#martzel x kito



There’s a cafe a few blocks off campus that Martzel likes to go to for the atmosphere and the independently roasted coffee beans. It’s much like his office, Kito thinks as he waits for their drinks– full of old books, lit by golden light and mismatched lamps. He slides a folded fifty-dollar bill into the barista tip jar before taking the coffees outside.

Martzel is working late– again. He called Kito an hour ago saying that he was extending his office hours to help some of his students, and while Kito is irritated, of course he’ll bring him coffee and moral support. 

And so Kito braves the biting February air whipping his scarf around his shoulders so he can carry two cups of coffee into the humanities department.

Martzel is in his office, just as he said– Kito can hear him speaking through the closed curtains of the windows. Something about the Mongols. Kito listens for a few seconds. A smile creeps onto his face at Martzel’s enthusiasm about the subject. At last, he knocks on the door, gently so the coffee doesn’t spill.

“Ah– my appointments are all booked, I’m afraid my office is closed for drop-ins at the moment–”

“Even for coffee?”

There’s a thud and a shuffling and Martzel throws the door open wide, bespectacled and clad in a tweed suit that he’s very proud of, beaming down at Kito. “I could never say no to coffee. Oh– yes, of course– Kito, this is Judas, from my advanced world history class.” He stands aside to allow Kito into the cramped office. The student, Judas, is seated at Martzel’s desk, across from where he usually sits with his back to the window. They look up from their papers and wave nervously. “I hope you don’t mind too badly, Kito darling. They wanted to go over their last essay with me, and I couldn’t disappoint…”

Kito scrutinizes them. The beginnings of a dull pink blush have started at the tips of their ears. When Martzel addresses Kito again, they switch their attention to their essay, shuffling the papers for something to do.

“I see,” Kito says. He hands Martzel his coffee and approaches Judas. “May I read it?”

Their eyes widen. “I– it isn’t v-very good–”

“Don’t bully my pupils, lover, we’ve been over this. Although, it is very well-written. Judas here has more passion than the rest of their class put together.”

Again, they fidget. Kito squints. “Hmm.”

Martzel kisses him, and it tastes like coffee. “Does this mean you’re kidnapping me from my office?”

“Not necessarily. I wanted to make sure you had enough energy to finish the day.”

Judas, bolting up from their chair, stows their papers in their backpack, avoiding eye contact. “I’m sorry. I know I’m keeping you, Professor Morell.”

“Judas, it’s alright, really–”

“No, I– I think I understand the source material well enough now. I don’t want to eat up your time.” 

They duck out of the office before Martzel can stop them. He sighs as the door closes. “They’re terribly bright, but I know they won’t be with me much longer. They’re a medical student and this is a required class. I just don’t meet many like them, with such a thirst for knowledge…”

Kito places his coffee on a nearby bookshelf and slides his hands up Martzel’s chest. “Not the only thing they thirst for.”

“I– I beg your pardon?”

Kito chuckles. He removes the coffee from Martzel’s hand as well, so Martzel can embrace him back. Kito’s breath fogs Martzel’s horn-rimmed glasses. “Haven’t you seen the way they look at you? They’re starstruck. Doesn’t it remind you of anyone?”

Martzel ponders him for a second. All of a sudden, his face falls and jaw drops. “Oh gods. Oh gods. Oh no. How– how did I not see it?! Oh nooo… and I was giving them hope by allowing them to stay after class hours with me, heavens above… what do I do? I don’t want to break their heart!”

“It’s alright. I’m sure you’ll find a way to let them down easy.” Kito soothes him with a few kisses across his stubbled jaw. Martzel sighs and melts under his mouth. “Did you like the way they called you Professor Morell…? Oh, you must enjoy it. You adore a touch of authority.”

“I– I– K-kito–”

Kito presses him into the wall, knee between his legs, tongue at his neck. “Mmm… and did they beg you to meet in your office, all alone, Professor?”

Martzel fidgets and wheezes. His dick stiffens next to Kito’s thigh. “We can’t– here– make a mess–”

“You want to wait? Are you afraid the books will hear us?”

“The walls are thin… I c-couldn’t, in front of the other teachers…”

Kito sighs and releases Martzel, who stumbles forward to chase his warmth anyway, whining and drawing him back into his greedy arms. “Professor, really, this is highly inappropriate,” Kito teases against his chest.

“Quiet. I’m taking you back home.”

“Even if I have more questions?”

Martzel shuts him up with an aggressive mind-blowing kiss. Dazed, Kito drifts out of the office after Martzel, barely remembering to grab the coffees on his way.
