wonderful look into her character and motivations, where she shares similarities to Philip and Kaela and where she is her own person. I love that you referenced Marco, the geography whizkid from TRR3’s Lythikos in this, being a journalist, and the two have such a fantastic dynamic during this interview! I think my favourite part has to be the way she refocuses the personal question about her friendship with Andreas to one about the examples of friendship that her mother and aunts have set for her! Another fave is what she says about Applewood, esp where she says “these are the people who feed Cordonia. These are the people who feed my family.” This just makes me look forward more to the next installment of Favourites…I already can’t wait!!



A Wedding Tagine

Book: The Royal Romance, Book 3

Pairing: Liam & Kiara (platonic). Hints of Liam x Esther (MC) and Hana x Kiara.

Rating: PG

Series:Eleanor’s Kitchen

Summary: At Liam and Esther’s wedding dinner, Kiara encounters a surprise dish for main course. (This fic is a companion one-shot to Ch 3ofEleanor’s Kitchen)

Tagging@choicesficwriterscreationsforFics of the Week

Word Count: 1,327 words

“Did you know,” Hana whispers in Kiara’s ear at the dining table, “Liam and Esther chose their main course for the wedding from Castelserraillan.”

“Really?” she whispers back. Under the table, she takes care to only barely brush her hand against Hana’s. “Was it at the Food and Art Festival this month?”

“Mhmm.” Hana suppresses a shiver.

Kiara is tempted enough by Hana’s reaction to do more, but the presence of Hana’s mother right next to them is enough to stop her. This is far newer ground for Hana than it ever has been for her, and she’ll be damned if she doesn’t make this as easy for her new girlfriend as she can manage. “The stalls had feijoada, ash-e-reshteh, and chicken tagine. All incredible. Which one is it?”

Hana gifts her a cheeky grin. Underneath the table, she nudges Kiara’s foot with hers. “I know which one they chose, and I’m not telling you.”

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You’ve spoiled us with these chapters! I love:

Hanara being a brand new romance

Kiara being happy for her childhood friend but wondering if she’ll ever get a chance to lead like Liam does

Kiara wishing her friendship with Liam could have persisted after Eleanor’s death

How the tagine comes full circle as the meal that brings Liam and Kiara back together.

@mand-delemonde I’m so happy to read this!! I honestly loved writing Hanara…I can’t wait until I finally get to work on the series I’d been planning for them for over two years!! And yes to all three of those points - I honestly believe there’s so many ways Liam and Kiara’s stories run parallel, and I really wanted to explore that once! I especially love what you said about the “full circle” symbolism of the tagine possibly bringing them closer again!!
