#maribat bio dad jason


Part 1:Here|Part 2:Here|Part 3:Here

SUMMARY:Jason discovers that he has a daughter.

Warning: Some colorful langage.

Chapter 4: WHAT?!

Jason was packing up his new apartment. After Bruce’s disappearance, Dick contacted him and asked him to attend an emergency family reunion in Gotham. He couldn’t refuse his brother this favor, although he would never admit it. Bruce had left behind two kids far too young to take care of themselves.

Damian was only 10 years old, having joined the family just under a year ago.

Marinette was only 8 years old. She and Damian did not get along at all. They both had the same problem: they were spoiled rotten.

Bruce had clearly destroyed the little girl by always giving her what she wanted and letting her every whim pass without consequence. Damian had the same problem; his mother had made him believe that he was some kind of prince and that the world should revolve around him.

A self-centered prince and a quirky little princess… An atrocious mix.

He didn’t want to leave Dick alone to face all this.

It was true that the two men had not always been on good terms, that his resurrection and his aggressive behavior had not helped. It had been a little over a year since he had calmed down and gradually started to get closer to Nightwing again. His relationship with Batman was still complicated. His relationship with Tim was… strange. The kid had forgiven him for his past mistakes, however, Jason on the other hand was having trouble forgetting what he had done. He didn’t know how to apologize for it either…

He knew that Tim was still with his friends, but that he was on his way to Gotham. They were going to have to decide what to do with the legacy Bruce had left them, and by legacy, he wasn’t just thinking about Batman. What to do with Wayne’s enterprise? Who was going to take care of it? Should it be announced that Batman was dead? Who would take over the burden?

Even dead, you’re still a pain in the ass, Bruce.

Suddenly, his phone started ringing. Jason was going to ignore it, but then he realized it was Dick.


He picked up his phone.


“Jason… Are you… Are you alone?”

Dick’s voice was hesitant. It alerted Jason immediately. Was there more bad news to add to the pile of crap Bruce’s disappearance had caused?

“Yeah, why?”

“I… Can I come over? I… I need to talk to you… It’s… It’s important. It concerns you directly.


Jason chose not to argue or ask for more, if Dick wanted to see him in person then the problem was serious enough that he didn’t want anyone to know.

The man sighed.

He went to his kitchen and began to make coffee. He had a feeling he was going to need a huge dose of caffeine in his bloodstream to take in what Dick had to say.


“I……. I’m not sure I got it all right, can you do it again?”

Dick sighed. This was the third time he’d repeated the same thing over and over.

“Marinette is Xia-Bing’s daughter, and yours by the same token.”

“ …. ”

“Yes, I did the tests again, over twenty times.”

“ … ”

“Yes, Leslie confirmed it.”

“ … ”

“No, Alfred didn’t know about it. He found out at the same time as Damian, and I did.”

“ … ”

“No Jay, I don’t know why Bruce lied to us all these years.”

“ … ”

“No, Damian won’t say anything right now. I managed to convince him to keep it a secret, I think Alfred talked to him too.”

“ ……… ”

“And… no, I don’t think Marinette knows. She calls Bruce ‘Daddy’. That’s why I came to you first. I want to know what you want to do… We tell her the truth… or…”

“ …… ”

Dick sighed.

“I’ll let you think about it. The family reunion is in a week. It would be nice if you knew what you wanted to do before then.”

Dick laid a hand on his shoulder.

“Whatever you decide, I’ll support you.”

Jason nodded vaguely.

It was impossible to tell how long he sat there on that couch, staring completely blankly. By the time he realized it, the sun had already set, it was night. Jason was completely in the dark.

He had a daughter.

With Xia-Bing.

The spoiled little girl he thought was his sister (and couldn’t stand) was actually his daughter.

Marinette-Jayna Wayne.

Bruce had given “Jayna” as her middle name.


Bruce had named this little girl “Jayna”.

Bruce…. Not only had he replaced him by giving the title of Robin to someone else… He had also…

He had dared….

He had transposed Jason onto Marinette…

Jason tried to calm himself by controlling his breathing, but he was finding it increasingly difficult.

A seething anger was consuming him. Xia-Bing had abandoned their child. She had abandoned the baby… She… WHY? Didn’t everything they had experienced together count for anything? If he hadn’t died, would she have had an abortion without telling him?

Just… WHY?!

How dare she?




Was that bastard ever going to tell him the truth?!

Damn it…

Jason held his head with both hands. All he wanted to do was scream.

If he had known….

Hell, if he’d known Xia was pregnant, he never would have left.

He loved her.

Damn it.

He loved her so much.

That girl was everything to him.

She was a refuge.

She was his backbone, his strength.

Jason had plans…. For them.

He would do anything for her.


Even agreed to be a young parent. If she was the one giving him the child.

Xia… Why?

He had a daughter.

All these lost years….

All this time he thought he was alone, and now he found out he had someone who shared his flesh and blood.

Bruce had completely destroyed the girl. She was a little girl who had no sense of the value of the things around her. She was selfish, didn’t care what people thought as long as she got what she wanted. Hell… He had even heard from Tim that Bruce had given her an island as a birthday present… WHO GIVES AN ENTIRE ISLAND TO A 4-YEAR-OLD BABY?!

What to do?

Would Marinette accept it? She hardly knew him. They had hardly ever spoken together.

Did he want to take on the role of a father? After all this time… After all he had done?

Could he even judge Bruce? The man had given everything to Marinette. Would he have been able to give her that much affection?

Did he have the right to destroy a little girl’s life? Because it was bound to have an impact on her… From one day to the next, she would learn that the man she thought was her father was not…

This little girl’s life was a lie.

Okay, it’s official. I hate you, Bruce.


Tag list : @ prettylittlebutterflie,@mic-is-dead , @ ouch-whytho , @ yurijay , @ unoriginalmess , @ vroomtaka , @ khneltea , @ starling218 , @ throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen , @ lunabey2sky, @ kking13 , @ literaryhiraeth , @ frieddonutsweets , @ depressed-bitchy-demon , @ yasmin-rdz , @ laurcad123 , @ toodaloo-kangaroo,@babylovebug18

Part 1: Here | Part 2: Here

Summary : What happened in Bruce’s head that made him decide to hide the existence of Jason’s daughter?

Chapter 3: Transposition

Leslie was in an awkward situation. She was looking at the baby in the crib. Normally, she would have reported that the mother had wanted to give birth anonymously and put the child up for adoption immediately. None of this had happened. Luckily, the staff in charge that night were close friends. None would ask questions about her actions.

What worried Leslie the most was what happened after the girl was delivered. The girl’s mother came back to her.

“ Can…I ask you something?”

“Certainly. Do you have any questions about your daughter’s recovery? Do you have anything you want to clarify?”

“It’s not that. The baby… It’s a little girl, right?

” Correct. “



“Her name… Can you call her Marinette? That’s… The name I would have liked to give my daughter if I could have had one… Xia is my adopted daughter… So…”

“I see. Very well.”

“And… Just one more thing…”


“You’re going to contact the family of my daughter’s ex-boyfriend I presume?”

Leslie remained silent.

“Once they get the baby back… Will you ask them if they’ll meet me? I’d like to… talk to them. The safety of this baby is at stake.”

“Mrs. Cheng, if there is anything I need to know about this child, it would be better-…”

“The less you know, the better it will be for you, believe me.”

The woman didn’t give Leslie time to respond, she quickly walked away and joined her family.

Leslie was no stranger to secrets. She was perfectly capable of keeping them. However, what this woman had just told her intrigued her to no end. She picked up her cell phone and dialed a number she knew by heart.

If there was anyone who could protect this baby, it was Bruce.


Bruce was worried.

It was never a good sign when Leslie contacted him first. What worried him most was the fact that she had asked to speak with “Batman” and not “Bruce Wayne”. Plus, she had said “be careful, more than usual”. Was she in danger?

So it was on his guard that Batman slipped into the doctor’s residence.

“Bruce, is that you?”


Leslie turned on the light.

“Follow me. It will be easier to show you than to make a long speech.”

He followed her to a room he recognized as a bedroom. He immediately noticed the crib in the corner of it. Leslie approached the crib.

“Her name is Marinette.”


“Her mother’s name is Xia-Bing Cheng.”

“ ……………… ”

“Do I need to explain more?”

“Are you sure this baby.”

“I am the one who helped the girl give birth. Yes, I am sure that the baby is Xia-Bing’s.”

“That’s not what I-”

“I already performed a paternity test, Bruce.”

“ …………………….. ”

“I guess with all that time spent stopping crimes, it cut down your time to explain to your son that sex makes babies.”

Leslie was angry.

“ ………………………. ”

Bruce’s brain had stopped functioning. The only thing repeating on a loop in his mind was “Baby” and “Jason”. He stared at the baby who was sleeping peacefully in the crib. His son’s blood was flowing through this baby’s veins.

He was a grandfather.

Jason… would never know this baby.

What kind of father would Jason have been?

Probably a great one.

Bruce approached the crib. He took off his glove and brought his hand to the baby’s face. He stroked her cheek with one finger. Her skin was warm. A sign that the baby was alive.


Not like Jason.

“I’m taking her with me.”

“Bruce…that’s not as-”

“Leslie. Starting today Bruce Wayne had a daughter with a woman who chose to leave him the child.”

“Bruce… There’s something you need to know first.”

He looked back at the speaker.

“The grandmother of the little girl is asking to see the parent who will adopt the baby. She has something important to say… Concerning…. Her safety.”

Bruce frowned further.

“I wanted to know more, but she told me that if I cared about life, it was better not to ask too much.”

“I see. Get in touch with the woman. I’ll talk to her. In the meantime, this baby is going back with me.”

“Very well. I’ll take care of everything else.”

“Leslie… Thanks for the heads-up.”

“Don’t make me regret this choice, Bruce.”

And so, little Marinette-Jayna Wayne came into his life.

Three days after Jayna arrived at the mansion, Leslie contacted him again. Mrs. Cheng was ready to meet him. She wanted the meeting to be as discreet as possible. Bruce agreed with these terms. It was better for Jayna’s safety that no one knew about his meeting with a married woman.

Of course, he didn’t wait for the woman to contact him to do his research. He had already begun his investigation when Jason had started dating Xia-Bing. At that point, it was just a simple inspection. He wanted to make sure that his son was safe by getting close to the Cheng family. Nothing had particularly drawn his attention to this family. Now that he was digging deeper into them, especially Mrs. Cheng, he realized that something was wrong. How come he hadn’t realized this detail before?

Oh yes… Jason had asked him not to “snoop” into his girlfriend’s life… He wanted to respect his son’s choice… It was a mistake.

Everything about Mrs. Cheng was actually fake. Her identity was purely fictitious, the people on her birth certificate did not exist. Her social security number was fake.

Mr. Cheng on the other hand was completely clean. There was no problem with his past. Everything was verifiable, the man obviously had nothing to hide. Which led to the most important question: did this man know that his wife simply did not exist? At least, administratively speaking, this woman was a ghost.

Bruce was going to have to be on his guard the day he met Madame Violeta Cheng. If Violeta was really her name…

On the day of the meeting, the woman was clearly not at ease. She sat nervously at the table of the restaurant that Bruce had previously reserved. He owned this restaurant, so he could have a room reserved if he wanted.

“Mr. Wayne, I was hoping you would be the one to receive me today.”

“Ms. Cheng, it’s a pleasure. I understand you have something to tell me?”

“ Exactly. But first, I’d like to be sure of one thing. Mrs. Thompkins told me that you would recognize Marinette as your daughter and not as your granddaughter?

"That’s right.”

“Perfect… Please don’t ever let anyone know that this little one is Xia-Bing’s daughter…”

“I understand your concern ma'am, but if I may ask, why are you so worried about a child you don’t want to be in charge of?”

“That’s precisely why I came to see you today. As I understand it… you have a connection with Batman, don’t you?”

“Hmm… Well…”

“That’s the only reason I left Marinette with you.”

“ … ”

“My birth name is Shan Sa Wu. I was abandoned at birth with my twin sister Fei at the gates of a temple. The master of the place adopted both of us. I was raised in the traditional art of Kung Fu for years. Things took a dramatic turn the day our adoptive father, An Chao Wu was murdered by a rival clan. They wanted something precious that my foster father was protecting. My sister and I had to separate to have the best chance of survival. I followed my father’s friends to Tibet, where I continued my training in a Shaolin temple. My sister kept the family jewel and joined another group of our father’s friends. I have never seen her since…”

“I’m sorry about that.”

“Thank you… But the reason I am telling you all this is because in that temple, I met my biological grandfather there. His name was Su-Han. He told me that the one I thought was my sister was not. He assured me that Fei wasn’t my biological sister. I was his one and only granddaughter. My father is said to be Tao-Han and my mother Bao Lee Fu.

Bruce was silent. Shan Sa was telling her story while twiddling her fingers. So far, she didn’t seem to have lied. At least her body language suggested she was telling the truth.

"My grandfather had never accepted the relationship between my parents, which was why both were expelled from the temple. There was a tradition that a family heirloom should be passed from grandchild to grandchild in the temple. My parents had been dishonored and had not received this family jewel. My grandfather decided that I was more worthy than my parents and gave me the item…”

Shan Sa then placed a small black box on the table. There was a red symbol on the lid. A kind of geometrical rosette. Bruce took the box and opened it. He took the object inside the box: it was a silver-colored ouroboros bracelet. He examined the jewel. It was a high-quality bracelet, obviously hand forged. Whoever had created this jewel was talented.

“This bracelet is supposed to bring good luck and good fortune to its wearer. Marinette being my first granddaughter, this bracelet is rightfully hers. Could you give it to her on her 6th birthday?”

“Why the 6th?”

“ It’ s the tradition… ”

“I see.”

“You don’t have to tell her the truth… Just… give it to her please?”

“Very well… Is there anything else?”

Shan Sa nervously began to bite her nail.

“Yes… This directly concerns my origins. My grandfather is a cruel man. If he finds out about Marinette, he will do anything to get her back.”

“Why would he do that? Isn’t Xia Bing your adopted daughter? I have a feeling that this Su-Han values blood above all.”

“Yes, you are right, and that is the problem.”

“You mean that…”

“Exactly. Xia Bing is actually my biological daughter. So that my grandfather wouldn’t find out about her, I asked my sister-in-law Mei Cheng to raise her as her own daughter. In reality, only Shu Yin is the biological daughter of my sister-in-law. I made everyone around me believe that I was sterile. No one ever knew the truth. And if you are wondering, no, my current husband is not the biological father of Xia Bing. But he doesn’t know that…”

This story was getting more and more complicated. Bruce felt like his head was going to explode due to the many questions he had.

“Let’s say so. In that case, why give this jewel to the child if it could put her in danger?”

“ Quite the opposite. As long as this jewel is with her, she will be protected. This jewel has been my guardian for all these years. I know Marinette will be safe.”

Bruce was skeptical. One thing was certain for him, Jayna would never have this jewel in her possession. There was no way his precious granddaughter could have a piece of jewelry that was the object of so much envy.

“Oh, one more thing, Mr. Wayne…”

Bruce then looked up at Shan Sa. He felt his eyelids grow heavy. What was that?

When Bruce came to his senses, he was in his car arriving at the Manor. This was very strange. He had to do some analysis on himself immediately.

Time passed. Jayna was now a very energetic and lively granddaughter. She filled his heart with joy. The more Bruce saw of her, the more he felt like he was seeing Jason.

It was apparently a problem.

It all started with Alfred.

“Master Bruce, I think it’s best that from now on you stop calling this child ‘Jayna’, but rather start calling her 'Marinette’.”

“I don’t follow you, Alfred. Jayna is also her name.”

“Bruce.Marinette is not Jason.”

“ …. ”

Then Dick too began to blame him for his behavior with HIS daughter.

“Bruce…you’re projecting Jason onto Marinette.”

“ … ”

“Can you believe it? She has very short hair for a little girl… She wears red clothes a lot… Her favorite dessert is Neapolitan ice cream… Doesn’t that remind you of someone?”

“ …. ”

Tim began to express concern.

“Bruce… I know you don’t like to talk about it but… I’m worried about Marinette.”


“That is… she… looks a lot like hmm… you know… Jason?”

“ ……… ”

Then came the date of Jayna’s sixth birthday. Bruce couldn’t remember much about that day. All he knew was that the next day, to his horror, Marinette was wearing the ouroboros bracelet he didn’t want her to wear. The problem was that he couldn’t take back from the child something he had obviously given himself. It would hurt her feelings. He would have to triple the vigilance around Jayna.

Two weeks later, Red Hood appeared in Gotham.

When Bruce discovered that behind Red Hood’s mask was his son Jason…

He began calling his granddaughter Marinette.



Tag list : @ prettylittlebutterflie,@mic-is-dead , @ ouch-whytho , @ yurijay , @ unoriginalmess , @ vroomtaka , @ khneltea , @ starling218 , @ throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen , @ lunabey2sky,  @ kking13 , @ literaryhiraeth , @ frieddonutsweets , @ depressed-bitchy-demon , @ yasmin-rdz,

Part 1 : Here.

Summary: Dick and Damian discovered that Marinette Wayne should actually be called Marinette Todd. Let’s go back a few years and see what happened!

Jason Todd was the first boyfriend of a certain Xia-Bing. She sincerely loved him with all her heart.
How did Jason and Xia-Bing meet? Why did they break up? Why didn’t Jason know he had a daughter?

Chapter 2: Crossing paths

Xia-Bing met Jason when he was still living on the streets of Gotham. She was sad after her parents died. With her sister, she had to live with her aunt and uncle. The couple owns several restaurants. She met Jason, while he was trying to escape from a group of men who were chasing him. Xia-Bing saved him.

She goes to give Jason her snack. At first, he refused. She insisted, saying, “Today it’s you, tomorrow it’s me”.

Jason accepted the gift, but he was still on his guard.

From that day on, Xia-Bing helped Jason as much as she could. Jason was grateful to her.

"Jay, are you sure just a sandwich is okay?”

“ Tell now that you think I’m a glutton!”

“Huh? No! Not at all! It’s just… I worry about you, Jay…”

“I told you Xia, I can take care of myself.”


Then one day Jason disappeared.

Xia-Bing was worried, but she couldn’t say anything to anyone. Discreetly, several times she escaped from her aunt and uncle’s house to try to find Jason on the street, but she never succeeded.

Then, one morning…

“Hello everyone, today we have a new student. Please make him feel welcome. Introduce yourself.”

“Jason Todd.”

Xia-Bing thought she was going to fall out of her chair. Her eyes met Jason’s. He recognized her immediately. A slight smile formed on his lips. Xia-Bing felt her cheeks flush.

Jason is alive, Jason is fine…

After class, the first thing Xia-Bing did was to talk to Jason.

“Jay… How-”

“I’ve been adopted.”

“Really? That’s… Jay, that’s great!”


"I was… I was so worried about you.”

Her voice trembled slightly, but she still had a smile on her face. She didn’t want to cry in front of him, that would be extremely embarrassing for her. But seeing Jason again, knowing that he was okay, and best of all, that he finally had a place to spend the night, filled her with joy.

Jason looked at her for a moment in silence. He looked away and rose from his chair.

“I…you…should go join your friends.”

He got up and left the room in a hurry. Xia-Bing followed him with her eyes. She realized that her friends were waiting for her in front of the room, giving her curious looks. She joined them. Her friend Nadja was the first to speak.

“Do you know this guy?”

"Oh… Uh… Yeah… He… Used to live near my house before he moved out.”

“Uh-Uh… Close to your house, huh…”

“What’s up Nadja?”

It wasn’t Nadja who answered her though, but her second friend Amelie.

“Haven’t you heard Xia? This guy is Bruce Wayne’s new adopted son!”


Xia-Bing was shocked. Jason had been adopted by the famous Bruce Wayne? That was strange, how could these two meets?

People can be so cruel sometimes.

Jason had a hard time fitting in with the class. The reason? He was from the poorest part of Gotham. The other students, all of whom were at least middle-class children, considered Jason to be inferior.

It was simply ridiculous!

Xia-Bing herself was the daughter of a famous Chinese chef and a famous pastry chef. She had been adopted by her uncle, but he was the owner of one of the largest restaurant chains in both America and China. She wasn’t what you would call “poor”. However, both her parents and her uncle refused to treat anyone differently because of their economic capital.

So, every day she came to talk with Jason. She went to eat with him. She would talk to him when he was in the library. Jason seemed embarrassed every time because of her behavior.

“Xia, you shouldn’t talk to me. You’ll get in trouble if you stay with me.”

“Jason… I’m not going to start ignoring you because of these jerks!”

“Look, I appreciate it but…”

“There’s no ‘but’, Jason. I care about you, we’re friends. A couple of rich kids aren’t going to change my mind.”

“ …. You know you’re a rich kid too, right?”

“You’re one too. Mr. Todd-Wayne.”

Jason smiled. He never said anything to her again after that exchange.

The beautiful thing about youth is that it’ s not afraid of anything.

“What did you just say?”

“A date… Could we… Go somewhere?”

Xia-Bing blinked several times. She was dreaming, wasn’t she?

“It’s…. You don’t have to accept Hmmm… You know what, forget it.”

“ H-HEY? What? NO! I mean YES!”

“Wait, what?”

“I… I’d like to go on a date with you Jason… I… it would be… cool.”





They exchanged an awkward smile.

The two of them met at the entrance of the movie theater. Xia-Bing chose her outfit carefully. She wanted to be as pretty as possible to please Jason.

They went to the theater together. They held hands at the exit. Before leaving, Xia-Bing plucked up her courage and placed a kiss on Jason’s cheek before heading home, completely flustered.

Jason returned to the Manor; his face completely flushed. Bruce and Alfred teased him for several days.

Jason and Xia-Bing started dating officially.

He was her first boyfriend. She was happy with him.

It was an innocent, pure love. They often held hands. Kissing each other on the cheek.

Then came the school vacations.

Xia-Bing decided to make things official with her family. It was time to introduce Jason to her adoptive parents and her sister. Unfortunately, although her family was very courteous, she knew them well enough to know that her adoptive parents didn’t approve of her relationship. After Jason left, her doubts were confirmed.

“Xia-Bing, we are not going to stop you from seeing this boy. We will respect your choice but know that we do not approve. This boy has questionable origins and lives with an equally questionable man.”

“Uncle, it’s not Jason’s fault that his adoptive father has a bad reputation…”

“I don’t doubt that. That’s not the problem.”

“What is the problem then?”

“You’re not from the same world.”

Xia-Bing was more than a little annoyed by this. It was just like the students at his school. The ones who always told her to treat everyone as equals. What a bunch of hypocrites!

Yes, Jason was from a bad part of Gotham, so what? That’s not what defined him! Jason was Jason, no matter where he came from!

It was such a contrast to when she met Jason’s adopted family. She was welcomed with open arms.

“Xia-Bing I presume? It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Jason talks about you all the time.”



She watched with pleasure as her boyfriend was teased all evening by Bruce. Alfred was adorable. Jason also had an older brother who didn’t live in Gotham but in Blüdhaven. (She never met him).

They entered their first year of high school together. Luckily, they were in the same class.

Everything was going well, but Xia-Bing noticed that Jason sometimes had bruises. She was concerned. Jason told her that he was just in combat sports and that he sometimes got hurt. Xia-Bing was skeptical, but finally decided to trust him.

This wasn’t the main problem.

Xia-Bing couldn’t help but realize how handsome and hot her boyfriend was. Previously, their classmate had alluded to Jason’s background. Since they were in high school, things had changed.

Jason was attracting attention. Several girls in her grade were jealous of their relationship, especially after the first gym session. All the classes had sports at the same time the first year of high school. The sport of the day was soccer. Strangely, after seeing her boyfriend in his gym clothes, he became the center of attention.

“Did you see that boy with black hair? He’s super hot!”

“That’s Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne’s adopted son.”


“You think he’s single?”

“Nope, I think he’s dating a girl from 1-A.”

“Tss, why are the good-looking guys always taken?”

Xia-Bing couldn’t help but have a little satisfied chuckle. Yes, Jason was a good-looking guy. And more importantly, this handsome guy was 100% in love with her. He was HER lover. And she wouldn’t share him! EVER!

High school life brings with it many changes.

Xia-Bing wanted to take the next step in their relationship, but she didn’t dare tell Jason. She fantasized about him.


But she finally got up the courage to tell him that she thought he was hot.

“Jay… you…you are super hot!”

“Uh, thanks?”

“ … ”

“ … ”

“ So… what are you reading these days?”

It was better to change her strategy.

Xia-Bing started to dress “sexier” on their date, hoping to get a reaction from him, but… Jason seemed…. Jason seemed completely unresponsive.

Finally, one day, as they were returning from a book signing by an author Jason loved, it started to rain. They took refuge together in the entrance of a building. The entrance was very wide and well covered. Xia-Bing was cold and hugged Jason. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her warm. She could hear Jason’s heart beating fast. Her heart was beating fast too. She could feel under Jason’s wet shirt, his strong body. Her cheeks were burning.

She then pulled away from Jason to look into his eyes.

She realized that he was looking at her intensely.

They kissed.

Things started to get out of hand when Jason put his hand under her skirt, and she pressed herself against him. They were forced to separate to catch their breath. Xia-Bing was blushing. It was the first time that she made this kind of thing with somebody. Jason also seemed embarrassed.

After this event, their kiss became more… intense. They began to touch each other. At first it was just petting. Things changed little by little.

Then Xia-Bing saw a golden opportunity when her uncle and aunt announced that they needed to go on a trip. Her older sister had decided to spend those three days at a friend’s house. Xia-Bing had the house to herself.

She invited Jason.

She had prepared herself psychologically.

He was her first boyfriend, she wanted to experience something special with him.

Jason agreed to come.

When he joined her, she realized she wasn’t the only one who was nervous. He seemed to understand why she had invited him.

They decided to watch a movie, to lighten the weird atmosphere between them.

Xia-Bing finally admitted to him that she had never done anything like this before…

“I love you… I love us… I want… to share something special with you. I… want… to have you… just for me… I’m… a bit selfish, aren’t I? But… You… You mean so much to me… If you want… and only if you want… I ”

Jason said nothing at first. He looked at her intensely. Then he gently ran his hand over her cheek and kissed her.

The two lost their virginity to each other.

Jason was supposed to stay only that night… He finally stayed the three days. He left the house shortly before the rest of her family arrived. But Xia-Bing was happy. It was the most intense and unforgettable three days of her life.

She and Jason grew closer after that. Afterwards, the two of them did it again two or three times… Sex was not a central part of their relationship. It was kind of a bonus.

Then one night, on the eve of the vacations, Jason told her that he had to go to Ethiopia for a while. He would come back to see her when he returned.

Jason never came back.

Xia-Bing was completely devastated. She cried for several weeks. Then things started to change. She felt tired and sad all the time.

She could already see herself spending her life with Jason…. She didn’t want to think about a world where he wasn’t there.

Some of the things she used to love made her want to throw up. She hated the sight of some books. She put it down to her sadness. Her family did the same.

Then one day, about nine months after Jason’s death, Xia-Bing was slowly getting over it. She felt a violent pain. At first she thought she had eaten something that she couldn’t digest. But as time passed, the pain became more and more unbearable. Her uncle decided to take her to the free clinic in Gotham, which was not far from their home.

Everything happened very quickly.

After a series of examinations, she was taken to a separate room where a woman, Dr. Thompkins, asked her a series of strange questions.

When was the last time she had a period? Had she ever had sex?

That was when the bombshell was dropped: Xia-Bing was pregnant and about to give birth.

She had gone into what was called denial of pregnancy.

She was terrified.

Without any preparation, without understanding what was happening to her, she gave birth to a baby girl.

This baby scared her. She didn’t even know she had one!

She felt humiliated.

Her adoptive parents were shocked, as was her sister.

This baby…. Came out of nowhere….


She didn’t want it!


Fortunately, her family agreed with her. Dr. Thompkins asked her if she could at least tell her who the father was, so she could make the necessary arrangements. Xia-Bing hesitated, but finally told the doctor that there was only one boy she had ever had sex with, and that boy’s name was Jason Todd, her now-deceased ex-boyfriend.

Dr. Thompkins suggested that the child be placed for adoption. That his family didn’t have to worry about it and that she would take care of everything. No one would ever know about it.

Her family thanked her and left the hospital, leaving the baby and the whole thing behind.

Everyone collectively decided that the incident never happened.

Three months later, the Cheng couple decided to move to Shanghai, her uncle’s hometown.

She left the United States.

Years later, she met her future husband, Thomas Dupain.

Xia-Bing became Sabine Cheng and later Sabine Dupain-Cheng.


Tag list : @ prettylittlebutterflie, @ ouch-whytho , @ yurijay , @ unoriginalmess , @ vroomtaka , @ khneltea , @ starling218 , @ throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen , @ lunabey2sky
