#marankton speaks because


So you know how Mater runs a junkyard? And how there are car bodies in the junkyard? But they are all cars which means they would have to be dead bodies?

So you can take this one of two ways, right?

One of them being that in the Cars universe Mater runs a cemetery.

But another option and an already popular fan theory is that Mater is a serial killer.

And obviously at first I was pretty upset at this because a lot of people already hate on Mater for literally no reason and this is just villainizing him again for no reason but then I stopped to think about it and I was like “Wait this could be really good!”

Now I’m just going to talk about a bunch of my ideas relating to a serial killer Mater.

So maybe a bit of backstory to this would be that during Radiator Springs’ Hay Day killed people who traveled through and to Radiator Springs. And after killing them he buried the bodies where he lived. And no one ever really suspected him of this because it’s literally Mater. He is, and I mean this affectionately, an airhead, while also being the kindest person you will ever meet.

But then after Radiator Springs kind of died down due to the interstate being built he just stopped for a bit. During that entire time but there weren’t any customers at Radiator Springs he just stopped killing. And because no one in town suspected him of anything and there wasn’t anyone passing through to find the bodies he got away with it.

Now here’s where my ideas pick up. I’m just going to preface this by saying that they all take place some point after McQueen gets to town.

And I am just going to get my worst idea out of the way first because I know you’re going to hate me for it:

Mater killed Doc.

I do have an explanation for it, though! Like I didn’t just walk into this without any backstory. I have a plot and it goes like this:

Obviously doc ends up quote on quote coming out as a famous racer. (A race car though because this takes place in a human AU. I really do not want to figure out the logistics of car murder.) Anyway so Mater realizes this and take some time to process it just like the rest of town and just kind of thinks if I kill the Fabulous Hudson Hornet and make it obvious that he was murdered without letting the world know that it was him he would go down in history as one of the best serial killers ever. Like he would be up there with the Zodiac Killer and Jeffrey Dahmer. Anyway he gets away with that and starts feeling just regular people that come up to Radiator Springs blah blah blah.

I don’t really like that idea all that much. It is an idea I have but it only really sounds cool on paper. I do have better ideas that I am going to get into.

The next one deals with everyone’s favorite secret agent: Holley Shiftwell!

So during Cars 2, like in this weird world, Mater would be overly jumpy at the idea of getting to kill someone. And this obviously sets off some alarms in Finn and Holley’s brains.

They find out and they cut this deal that they’re not going to tell anyone as long as they don’t, y'know, kill them but Holley has already kind of fallen for Mater at this point. And Holly is kind of like “I can fix him” but Finn is like “You shouldn’t fix him, you cannot fix him, you’re going to get yourself killed” but Holly is still like “I am going to fix him” and Mater is like “I don’t want to be fixed” and that’s kind of like the premise.

And there are two ways that I think this could go.

One of them being Mater is just kind of like “I cannot be fixed and I’m going to make you so much worse.” He is going to be the Joker to her Harley Quinn. (Or should I say, Holley Quinn?) She is going to think that she is fixing him but in reality she is only getting worse. Baby come these world famous partners in crime. Mater agrees to join Holley around the world but they are not being spies they are being international serial killers. And then is the one tracking them down. Eventually Finn is just like okay I need to tell everyone at Radiator Springs what is going on because there is literally nothing in any of our files on Mater and Holly cut off her family a long time ago so there’s nowhere that we know for a fact she would go. So they go tell everyone at Radiator Springs and they’re all like “What the heck do you mean Mater was a serial killer all this time, that doesn’t make sense, we know Mater, we have known him since he was a child, he would never do something like that.” But Finn is all like “I have proof.” And then Finn shows them pictures of I’m guessing bodies and digs up the bodies that were buried at Mater’s place in Radiator Springs. And everyone is all rightfully horrified and just feels completely betrayed. Especially Lightning and Sally. Lightning because they have always been best friends and Sally because they were pretty close friends and it was implied that they slept with each other in the first movie, I’m not getting into that, but like those two are definitely dealing with this the worst.

There is another way that this could end. Holley ends up getting murdered. And the feeling of murdering someone so close to him kind of triggers something that’s kind of like “This is kind of fun” and he kills Lightning next. Then he kills the entire Radiator Springs town. This obviously gets out into regular media and it could either end with him being given the death sentence or him killing himself.

And finally which is arguably (definitely) best possible outcome of all of this is that Holley does fix Mater. He completely realizes that what he’s doing is wrong and just stops. Period. Actually they decide to go tell the other Radiator Springs townies about what was going on with Mater the whole time. However, Holley managed to hook him up with some government protection due to her being a spy, now no one in town can really report him to the police and Sheriff can’t do anything about it, either.

This means that everyone in town has to kind of live in this uneasy situation in which they’re all aware of what Mater had done, and none of them are entirely sure if they still trust him, and they all silently think of him as a monster, but they’re too scared to really talk about it. Because what if the government that Holley brought up it does something to them or would if the hateful words trigger something and Mater that brings the killing back? And what if he never really stopped and that he’s only lying so that Holley would stay with him?

At the end of the day I don’t think that meter is a serial killer in Canon and they also don’t think that he could ever actually kill. I just don’t think that he has, the capacity to do that, it is not in his blood, he biologically cannot do it. However, it is a pretty fun concept and I just really like it for some reason. Why I like it, I have no clue. I don’t like serial killers, I do not like horror, I just don’t like that kind of thing, so I have no idea why this concept intrigues me, but for some reason it’s interesting, and I’ve been thinking about it far more than I should be.
