

having religious trauma is just like. being scared to post nsfw fics because i’m afraid people will be able to tell what’s wrong with me

sorry everyone for the amt of posts i’ve been tagging as ocs today i am just. [redacted] and laser focused on ehsaan

just finished the perpetual oratorio arc and i’m losing my mind

i’ve been trying to write a little pre-ahwt thing and i keep getting stuck on how the bull should act and i think it’s because i’ve never actually broken up with him. when i romanced dorian w ehsaan, it just locked the romance options for bull and he and ehsaan never. talked abt it. which isn’t actually what happens, ehsaan cries while dumping him and it’s a whole thing

absolutely heartbroken that the scientific name spinipennis has nothing to with dicks it means ‘thorns on the wings’

i’m still researching the beetle wiki page i got linked to from that one post and i’ve learned nothing new abt the beetle specifically but the guy who discovered/first recorded it (stephan von breuning) recorded. almost 8000 kinds of beetles. what the fuck.

friday will be the third time that i’ve seen the mountain goats when they’ve been in the cities and if they don’t play minnesota….

desperately trying to reshape a cowboy hat that my brother gave me like 4 years ago that i accidentally left in my hot car for a month. i did not know that leather could dry out and get fucked up like that

i’m pausing my hieron relisten to catch up on sangfielle but gd i’ve been appreciating adaire so much more the second time around. i feel like i don’t usually Love janine’s characters but i do love adaire. love a fucked up and not-quite-evil woman

there’s a name mentioned in passing in dracula that is also the name of someone i know and it’s a Very uncommon name in the US, and it’s very silly but i got so excited when i saw it bc my immediate thought was “oh hey that’s someone i’ve played table top games with”

I agreed to do something for Christine for her moms funeral (which is tomorrow), and I’m not regrettinghaving committed to it, because I want to be helpful, but I Am in hell.

She wants to have a big picture of her mom set on a background where people can hang jigs (the little fishing hooks with colored heads), so I was like “Okay, sure, I can probably get matboard, glue down some kind of canvas fabric, and then mount the picture onto that” but like. she seemed extremely confused when I was trying to explain this to her, and every time I tried asking about like… color of fabric… what kind of frame she wanted… she couldn’t give me a clear answer. And that’s Fine, I know she probably wants to think about it as little as possible,but having to make creative decisions about Her Mom’s Funeral without feedback from her is. really anxiety inducing. I’m so worried about putting something together that she ends up hating

i am once again thinking abt the fact that ehsaan doesn’t really like sweets but he’s Fantastic at making desserts just bc he’s always making stuff for bull

just thought abt modern au bull (or ahwt) finishing his course of physical therapy and ehsaan surprising him with a batch of brownies or w/e to celebrate and they are just. absolutely covered in little heart shaped sprinkles…. weh

the main reason kiernan and solas’ relationship has gotten better in my head is that i’ve (mostly) stopped projecting my evil cis ex boyfriend onto solas which is. really great honestly. want to think about that guy as little as fucking possible

genuinely my only hope for da4 is that there’s nothing that retcons dorian/bull even a little bit

i know i bug post a lot but one of the primary reasons i started collecting butterflies and moths was for exposure therapy. there are a lot of bugs that i’m still scared of, to the point of sometimes being nauseated just from looking at pictures of them and for the last like 3 years i’ve just been trying to overcome this by sheer force of will

have to finish my actual application w the state but i got an email today informing me that my new doctor approved me for medical marijuana >:)

on my period for the first time in i think six months and i am having the worst cramps of my life. strong evidence in support of my long held belief that g-d hates me, personally,

thinking a lot abt dorian and bull in trespasser…. dorian’s little imitation of bull saying “i want to talk about my feelings, dorian” is turning my brain to soup

why are there so many judas priest covers of joan baez’s diamonds and rust
