#mario au


Mario AU from 2014

Anyways, here it is-

Peach is gone. Mario and Luigi now rule the MK, and feuds with Bowser are still frequent. During one of the battles, Mario gets badly injured, leaving Luigi to defend himself, Mario, and the MK. Luigi singlehandedly beats Bowser. Mario dies in the process of trying to heal him and Luigi now runs the MK along with Toadsworth cause he’s somehow still alive. Luigi has a scar over his right eye, so I guess he’s blind in that eye?? He wants revenge on Bowser for killing his brother so he takes troops to Bowser’s Kingdom to 1v1 him. The Koopalings are there when Luigi arrives and the battle with them for a bit before Bowser stops it and then him and Luigi talk for a few minutes. Luigi, going along with his plan, challenges Bowser and 1v1s him. Both are extremely weak at the end but Luigi lands the final blow and defeats Bowser for the last time. The MK is now forever in peace and Luigi is happy cause now he got his revenge.

That’s it. The End I guess.

Malleo n Ruīji

Erased Au (name wip),

… where Luigi wished on a Star that he didn’t exist so Mario can shine better. So the world is reverted but Baby Luigi was never retrieved after his kidnapping. Baby Mario grew up nervous and anxious with paranoia. Mario carries a doll that resembles someone dear to him he has never really met irl but in another timeline ⏳. ‘L’ is mute and doesn’t have a real name, but Toadsworth keeps a careful eye on him .
