#marinette x bruce


Marinette stared at the view in front of her. The city night lying to all those that could see it as the windows of the tall buildings stayed lit up despite the sun having set long ago. It was deceiving, creating the illusion that the city was safe even after the shadows and darkness came out, drowning its surroundings and the people who call this place home.

She knew the truth though. She knew about the ones with ill intentions who crept through the night, unpunished. This city was no safer than her own during the war, when Hawkmoth was still a threat.

There had been heroes in her city, and soon there would be heroes in this city, hiscity.

An arm snaked its way around her waist, pulling her away from the edge of the roof top and back against a broad chest. She glanced over her shoulder to look at the boy behind her, because no matter how much they have been through, they are still children, teenagers who have yet to reach their eighteenth birthday. They are just children. Just a boy. Just a girl.

“I’m going to miss you.” She told him, holding his blue eyes with her own.

He held her tighter, pressing feather light kisses against the exposed skin on her shoulder, trailing his way up her neck. He placed a kiss to her jaw before leaning close to her ear, lips just brushing against the shell of it, breath hot against her skin.

“Then don’t go.” He suggested, kissing her forehead before burying his face in her neck.

“You know I have to go.” She sighed, looking back out towards the deceitful sight. “And so do you.” She reminded him.

“I know.” He murmured into her neck.

“We’ll both be pretty busy.” Marinette continued.

“I know.” He repeated.

“We’ll see each other again.” She informed him.

He hummed in agreement this time.

“We will.” He promised.

Marinette let out a sigh, wiggling slightly in her best friend’s hold. He loosened his grip, lifting his head to meet her eyes with his own concerned ones.

“Then why do you sound so sad?” Marinette asked, holding his face in her hands.

Bruce leaned into the touch. Even as his eyes roomed over her face, memorizing each and every detail for the millionth time, he never once took her eyes off the girl in front of him. He never wanted to.

“I don’t want you to leave my side.” He confessed, leaning his forehead against her’s as she wrapped her arms around his neck, his own still settled around her waist.

“I know.” she said, echoing his earlier response.

“Then why bother asking?” He questioned in a soft, quiet tone, as if Marinette were a frightened animal that was ready to run.

“Because I’m a cruel being who wanted to hear you say it.” Marinette claimed, twisting the ends of his hair between her fingertips as their noses just barely touched.

“I don’t believe you have the ability to be cruel.” Bruce whispered against her lips, causing Marinette to laugh bitterly, leaning away with a shake of her head.

“Not here I don’t. Too much destruction in the air for there not to be harsh consequences if I am.” Marinette informs him with a sad smile, knowing he doesn’t fully understand her words but understands enough to not question them.

The two stay where they are, near the edge of the roof but at a safe enough distance that there is no danger, for a while. The two just enjoying each other’s presence as the last of their time together slips away, second by second, sand slipping through an hourglass.

“What are we?” Marinette asked, looking up from where she had been resting her head against his chest.

“What do you mean?” Bruce asked, looking down at her with furrowed brows.

Marinette shrugged to the best of her ability without removing herself from the comfort of his physical affection.

“We’ve just… never labeled anything- ever. I don’t even remember when it was, we officially became friends.” Marinette explained, eyes full of curiosity and warmth as she smiled up at Bruce.

He hummed in response as he thought over their relationship and all their past interactions. His brows stayed furrowed together even as he landed on the answer he desired.

“What do you want us to be?” He asked instead of voicing his own answer.

“I… don’t know.” She answered honestly, “We aren’t just friends- I don’t think we couldeverbejust friends.” Marinette claimed, leaning her head back against his chest while keeping eye contact.

“I suppose that’s true, and something we can agree on.” Bruce chuckled, tightening his hold as if to pull her closer, despite it not being possible.

This is an important conversation, and they both know it.

This is also a long-overdue conversation that they probably should have had after the first kiss, or the second, or the third, but they didn’t, so they’re having this conversation now, hours before they have to separate for who knows how long.

Bruce gave another quiet hum, pressing a kiss to her forehead, whispering to her.

“I know what I want,” he told her, the drop in his tone causing the warmth in her chest to spread up the back of her neck.

“But you want to make sure I want the same thing and that your answer isn’t pressuring me or affecting my own answer.” Marinette summarized from the silence that hung between them after his statement.

He didn’t acknowledge what she had just said, only staring into her sapphire blue eyes as he waited for her to tell him what it is she wanted their relationship to be.

“How about… we revisit this topic when we meet again?” Marinette suggested playfully, receiving a raised brow.

“Will you have your answer then?” Bruce asked patiently.

“hmm- maybe… maybe not. Who knows? We could be thirty the next time we meet for all we know. We might already be in a relationship, or perhaps have a family of our own.” Marinette informs him, doing her best to hide her sadness behind a smile.

A sad smile that Bruce kissed right off her. Soft and gentle, yet desperate and pleading. As if he was seeking her attention while demanding it at the same time.

He has always been a walking contradiction in some ways. The way he spoke and the things he did. However, she never paid his contradictions any mind, always having been able to pick out the truth of what he meant.

“And if we aren’t? If we meet again, neither of us with a partner? What then?” He asked when he pulled away from her lips, leaving Marinette a bit dazed.

“Well- I suppose I would just have to make you mine then,” Marinette informed him before recapturing his lips only for her phone’s alarm to go off, letting her know it was time for her to leave.

“Is that a promise?” Bruce asked against her lips as the alarm continued to ring out.

Marinette huffed in amusement as she blindly turned off her phone’s alarm.

“Sure.” She agreed with a smile. “If we’re thirty and single we’ll get married or something.”

They shared one last kiss before parting ways for an unknown amount of time. They both have training to get to. Marinette who needed to complete her training, and Bruce who needed to begin his training. Both with cities and people they wanted to protect.

A Blind Meeting



Note: This is outrageous I am sorry for the long wait.

I wanted to know what was going on as soon as possible, but Richard doesn’t get out of school until three thirty. I walked back and forth in my office at home, as the video of the attempted robbery played in the background. I couldn’t believe Marinette flipped a man over her shoulder.

Marinette is truly someone special. I sat down at my desk and close out the video. If I didn’t know any better I’d assume she was that Ladybug hero. I want to apologize to her for real this time. But how can I? Maybe I’ll buy her flowers. Yeah I’ll do that with a card that says, “I’m sorry.”

“Maybe you should put more than an ‘I’m sorry.’ Master Bruce.” Alfred walks into the office carrying a tray of food. “Flowers are a good start to a woman of good taste. Which flowers were you thinking?” He placed a plate down on my desk with a glass of wine.

“She liked the flowers in our garden. Specifically the roses in the center. She said they had a different scent than most roses. What’s for lunch?” I asked moving some papers around.

“Your lunch Master Bruce. Smoked Salmon with seasons potatoes and carrots, and a glass of red wine. That’s a good choice. Why don’t you just take them from the garden.”

“Thank you Alfred, I just might.” I picked up the fork and knife and eat.

“Master Bruce, if I can advise. Marinette is not your average 'Desirable’ woman.” Alfred says disappearing around the doorway. I thought over what Alfred said as I eat.

Alfred and I made it to the academy to pick up Richard. I held onto the bouquet of flowers when I watch Richard walk up to the car. I quickly placed the flowers down beside me on the seat.

“Alfred, you can’t believe what happened at school today. My French teacher-” Richard stared at me only blinking three times registering that I was in the vehicle too.

“What happened in class?” I asked resting my hands on my left knee. He rubs the back of his neck thinking of what to say. His eyes looked around the car landing just beside my leg.

“Bruce, are those flowers? Those wouldn’t be for a certain beautiful blind lady would they?” Richard wiggles his eye brows at me with the biggest grin he could possess.

“As a matter of fact, they are.” I feel a smile cross my lips and quickly cover it with my hand and cough just a little. Richard continued to grin untill when we arrived at the Sleeping Bug-Mice. There was a line about a block long when we arrived. I look down at my watch seeing that it was only three o'clock. It didn’t seem like Marinette would have time right now to even say a quick “hello.” I decided to have Alfred take us to the company to check on the business.

Richard finished up his home work in my office. I looked up to notice Alfred looking at his watch and pushed it back under the sleeve.

“Is something the matter Alfred?” I asked drawing Richard’s attention.

“No sir. Just thinking about what I am preparing for dinner tonight.” Dinner? I look down at my own watch and noticed it was thirty minutes to seven. I sat there thinking for a good moment then locked my computer down.

“Marinette’s store was really busy today. She probably didn’t have anything to eat yet.” I started.

“Let’s bring her dinner?!” Richard excitedly finished. I smiled getting out of my chair and walked over to him. Alfred had a smirk on his face, clearly amused.

“I agree. What should we pick up?” Richard stood up and we walked to the elevator as we decided on where to go.

We settled with the famous Italian place, ordered all of our favorites, then some Tortellini, salad, and their famous bread sticks. Alfred pulled up to the bakery, finding it had only Marinette, a couple customers, and her two new employees. Richard and I exit the car holding the to go bags of food waiting for Alfred to join us. Be held out the bouquet of flowers to me. I had to maneuver the bag around in my arms then take the flowers.

“I will be at the Manor for some me time, young masters. Call me when you need me.” He quickly just got into the car and drove off not waiting for a response from us. I blinked in the direction he drove off in, wondering what just happened. Richard walked in first with his half of take out.

“Pas de souci. Nous sommes arrivés vers deux heures trente mais votre employé a dit que vous preniez un repos bien nécessaire, alors nous avons décidé de revenir plus près de la fermeture. J'espère que ça va?” Richard smiled as he spoke. I walked in with the other half of the food and quietly placed it on an empty table. I listened carefully to their conversation. A young man peered his head around the corner of the kitchen. He looked oddly familiar but I couldn’t quite put my hand on who.

“It isn’t a problem at all. Wait, We? Is Monsieur Pennyworth with you?” Marinette asked, looking around Richard to as if to see if Alfred is indeed here.

“No, he is at home taking some "him time” so he put it. How are you Marinette?“ I said, coming across sincere and hurt for a minute. Its as if she didn’t want to see me anymore. Or it could have just been that Alfred had always dropped the boy off.

"Y-you’re fine. I mean I’m f-fine! Ouch.” She said in a hurry. “Go ahead and have a seat in the empty table, I’ll bring over your drinks and pastries before we get started then?” She mumbles. She seemed to have hurt herself some how. Her words had slurred here and there. Richard chuckled before he took a seat at the table with our food on it.

I watched Marinette walk into the kitchen for what seemed like a couple minutes the walk back out. She poured us two cups of coffee and heated up a couple of the muffins and cream filled croissants delivering them to our table. I waited a couple minutes watching her closely. It is remarkable how she is able to be so successful in this world just by only being blind. It is as if she is magic. She stood there with her hair tied over her left shoulder held only by a red ribbon. She didn’t smile but that could be because I am here.

“Alright, so did you bring your homework?” She asked as she pulled out the seat in front of her.

“We actually brought you dinner.” I began.

“Incase you were hungry. You’re shop seemed very busy today. We brought Italian.” Richard finished. He moved the muffins and croissants into the middle and unwrapped our take out on the small table for the three of us.

“Oh, Mercí. But I couldn’t. I still have to clean up and still have some customers in here.” She said, with a small bite to her lower lip. She seemed a little nervous for some reason. Was it me?

“You go ahead and eat Miss. Evelyn and I will do the clean up. You need to eat.” The same young man from before stepped out from around the kitchen with a small little girl, who stoodnthere nodding. Marinette is about to protest when her stomach gave a loud growl. With a defeated sigh and agreed and sat down with us.

-@fsketchartketchart@northernbluetongueluetongue@fertileleafaf @jardimazul @marinettepotterandplagg@rosep16 @miraculousdisapointment @queenmj10 @jingleallthelay @toodaloo-kangaroo@jayjayspixiepop@galla020066@queenz-zz
