#marvel x miraculous



Notes: I’ve seen many people do the fic where Marinette gets kicked off the class trip, but how mean her classmates acted bothered me, so I made them as in character as I could.

This takes place after season 3 if Marinette got Master Fu’s tablet instead of Gabriel. Uh… that’s all I’ve got to say.


Marinette’s entire life changed when Lila joined her class.

Adrien insisted they don’t call Lila out. Gone was her friendship with him, and her crush.

The majority of her class believed Lila about Marinette bullying her. Those friendships were gone.

She lost trust with Mme. Bustier, as Bustier believed Lila’s injuries without any doctors records.

So when the school year was drawing to a close, Marinette’s only friends left in the class were Alya, Nino, Rose, Juleka, and Nathaniel. 

