#marc spector headcanon


Dating Marc Spector

xFemale!Reader || I saw some hate on him and it made me sad, so here’s some love for him!A/N: I made the reader is in the archaeology field for ease

m a i n m a s t e r l i s t

  • You met on an excavation site –  Marc hung around on excavation sites, but you were never sure exactly what his job was. However, he wound up sticking with you the majority of the time, practically your excavation partner. You began to fall for each other simply because you spent so much time together. He also always asked if you’re okay after a slight misstep on site: he sees you start to slip out of the corner of his eye and immediately turns to grab hold of your wrist, which you respond to by reaching your other hand out for him; he helps keep you from falling (even though it wouldn’t have been that bad of a fall, more like a trip). “Whoa, you okay?” he asks, still holding on, looking you in the eyes. / “Y-yeah, yeah, I’m good,” you say, slightly embarrassed that you tripped and slightly blushing at the way he was holding you since you practically fell into him, “thanks, thank you, sorry- I’m fine.” / “It’s okay,” he smiles reassuringly, not condescendingly, “good, that’s good that you’re good.” You both share a laugh, not sure who should let go first thankfully someone calls your name, causing you to naturally part. 
  • Falls in love fast — even though he’s not the one to say "I love you” first, he’s definitely the one who fell in love first. He goes head over heels for you pretty quickly after getting to know you, he just keeps it to himself because he’s a smidge insecure that you might not feel the same, he worries he’d be too much for you, and he’s just trying to protect himself until he’s sure. // It was one night after a long day out on a site, Marc was walking you back to your hotel room, through the beautiful street market full of sparkling lights. “Hey, listen, um I want to tell you something,” you say staring at the group, squeezing your hands together out of nervousness. / “Oh no,” Marc chuckles, “what did I do?” / You laugh, loving his sense of humour, “everything actually,” you tease back in a semi-sassy, semi-serious tone. / “Wait,” Marc stops walking, turning to face you, “are you- are you serious?” / “Yeah,” you admit, nodding, heart racing, “cause everything you did made me fall in love you…I love you, Marc.” / He’s stunned for a moment, shifting through the emotions of having expected something bad at first to unbelief that he actually managed to get someone like you to love him. “You’re still serious?” Marc double checks, but can’t stop the smile spreading across his lips, when you nod happily with a smile of your own, he has to take a second to soak it in.
  • Surprise trips — he surprises you with trips a lot, usually to places where Khonshu was sending him anyway, but then he just wanted you to be along. He knew he could keep you safe, and he knew he’d need your company for his mental state. Sometimes it’s around Egypt, other times its to other ancient sites and locations. Naturally you’re ecstatic when he tells you about it. When you ask, he’ll either give you the truth or he’ll say that it was just because. He makes a judgement call on how dangerous the mission is and if it would scare you more than comfort you to know. Usually by the end of the trip you figure it out, which can lead to a little bit of a clash, but at the same time you understand that he didn’t want to scare you. The trip usually ends with an “I’m just so glad you’re okay,” as you cradle him in your arms, him hugging tightly around your waist, head on your stomach.  
  • Learning about the suit — when you first learned that he had the ability to summon the suit, you were getting a little too close to a mission Khonshu had sent him on. He was supposed to be meeting some fairly dangerous individuals for information, but Khoshu tipped him off that he had a follower. Thinking it was someone there to kill him, he immediately summoned the suit, and you saw it all while hiding behind a pillar. When he suddenly appeared behind you, you startled. He took you by the arms, removing the mask, and hushing you. / “What on earth are you doing here?” he whispers aggressively. / “How did you-” / “What are you doing here?” He asks agains, a very serious distress in his tone. / “I got curious when I saw you leave, I’m sorry, I-” / “Please go back to the hotel, please, I will beg you if I have to,” Marc pleaded to your shock, you’d never seen him so worried. / “Okay,” you nod, easing his stress, pressing your forehead against his, “okay, I will, I’m sorry.” / Marc says thank you under his breath, before letting you go. / “Marc, can I just say one thing?” you call out, before he’s too far away, he waits patiently, “this whole suit? The glowing eyes?” you give him two thumbs up, “that’s hot shit right there.”  Shaking his head, nearly breaking into a chuckle himself, he winks, summoning the hood back on.
  • Overprotective — Marc is a very overprotective individual by nature, so it’s no surprise that he is with you. When someone both of you don’t know gets a little too close to you for his liking, he’ll literally step in front of you, pretty subtly, or he’ll slightly reach his arm out as a way of silently asking you to get behind him. In some situations it makes you feel extremely protected and safe. Othertimes it’s just funny, like when you show up to a site and see an old friend Marc hasn’t met yet. / “My goodness, you are a sight for sore eyes,” your old friend comments coming up to you with open arms. / “Hey, whoa, hey pal,” Marc says firmly, but friendly enough to not sound too aggressive as he places himself in front of you, outstretching an arm to keep this stranger at arms length. / Laughing and shaking your head, you touch Marc’s shoulder lovingly, before peeking around him, “this is my husband, Marc, I was telling you about,” you nearly laugh as Marc realises you know this person. Clearing his throat, Marc backs down, still keeping a few defences up. You wrap your arms around his, lacing your fingers through his as you’re given a tour of the site, “down boy, he’s just a friend,” you whisper through a smile. / “I just wanted to be sure, these archeologists gotta learn not everything’s free to touch and feel up,” Marc tries to act tough, only making you laugh and lean into him.
  • Very physical oriented — by nature Marc is a very touch driven individual. He definitely likes to be near you and to have a hand on you when / if he can. However, Marc is NOT the person who will make other people uncomfortable with PDA. He knows times and place and has the perfect sense of how much is acceptable in different situations. Nevertheless, you have to admit, you’ve gotten quite used to his touch almost always being on you. In public he either holds your hand or has an arm around your shoulder, keeping you close. Sometimes you take the initiative by wrapping your hands around his arm, or simply reaching around his torso, indicating that you want him closer. In hotels and at home it’s all fair game, he’s wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling up against you as close as he wants, as much as he can. He’ll also tap your ass when you’re walking by or if he’s walking by you, it often gets your attention and leads to even more physical contact, but he just loves seeing your reaction. 
  • Absolutely encouraging — no matter what your job is, he’s extremely encouraging fo ryou to chase your dreams in it. He’s like your own personal hype person. Marc definitely doesn’t stand for any self hate towards yoruself, “nah-uh, none of that, you’re gonna kick its ass, okay? You got this, you’re the most qualified person I know for this. Don’t sell yourself short,” Marc tells you when you express any doubt of whether or not you can actually do something. / If you come home complaining about someone or a boss Marc’s instantly on it, “do I need to go talk to someone,” he perks an eyebrow not so subtly, “you know maybe scare them a little and put in a good word for you?” / He’s the best at pep talks before you go into a meeting or go in to request permission to a specific site. “Listen to me,” he says, taking your hands in his, “you can do this, you will get what you ask for, because you are enough and worthy of this.” / You tilt you head to the side and avoid eye contact, “hey, hey,” he softly shakes your hands, getting yout attention, “repeat that after me?” he nods encouragingly, saying it again, slower, waiting for your response, “c’mon, I can’t hear you, I think I can even hear Khoshu repeating it, but I’m not hearing you.” / “Marc, that is not funny,” you say, wishing he wouldn’t make his own pain humorous, but you can’t help break a smile as he continues trying his best to get you to repeat it, once you do he send you off with a kiss and soft smack to the ass. / “We really need to talk about your dark sense of humour and coping mehanisms,” you say looking over your shoulder.
  • Khonshu — when you find out about his situation with Khonshu you begin to get curious an ask a few questions. Naturally Marc handles them all with tact, knowing that telling you would only make you curious, but it’s the random odd questions that take him off guard. // When you were patting dry your hair at a hotel, you squinted your eyes and turned to Marc on the bed, “Does he like me?” You ask out of the blue. / “Sorry, who?” Marc sweetly asks as if he’d missed something. / “Khonshu,” you shrug, saying the name easily, immediately catching Marc’s attention, “If he’s always around you, somewhere,” you gesture around, “and he can see things that you do, does he see me, can he hear me? Does he like me?” Pausing, but not long enough to let Marc speak, you gasp, “does that mean he’s seen me-“ / “Okay, I get it,” Marc stops you right there, feeling mildly anxious at the thought he could finish on his own, “I…haven’t asked him about you,” Marc decides on, trying to be casual, “so, I don’t really know what he thinks, and I’m not sure I care to know his thoughts, you’re not his business.” / You smile at his protectiveness kicking in, leaning over to kiss him before leaving the room, Marc watching your steps. / “She is quite a catch,” Khoshu chimes in. / “Stay out of it,” Marc snaps.
  • Disappears sometimes — the number one thing that puts a stress on your relationship is that he does disappear from time to time without notice. You almost always assume it’s because of Khonshu, but it scares you that you don’t even know where to start looking for him if something happened. He doesn’t want to worry you, but he doesn’t want to scar eyou either, because he always claims he can handle it. At first you thought it was a trust issue, but you began to realise there was more at play with Marc’s personal mental state. He’d forget things sometimes, uncertain if he did them or not, he’d lose track of the days a lot easier and slip into deep depressions.  That’s when you realise Marc has a lot going on, mentally and physically, things take a toll on him, but nevertheless he always pushes through it. You’re his one point of security, his reason to stay alive, and his light out of the tunnel half the time. You ask how you can best be there for him, sometimes you’re given an anser, other times he just wraps you in his arms and claims he’s fine. It’s hard to get close when he’s gotten so used to surviving on his own, and you can’t blame him after everything he’s been through. So through it all, you’re there for him whatever that looks like.