

The reality is that women are emotionally and physically weaker than males. We do need provisions to protect them. The trade off is that they should not expect to be treated equally.

Manslation: Men oughtta be in charge of LITERALLY EVERYTHING because I decided we got better more stronger brains AND arms. And you better be grateful to me for protecting you from… me.

Alternate Manslation: Gee, miss, that’s a nice life you got there…. it’d be a shame if something………….. HAPPENED to it.

Women should have equal rights.  Im just saying that if men decided tomorrow that it’s over, it would be. It’s not a man’s fault he is biologically superior. And the whole position of power thing…every woman in “power” was green lighted by a bunch of men.  Didn’t get there on their own

Manslation: I like to say women should have equal rights because I think it makes me sound noble, or at least like less of a fuckin asshole, but then I go on to explain that women are naturally inferior to men and let you know for SURE I am worth less to this planet than a year-old dog shit.

spending all that time and effort to get a hot girl who depreciates in value by about 10-15% a year? WORST INVESTMENT EVER

Manslation: Why would you buy a brand-new woman when you can head on down to the used-woman lot and get yourself a nice, value-retaining human Camry?
