#maria kaina


the fact that the ‘eva wants to escape’ quest is optional is genuinely upsetting to me because it’s SUCH a good example of a quest that naturally shows a new player how daniil’s bound relate to him and to each other. like it’s 10% to demonstrate futility/address the inevitable ‘ok why doesn’t he just leave’ question and 90% to show how the utopians work. eva is scared of the outbreak but codependent enough to refuse to leave without daniil (having known him for about a day) and the stamatins. andrey is an old acquaintance of daniil’s and cares for eva enough to casually and sincerely threaten death on anyone who hurts her, but values his brother above anything and won’t leave without him. peter is in a self-induced haze and values his creations enough to refuse to leave them, even in the face of a deadly plague, but has a devotion to maria that can be used to persuade him. maria knows how to pull peter’s strings but needs the stamatins in town for her own purposes and doesn’t want them to leave. it’s such a good little microcosm of pathologic’s character writing and it’s criminally easy to miss

and a late 15th anniversary happy birthday wish to pathologic…….with some of my favoriand a late 15th anniversary happy birthday wish to pathologic…….with some of my favori

and a late 15th anniversary happy birthday wish to pathologic…….with some of my favorite women from the original

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Some pathologic fanarts

Maaan I just love this game sooo much with it’s unique aesthetic and stuff
