#margaret houlihan


This is M*A*S*H painting #6 for me.


Father Mulcahy is ready to hear your confessions now. But please be brief, there‘s a poker game tonight that he can‘t miss.

This painting is dedicated to my dear friend Dana. ❤️

If I leave out the random Hawkeye pieces, these four make already a sweet collection. Stay tuned to see who‘s up next.


Attention all personnel:

It could be exhaustion, it could be a hangover, but if you see somebody sleeping in the mess tent, go check on them. It might as well be food poisoning…

I am proud to say there are four of them now ❤️

I‘m feeling so immensely inspired lately. Feels really good to paint again.

Update: Officially approved ☠️❤️ (Excuse me I just died…)

Attention all personnel:

It could be exhaustion, it could be a hangover, but if you see somebody sleeping in the mess tent, go check on them. It might as well be food poisoning…

I am proud to say there are four of them now ❤️

I‘m feeling so immensely inspired lately. Feels really good to paint again.

So the Hawkeye painting wasn‘t the only one I was working on yesterday. Here‘s also the one and only Margaret Houlihan for you. ❤️
