#marvel headcanon


Back on my Marvel bullshit….

what if…what if Bucky once managed to escape from Hydra, and wandered into a shul because it was the only building he could find with a light on. He is taken in by the Jewish community, and is drawn in by the light that seems to surround Judaism. Emotional, he realizes that he wants to convert. Of course the Rabbi rejects him at first, but then Bucky finally proves his pure intentions. He converts, and is named Binyamin Baruch ben Avraham. When the Rabbi had first found him, Bucky hadn’t remembered his original name. Now as Binyamin Baruch, Bucky blends seamlessly into the small Jewish community that’s still trying to pick up the pieces after the Holocaust. Binyamin Baruch eventually falls in love with a Jewish woman, and they begin thinking about starting a family together. Then, somehow, Hydra finds Bucky again. They threaten the Rabbi and the community’s life, so Bucky willingly turns himself in in exchange for the life of his community. Bucky is taken away.

His mind is wiped again, and all his memories of his conversion and his community are erased.

Many years later, he finally remembers bits and pieces of his previous life. He tries to track down the Rabbi and the Jewish community, and finds the old village. The Rabbi has since passed away, and when he goes to the cemetery to visit the Rabbi’s grave, Bucky sees that the community had erected a gravestone for him. There is a simple gravestone reading “Binyamin Baruch ben Avraham, Ger Tzaddik”, and the gravestone is surrounded by thousands of stones and candles left by visitors. The community assumed he had been killed, but still kept his memory alive.

Bucky decides to reenter the Jewish nation, and is welcomed with open arms.
