#marechiyo omaeda


This is ¾ of part 13 on the app

Chapter 14

In a battle between Shinigami and Hollow, being larger in size carried in itself, some kind of advantage.

With regard to conflict among human beings and contest between wild animals in the World of the Living, that would of course be common knowledge, but when it comes to a fight involving Shinigami and Hollow, it takes on a completely different meaning.

Unlike mankind, Hollows can grow colossal enough to pierce the heavens; even if the upper hand is gained through equipment or technique, after crossing a threshold that cannot be so easily overcome they obstruct the path of progress that lies before the Shinigami.

However, the reason it’s described as ‘some kind of advantage’, is down to the fact that it’s not a ubiquitous one.

It is possible for a Shinigami who has mastered the Zankensoki above a certain level, to slay even a Hollow who is more than ten times their own size.

In many cases, Zanpakutō also have the ability to rival a Hollow of such enormity.

Having said that, even if the Zanpakutō had entered its Bankai state —— a limit exists as a matter of course.

When Gerard Valkyrie — the Schrift holder of “The Miracle” who was a member of the Schutzstaffel under the Quincy monarch Yhwach — grew so gargantuan that he could effortlessly brush aside the likes of Bankai, he happened to possess the brute force and stamina to counterbalance it.

Hollows also grow by consuming each other, eventually becoming gigantic beings referred to as “Menos Grande” and able to hinder the Shinigami at every turn, however from this point onwards, it is the normal course that said growth will come to be diverged.

In the process of evolving from Gillian, to Adjuchas, and even further to Vasto Lorde, the Hollow’s stature shrinks as though the Reishi which had been used in the enlargement of its body is gradually being made to condense.

Then, in the end, this results in a 'high-density monster’ which compresses Reiatsu proportionate to as many as tens of thousands of huge Menos Grande, within a human-sized body.

In other words, the more colossal its size partway through the evolution process, the more it is acknowledged as a powerful Hollow, and from the moment it surpasses Menos Grande, it comes to be recognised as a formidable individual possessing a more highly concentrated Reiatsu the smaller the body becomes.

However, the 'thing’ which made an appearance in the Rukongai was enough to make one momentarily forget such logic existed.

Its enormous physique likely several times as large as a Menos Grande, is crammed with Reiatsu at a density reminiscent of a Vasto Lorde class Menos.

Every time 'it’ advanced a step forward, the ground let out a screech and a tremor is roused.

Every time 'it’ gave a cry, the atmosphere rumbles and all surrounding life are lured into a vortex of primordial fear.

Looking at such a 'thing’ —— that is, the form of Ikomikidomoe, Zanpakutō of Ubuginu Hikone, Hirako Shinji who was taking refuge high up in the air, raised his voice as though he was astounded.

“Doesn’t this make you a cheat!? You force us to acknowledge you as king, and yet that trick you just pulled doesn’t even seem to be the doing of your own power, what gives!?”

Hikone, the 'master’ of that gargantuan creature, thereupon replied with an air of innocence.

“Not at all, Ikomikidomoe is basically being operated by my own Reiatsu! So you see, it’s totally fine, and when the need arises we will fight fused together as one!”

“What the heck is 'fused together’ supposed to mean!? Robotics perhaps!? Is this thing like a giant robot or something!?”

At present, Hirako is surveying the situation from the sidelines without any direct participation in the battle.

By all rights, it is logical to assume that the Arrancar who appeared in Soul Society will be driven away or exterminated, however the notice which had been issued from above stated as follows: 'unless they grow hostile or lay waste to the Human World, refrain from slaying the Espada-class Arrancar.’

This was a policy put into place after the balance of the total amount of souls belonging to Soul Society, the Human world and Hueco Mundo was largely thrown into disarray by the actions of the Quincies, with the implication that it was for the sake of avoiding all-out war.

Taking such an implication into consideration himself, Hirako deliberately examined the state of affairs without siding with Hikone.

However, after watching Hikone who was kicking up too much of a storm with little restraint, he begins to intrude all the same.

“I mean, what are you gonna do if this monstrosity goes berserk! Are you even able to control it properly!?”

“Oh, there’s no need to worry about that!”

When Hikone responded with this statement as smilingly as ever ——

With one hand the child easily dissipates the single Cero which came flying in whilst proceeding to regurgitate more words.

“Because I am just as strong as Ikomikidomoe!”

“What's… the meaning of all this?”

Having set up a Garganta gateway leading to Soul Society, what Tier Harribel saw, was a totally unexpected sight.

After following Grimmjow’s Reiatsu and aiming for the location he had seemingly arrived at, the Garganta opened, Grimmjow was indeed present there.

But that’s not all.

Shinigami, Quincy and even individuals who are neither one of those things were all assembled together in a confusing medley as they continue to do battle around 'something’ as huge as a steep hill.

“Is that… Luppi?”

The prominent light blue hair belonging to Grimmjow caught Harribel’s eye first and foremost, but she was confused by the figure of the Arrancar with eight tentacles on his back who was positioned to his side.

The former Espada who should have been killed after having the upper half of his body blown away by Grimmjow in the past, is now dealing an attack towards this huge monster almost as if he was presenting a united front with Grimmjow.

However, it did not appear to be the case that they had reconciled, rather it could be seen again and again that they were each on the verge of being caught up in the offensive of the other, given how they were firing high-powered attacks without being mindful of the other.

“That one over there… is that the Shinigami from the other day?”

Spotting the youth perched on the back of the mountain-like Hollow, with a hint of of surprise, Harribel observes the situation from a position even further on the sidelines.

Then, as if to confirm whether her insight is correct, she addressed Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck who was standing next to her.

“So Grimmjow’s target was that Shinigami after all? But, what’s the deal with those Quincies? They seem different compared to the ones who fought in Hueco Mundo.”

“Hmm, I’m not so sure about that? I believe they’re the same as the lot who were Yhwach’s underlings…. But more importantly, that monster over there. Although it’s Hollow-like, don’t you think it’s strange somehow?”

“…I remember this Reiatsu. It was being carried by that Shinigami child, and it has an identical presence to the Zanpakutō which opened up a Garganta.”

“So what you mean is, that thing over there is the very Zanpakutō from last time? Its form is extremely different but… I wonder if it entered Bankai state kinda like Ichigo……? Or, perhaps it’s better to call it a Resurrección like we do?”

To the side of Nelliel who is troubled by matters not directly relevant to the situation, Harribel continues to further observe the signs in her surroundings.

However, her position as an observer quickly fell apart.

The reason why is because this monster, closely resembling a Hollow, who appears to have noticed their presence, now sought a dialogue with them after opening its large mouth to speak.

“New brethren? Indeed, these are faces I have never seen. Surely it’s not like you’re royal maidservants of Baraggan’s court?”

That voice was by no means a thunderous noise that would burst one’s eardrums.

Yet it courses through one’s body as if to permeate internal organs and bone, and as though resonating directly from the cranium, the eerie low-pitched sound shook the very skulls of Harribel and Nelliel.

“It knows Baraggan…? Does this mean that thing is a Hollow after all…?

"In any case, 'Baraggan’s royal maidservants’ of all things…? Besides, speaking of Baraggan, he’s already dead is he not?”

Upon hearing the words Nelliel had returned in dissatisfaction, the movements of the gargantuan monster came to an instant stop.

“Ikomikidomoe? What’s the matter?”

Disregarding the voice of Hikone who had halted all action, 'Ikomikidomoe’ made his dispassionate words reverberate through the atmosphere.

“I see… that cunning old king has been erased from the face of Hueco Mundo has he?”

The king of Hueco Mundo continued to live for a near eternity, only to perish as a subordinate of Aizen in the end.

After a moment of silence, Ikomikidomoe who muttered as though reminiscing about the name of Baraggan, then released a roar within the Rukongai as if to destroy everything.

“—— —————— ———— —— ———— — —

—————— —————— —— ——— ————


His voice shook the atmosphere, the turbulence of the atmosphere turned into wind, and the high density Reiatsu wind gathered together to generate a many number of aggressive tornadoes in the encompassing space.

Those who sought to attack him, those spectating from the sidelines, those who were indecisive about their stance; the fierce bellow intermingled with grief and hatred made an attempt to destroy them all without discrimination.

With that as an impetus, the chaos will come to usher in a new phase.

Somewhere in Seireitei - A hidden domain - Passageway.

Within Seireitei, there is also an area where only a handful of nobles are permitted to enter.

This space which would rarely have any sign of life under normal circumstances, is now transformed into a battlefield filled with flashes of light emanating from swords and the smell of blood.

As sword crossed with sword, a new blade would take aim from behind, and whenever yet another blow would intercept it, those who emerged from the shadows would snatch away everything from the progress of battle.

A collective battle between defenders and attackers, both of whom make assassinations their occupation.

The veiled conflict among a select few who would otherwise be consigned to oblivion from shadow to shadow, had now developed into an open brawl between factions, a situation which could also be described as a disgrace for an assassin.

Tsunayashiro Tokinada is one among the four great noble clans.

The plan was to curb his actions and at the same time monitor them under the pretext of guarding him, however, these assailants had made an appearance as though they had lain in wait to take aim.

Engaged in combat with the Punishment Force commanded by Soifon, is a gang of what appears to be assassins, all clad in jet black garments.

In response to the assassins who laid bare their intent to kill, the Shinigami among the Punishment Force continued to intercept the attack without so much as batting an eye, as though they had suppressed all emotion.

In the midst of such a chaotic scuffle, Soifon deftly handles the onslaught of the enemy, though she constantly spared part of her consciousness to exercising caution against Tsunayashiro Tokinada.

Although Tokinada had asserted that he was being 'targeted by assassins’, Soifon was by no means convinced by those words.

She had come to the conclusion that, in all probability, Tokinada had set this up in order to trigger some kind of event by taking advantage of the confusion, even if Tokinada had truly been targeted by assassins, she had determined that he must be scheming something by using this as an opportunity.

Soifon had also been hearing of the infamy of the Tsunayashiro clan since before the position of clan head had been assumed.

It’s likely she would not have harboured as much animosity if that had been the end of it.

When Kyōraku had issued instructions in order to deploy the Punishment Force with the extremely ambiguous reasoning that “the head of the Tsunayashiro clan may be plotting something”, as one might expect, Soifon raised an objection stating they’d be unable to mobilise under such vague motives, however——

—— “No, it’s not a 'maybe’, he is most certainly up to something it seems. Anyway, having gone to the trouble of summoning me, our mutual friend tried to use politics to his advantage. He made an obvious attempt at flattery, going on about how beautiful I was and whatnot after seeing me in person, whilst even having the nerve to ogle me up.”

And thus, the second Yoruichi added this new information after she had casually dropped in, Soifon immediately proposed something extremely reckless - “let’s execute him, now, this very instant” - taking it upon herself to handle the dirty work.

Given that she had planned to undertake the dirty work herself, Kyōraku had her agree to keeping things civil after managing to persuade her, however in this situation there is no longer any sense in that consideration either, Soifon instead continued to be on guard against Tokinada with the mental attitude that she should just hurry up and cut him down from behind so it would save them the trouble of gathering evidence against him.

Nevertheless, perhaps coming to that realisation himself, Tokinada did not launch an attack on her from behind, nor did he attempt to flee as he happily swung his own Zanpakutō towards the assassins.

—— I guess, he’s strong.

Despite the hostility stemming from her personal feelings, Soifon calmly analysed the ability of the other party.

She had heard that he was a powerful individual formerly belonging to the seated members class of the Gotei 13, but the assassins were being cut down through actions that did not appear to be the result of a period of idleness amounting to several hundred years.

—— …What? That Zanpakutō.

When Soifon cast a glance between the clashing swords, the blade which was clasped in Tokinada’s hands, seemed at first glance to be nothing more than a basic Asauchi.

Even in spite of the fact that only a short while earlier, Tokinada had definitely uttered its release call in order to perform Shikai, the form did not appear to change in the slightest.

—— I’ve heard about the abilities of “Kuten kyōkoku” from captain commander Kyōraku, the Zanpakutō handed down from generation to generation in the Tsunayashiro clan, but I didn’t expect that not even its form would change.

However, regarding its 'abilities’, it was indeed something consistent with the information she had heard.

One of the assassins waved his Zanpakutō, a number of fireballs appear around the blade and charge towards Tokinada.

The heat capacity of its flames could never hold a candle to Yamamoto Genryūsai’s “Ryūjin Jakka”, and it would also be equivalent to mere child’s play when compared to Kurosaki Isshin’s “Engetsu”. Even so, the fireballs were enough to burn and kill one of the Shinigami, but then ——

Tokinada let his blade flash, at the same time, those flames recoiled back towards the enemy as though a ball was hitting a wall.

Like rays of light striking a mirror, the trajectory of the fireballs are made to reverse and collide violently with its original caster.

Screaming, the assassin’s body flared up into an inferno.

Observing that scene, Soifon realises once more that this is indeed an ability that warrants vigilance and it is precisely for this reason that it is she who was chosen to deal with this given that she is able to do battle even without the use of her Zanpakutō.

—— Ability reflection huh?

—— This is more of a bother than I thought.

A technique which reflects the abilities unique to a Zanpakutō in its original state.

Although this power is quite similar to “Sōgyo no Kotowari” once wielded by Ukitake Jūshirō, it’s not the case that it momentarily absorbed the Reishi of an attack and then redirected it back towards the opponent, rather the technique at hand took a form where the attack is repelled away as if an invisible reflective barrier had also been put up.

It can also be concluded that in a case like this, it may be more favourable to do battle whilst maintaining the Asauchi state, however as far as Soifon could see, Tsunayashiro Tokinada is more of a proficient user of Zanjutsu than what she had previously imagined.

Indeed, if paired with this skill, he is likely able to turn the tables on most hostiles.

—— But….

At the same time, doubts emerge in Soifon’s mind.

—— To simply bounce back an opponent’s moves… is that the extent of this power?

—— Or, could it be that the Bankai has a more unique power?

Although it is a startling power, it’s not like there exists no means of dealing with it.

There are individuals capable of fighting even without the abilities of a Zanpakutō much like herself and others in her unit.

Alternatively, there are those capable of devising any number of countermoves, such as Zaraki Kenpachi who is able to overwhelm an opponent purely through physical strength alone without involving abilities, or the roundabout approach of Kurotsuchi Mayuri who determines the outcome of the match before swinging his blade.

In fact, prior to issuing his instructions a short while earlier, apparently Kyōraku had also harboured the same doubts.

—— “It’s just… as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t seem likely that Tokinada’s Zanpakutō merely has the ability to repel an opponent’s attack.”

Information surrounding the Zanpakutō had been obtained using various intelligence networks, including his position as captain commander and his connections in the Central 46.

However, from the onset, Kyōraku had entertained suspicions over the very fact that such information was made available to him.

—— “His own Zanpakutō has been confiscated. What he now wields, is a Zanpakutō that can be held only by the clan head… that is to say, it is both the trump card of the Tsunayashiro family as well as the very "power” that is symbolic of them.“

—— "A Zanpakutō that is passed down generation after generation by a house among the four great noble clans. Maybe like 'Muramasa’, it’s capable of exercising control over other people’s Zanpakutō… I’ve come to the assumption that it may possess a power just about as reckless as that.” ¹

Recalling an image of Kyōraku who had spoken of such a matter whilst citing as an example, the Zanpakutō which possessed a sort of power that was practically foul play, Soifon maintained the highest degree of vigilance towards Tokinada who was standing at her back, at the same time she continues to repulse the assassins.

Meanwhile, Yoruichi had a half-hearted reaction to the assassins as she breathed a sigh in seeming concern.

“It’s a serious problem that so many Zanpakutō are in the possession of this lot who aren’t even Shinigami.”

Then, in a manner that aimed to give a response to the issue raised, Tokinada who had eliminated the assassins surrounding him, stifles his laughter.

“Well not too long ago a great number of Shinigami died in the war against the Quincies after all. I guess a lot of thieves who recovered Zanpakutō that had lost their owners have come crawling out of the woodwork.”

“Oh yeah, and here I am thinking that some noble who didn’t participate in the war had gone as far as to unscrupulously carry out black market deals by taking the initiative.”

“Hahahaha! If such a noble exists, then he would be a disgrace to the Seireitei!”

While laughing aloud, in the same fashion as before Tokinada had, with a swing of his sword, repelled a lightning strike unleashed by the enemy.

In other words, he either manoeuvred himself by reacting to the speed of the lightning, or anticipated the next move from the enemy’s actions, this becomes a testament to the fact that Tokinada possessed battle prowess that cannot be underestimated indeed.

Whilst effortlessly handling the assassins, Tokinada brazenly made another assertion at a Yoruichi who had spun words of sarcasm.

“Things like Zanpakutō can end up drifting into just about anywhere. It’s not the origins, but rather what it accomplished that’s the important thing, wouldn’t you agree? I’ve heard that’s also true for the current 'Kenpachi’ right?”




“A rogue who didn’t even enter the Shinō Academy, rose up in the world after stealing a sword belonging to a fallen Shinigami in the Rukongai.”

Seireitei - Kutsuwamachi

Yarrow bent to the wind.

Several blocks exist within Seireitei, as well as a number of wards that possess distinctive features such as the commercial district or the noble quarter.

However, one among them, reputed to be particularly conspicuous, is “Kutsuwamachi” where the squad 11 barracks exist, far removed from elements of history, culture, entertainment and the like.

Day in and day out, as the 11th division’s squad insignia sways, Shihakushō clad hoodlums swagger about the main streets of the block looking as though they owned the place.

With a cool visage, Ayasegawa Yumichika —— a man with a physical appearance ill-suited to such a rough townscape, strolled along a path leading to the squad barracks filled with the stench of blood, dirt and liquor; he addressed Madarame Ikkaku —— walking at a slight angle before him, a man who appeared as if he fit perfectly with the atmosphere of this neighborhood.

“Seems like there’s some kind of turbulence in the direction of the first ward, did something happen?”

“Seeing as how those guys from the Onmitsukidō were in a damn frenzy, maybe there’s even something of a manhunt going on. Tsk… if I had the slightest idea where they’re headed, I’d be on the move myself. It may be a different story with the Security Force’s Ōmaeda, but that bunch from the Punishment Force are sure as hell tight-lipped….”

Whilst speaking with an air of boredom, Madarame passes under the gates of the squad barracks with Yumichika in tow.

Suddenly, the rough atmosphere that had filled the block until now, transformed entirely; a Reiatsu that was both wild and austere caused a stinging sensation on the skin of the two men.

Yet, they advance forward without concern.

After all, this air is a familiar one, and also the very reason they continue to remain in squad 11.

Confronted by the Reiatsu possessed of both a harshness and a weight that was capable of putting one under an illusion, almost as though you were being tipped over a mountain of needles just by standing there, it can be confirmed that the other squad 11 troops were all alike in breaking out into a cold sweat.

The fact that this block where ruffians gather, is not fatally lacking in keeping public order as it is the case with places like the “Kusajishi” district of Rukongai, is quite possibly because the squad members were being brought under control by the mere presence of the owner to whom this Reiatsu belongs.

Though, the owner of the Reiatsu himself, does not have the least bit of interest in things like the public order of these streets.

Finally, upon entering the training halls, the 'source of that power’ appears before Madarame and Co.

“We’re back from patrol, captain.”


Zaraki Kenpachi.

That title is the symbol of a most raw form of the art of war within the Gotei 13, and it is also an ill-omened power of words that embodies a blood-smeared history.

However, his personal method when it comes to the 'art of war’ is much too rough-hewn; his vast torrent of power reminiscent of some kind of natural disaster, could crush a history of endeavour accumulated by others just by itself, and inadvertently revert everything to a barren plot of land.

As the name “Zaraki” suggests, it is as though he was a towering tree that will continue to stand even if the place was reduced to barren land, it’s possible to describe him as an entity worthy of the title of Kenpachi which carries the meaning of a refusal to die regardless of how many times one has been cut.

Seeing that very captain remain in his haori even in the training halls which is an unusual sight, Madarame probed for an answer feeling somewhat mystified.

“What’s going on captain? You’re actually wearing your haori mid afternoon, and there’s not even a captain’s meeting, that’s rare.”

By nature he was not a man who paid any mind to the haori, but perhaps in an act of doing the bare minimum of his duty to Yamamoto Genryūsai who had taken him up, quite often Zaraki would conscientiously wear his haori to captains’ meetings and such.

For the purpose of making it easier to move, this haori would be removed immediately at the training halls, the Kenpachi would then amuse himself to the likes of freestyle sparring against all members of his squad in a state where he is either clad in a Shihakushō or baring the upper half of his body.

Only today, he did not even appear to be carrying out any such sparring session.

“Yeah, I got contacted by that captain commander of ours just now. Said he wants me ready to move into action with a captain’s haori at any time today.”

Although it has half been reduced to rags in a short period of time as a result of intense battle, his captain’s haori still bears special significance.

Perhaps having a premonition of something to come, Zaraki flashed a daring smile as the yarrow that was branded on his squad insignia fluttered.

“I don’t need the damn hassle, but if there’s a fight involved I ain’t complainin’.”

Translator’s Notes:

¹Narita made a tweet regarding the mention of “Muramasa” from anime filler when the 13th installment of CFYOW was released on Shonen Jump Plus:

“Although I’ve thrown in certain terms here and there that call the anime original series back to mind, I won’t specify whether the exact same set of events from the anime occurred down to the particulars, or whether it’s something similar that occurred, so at present I would appreciate it if all my readers could freely interpret it however they want…!”
