#marvel superpowers


all definitions are taken form the superpower wiki, feel free to click the link to view the specific power’s page to gain further details.

superpower database


Alternate Reality Insertion: user can insert targets (themselves, other people and/or objects’) existence into alternate reality their alternate may/may not be in, making it as if they have always been a part of that alternate reality.

Alternate Reality Manipulation: the user can create, shape, and manipulate alternate realities, existences that are parallel to another’s, yet different in numerous ways.

Ambient Energy Manipulation: the user can harness, channel or absorb the power of surrounding energy sources. they are able to manipulate/harness visible or invisible existing energy that’s form can be varies, such as projecting natural elemental energy of the planet, zero point energy of space or solar energy from the sun. the received energy can be used to strengthen one’s self or for combat purpose.

Answer Inducement: the user can induce answers to anything that does not have an answer, even if it does not make sense.

Anthropomorphism: the user can grant the attributions of human characteristics or behavior to non-living objects or even concepts life and anthropomorphic form/intelligence, change animals and plants into more humanoid in form and abilities and change pictures and paintings into three-dimensional beings. these new beings can use the abilities of their former state in addition to their new humanoid skills.

Antimatter Embodiment: user becomes the living embodiment of antimatter and thus has supreme control over all antimatter and the abilities to destroy matter.

Antimatter Manipulation: the user can create, shape and manipulate antimatter, a material composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of ordinary matter but also opposite charges, as well as other particle properties such as lepton and baryon numbers and quantum spin. collisions between particles and antiparticles lead to the annihilation of both, giving rise to variable proportions of intense photons (gamma rays), neutrinos, and less massive particle-antiparticle pairs. the total consequence of annihilation is a release of energy available for work, proportional to the total matter and antimatter mass.

Apocalypse Inducement: the user can bring forth the aspects of an apocalypse or an event that has a major impact on society as a whole. such events vary from a major disruption of human civilization, to the extinction of human life, to the destruction of the planet earth, to the annihilation of the entire universe. the user can control various powers that destroys the worlds, such as natural disasters, disease, global conflict and such total destruction. the user can even gain followers from the acts the user performs.

Apocalypse Manipulation: the user is able to control the apocalypse, the end of the world as an event, and thus manipulate how the apocalypse happens.
