#manga reader app


Hi everyone! It’s been a while. I just want to share the app that I currently use to read manga, manhwa and webtoon. It’s called Tachiyomi. Sadly, it is only available for android users. Moreover, you won’t find it at the app store. But do not panic. I’ll teach you guys how to dl & use it.

First, search tachiyomi on google and press the first link.

Then, you’ll be directed to this page (2nd image) and click stable. The apk will be downloaded to your device. When it is done dl-ing, install said app.

After the app was installed, open the said app and go to browse. (see third image) and go to extensions.

In extensions, you’ll find all these sources that needs to be installed. This will enable you to read manga, etc. Search your usual sites and install. You can also see on the third image my installed sources.

When your fave sites/sources are installed. Go to “sources” and search your manga.

Side note:If you install more than 1 source, you can see the same title on diff. sites and compare # of chapters. Enjoy!

