

Palm Springs, Calif. - 
Mariah Hanson
Interview by Emily Chavous


Five days of tan women partying in micro bikinis? It’s a real thing. Since 1972, women from all walks and all across the world have flocked to Palm Springs, CA, during the LPGA’s Kraft Nabisco Championship, formerly known as the Colgate-Dinah Shore Winner’s Circle. For the past twenty-four years many of them have ditched the greens in favor of sparkling blue pools and some pretty extravagant white parties. The Club Skirts Dinah Shore Weekend, commonly known as The Dinah, is the biggest all-girl event in the world - and it isn’t exactly a weekend anymore. It’s a five day party with a purpose, drawing performers such as Lady Gaga, The Pussycat Dolls, Tegan and Sarah, Margaret Cho, and Iggy Azalea.

Producer (and party maven!) Mariah Hanson is anxiously awaiting April 2015, which marks The Dinah’s landmark 25th year. Hanson has created an ambiance like none other, promoting awareness and solidarity, providing a women-charged event to celebrate the LGBT community. She never expected to make such an impact. She says anyone can do it. I’d venture to assume that not just anyone gets acknowledged with the Spirit of Stonewall Lifetime Achievement Award or The Center of Palm Springs’ Legacy Award, but this year Hanson is set to receive both. I had the honor of chatting with the lovely Mariah as she was getting ready to attend the Spirit of Stonewall Lifetime Achievement Award as part of the 2014 Palm Springs Pride celebration.


Emily Chavous: So, Mariah, where does your story begin?

Mariah Hanson: Well, I was a party-thrower in college. I have a legacy at Sonoma State, being the last person to be allowed to throw a party on campus. And I do believe the same is true of the Palm Springs Museum - I’m pretty sure I can’t throw a party there again. (laughs)

EC: I hear The Dinah’s first year, held at the museum, was a pretty good year.

MH: Yeah, it was wonderful. The Dinah Shore/Nabisco golf tournament was a very popular weekend outing for lesbians. They like golf. They like to watch golf. Somebody threw a party one year, and somebody threw another party another year, and then promoters came in got involved. I stepped in in 1991, probably about six years after people started throwing parties, and really took it to another level. I had a vision, a belief in what our community deserved. I think we had close to 1,000 [in attendance] my first year. Because of the White Party and because of The Dinah Shore Weekend I think a lot of LGBT Americans have really discovered what a beautiful place Palm Springs is.

EC: This year is going to be your 25th anniversary, what a big milestone for you!

MH: I know! I can’t believe it! What happened to the time?

EC: Did you ever imagine Club Skirts Dinah Shore Weekend would become so renowned? Was this excitement surrounding The Dinah what you always envisioned?

MH: No. I mean at this point, The Dinah Shore Weekend is just as reputable for being the largest lesbian event in the world as it is for being a small but important music festival. The fact that we’re celebrating for five days and living out loud and being treated by a city like we’re an important aspect of their visitor attraction… it’s all very amazing. And it wasn’t like that twenty-five years ago.

EC: I imagine there were a lot of obstacles to overcome in the beginning. Do you still encounter much backlash from the community?

MH: The city is really incredible. I don’t think all the hotels are up to par in their LGBT commitment, but 98% of them are.

EC: Ever get any pro golfers in attendance at the parties?

MH: I may. I doubt anybody in the tournament is going to The Weekend.

EC: Being that it’s the 25th year, you’re probably working on a killer lineup! Can you drop any names?

MH: I am not finished booking, but - yes! We are planning on presenting a lineup that will be jaw dropping. I’m really excited about it. We’re really careful about when we announce. Fortune [Feimster] comes every year. We love Fortune, and Fortune loves us! We’re very lucky that she likes to attend our event and perform at it, because she’s just getting so huge. We’ve had Iggy Azalea, Colbie Callait, Ke$ha…

EC: Do you have a favorite performance over the years?

MH: Katy Perry! Or Salt ‘N Pepa! I got a huge backlash [against Katy Perry]. Like most backlashes, the people that were screaming the loudest didn’t attend the event; they’d never attend the event. Then the next year there was a Facebook Page, “Petition to bring Katy Perry back to The Dinah.” I try not to pay attention to those very small but loud voices that criticize the event.

EC: Well, you have a lot of loud voices in your favor! Tomorrow, you’re set to receive the Spirit of Stonewall Lifetime Achievement Award. Congratulations!

MH: Thank you so much.

EC: The board voted unanimously for you; it’s well-deserved.

MH: They did?! Wow, that’s pretty cool. Palm Springs has been very good to me, and I would not produce this event anywhere but Palm Springs. Quite frankly, at this point I don’t think anyone could duplicate this event anywhere because I don’t think you can take [The Dinah] out of Palm Springs.

EC: In November you’re set to receive the first ever Legacy Award. How does it feel to be recognized for your efforts within the LGBT community?

MH: It’s such an honor. It’s really flattering.

EC: Club Skirts calls The Dinah a party with a platform. What organizations have you teamed up with this year? And what experience can party-goers expect to have during the five days of Dinah?

MH: It’s five days of pure unadulterated bliss! (laughs) You get both [party and platform]. Even if someone’s not getting the message during the weekend, they’ll get it at some point in the act of growing older and reflecting. We’ve confirmed Human Rights Campaign. It’s not a political event; it’s not a fundraiser.

EC: I hear you’ve had some epic celebrity dodgeball games! Have you played?

MH: I have! I was not an asset to my team.

EC: I would definitely be the first person tagged out. So, let’s talk future plans for a minute. How do you want the event to grow? Where do you hope to be in the next five to ten years?

MH: I think we’re becoming more and more relevant, I think it will continue to grow. This is a full-time job. I work year-round on this event.

EC: After the big event is over, and you finally have a minute to yourself away from all of the work, how does Mariah Hanson unwind?

MH: She packs her horses into a horse trailer and goes camping!

EC: Where’s the best camping spot?

MH: So far, the eastern Sierras or Bryce Canyon. Both of them are amazing.

EC: Beautiful places to reflect on years past. You’ve come a long way since your Palm Springs Museum party. What advice can you offer for young people that want to make an impact like you have?

MH: You gotta follow your heart and your passions. You know, I didn’t set out to make an impact on the world. I set out to do the best with what I feel passionate about. I think if you can stay true to those pure emotions and don’t have a lot of noise around them, you’re going to make an impact on the world.


Photos courtesy of Club Skirts Dinah Shore Weekend

For more information about The Club Skirts Dinah Shore Weekend or to buy your tickets visit http://thedinah.com.
