#manga reread


So I was rereading the manga to refresh my memory since it’s been a while and I just realized something…

Looking at how consistent and fitting the speech pattern here is, until we got to that panel of Chiba being used as the example (and no, that is not Isogai. The antenna’s missing).

The paneling itself strongly suggests that Chiba was the one speaking the whole time (and it makes sense, since he is among the most matured in the class and his high observation skills are among his defining traits).

And Chiba’s very talkative in the manga, people.

And this fucks me up, knowing that in the anime adaptation, all of his speaking lines were redistributed to the more popular characters

It would’ve been a great follow up to how he’s beginning to trust his friends even more than he already does, that he’s willing to speak out his thoughts unprovoked and especially voice out his personal concerns (since that’s where his communication issues centers around).
