#masara kagami


Doppel of Dreary


Masara Kagami (Doppel)

There is still a chance we might get MasaKoko for the next swimsuit unit. Because the new and coming mechanic is barrier.

Barrier sounds like something that’s just made for Kokoro’s kit who is all about defense and protection.

But the game will probably keep us waiting for their dual unit since we are still waiting for AliKari (which is the most popular pairing by the way)

I´ve mentioned it before so now I´m going to explain why I think Masara is the epitomy of misused potential for character design in all of Magia Record.

This is part one and will focus on her gameplay. Her visual design will be part two. In terms of character writing and personality I´m actually quite fond of her.

So, lets get going. Disclaimer: I don´t mean to hate on her or people who like her! I really do like her myself which is why I´m upset about how lazy the designers were when it comes to her. 


Rarity:3*-> 4*



Personal:100% Chance to Critial hit to self for one turn

Stats:21.930 HP | 9.295 ATK | 6.963 DEF (SE 100/100)

Connect:Chance to Critical Hit 75%/85%

Magia:Damage One Enemy | Chance to Chase - Self / 1 Turn / 100% | Chance to Evade - Self / 1 Turn / 30%

SE (memorable nodes): Chance to Anti-Evade 35% | Charge Disc Damage up 10% | Blast Damage Up 16.5 % | Chance to Evade 15 % | Chance to Defense Pierce 15% | Charged Attack Damage up 10 % | Chance to Critical Hit 15%

SE Active: Chance to Critical Hit 35% - Self - 3 Turns

Now lets get going. Masara´s fighting style (ingame and story) is simple. Go in and strike. She is essentially an Assassin. She turns invisible and goes for the backstab. She is a glass canon and her stats reflect that. 

But it doesn´t quite work. Now we gotta keep in mind she is not a limited special unit but I feel like even with her being low rarity she was done dirty. Why is that?

Let´s start with her disks. Double A and Double C with one B. This is the disc set of a support/magia type. Masara does get buffs for her charge discs, but how does she use them? Does she contribute to charge combos? No. She isn´t a chargius and doesn´t have tools the likes of Tsukasa (Charge +1) or Hagumu (Charge draw personal) have. Does she use her charges for blasting? Not really. She does have blast up in her SE but only one blast disc. Does her connect support charge? Not really, it is not consistent. 
Being able to give a charge conservation 20 stack blast combo a crit chance of 85% sounds lethal but it´s not 100%. There´s a saying in the Pokemon fandom that goes: If it isn´t 100% accurate it´s 50% accurate. It´s high risk somewhat high reward and all her connect offers. Most people prefer consistency in connects so they won´t use her for anything other than basic content. The really good synergy is missing.

Maybe she´ll slot well into blasting. Obviously not. Without connect(s) she will never be able to pull of her own puella blast combo. If you really want to slot crit into a blast combo, just use Yachiyo. Her crit chance might be lower at 70% but the blast up is guaranteed. Plus she can reach 5 stars, something Masara can not do yet.

Since Masara can´t use her charge disks for blasting she can use them to boost her own mp gain, right? Yes! Buuuut…

She gets no sources of AC or MP gain up pre 100. This will slow her down. But she can get there. Once she does, what does she do?

She will destroy a single unit. Her attack is rather high for a capped four star and with the buff to single target magias she can even oneshot challenge bosses. But does her magia benefit her team? Not at all.

She gets a 30% chance to evade which is just her passive evade chance times two. Why. Whhhhyyy. She can turn invisible! Her evade should be 1000%. Tsuruno and Oriko can evade 100%, but the invisible assassin can´t. But maybe thats because the other effects are so broken? Nice one. It´s chase 100% for herself for one turn. Now here´s the problem with that. It´s useless if you use three magias in one turn. It´s also bad if you only use her magia and two discs cause you won´t maximize the damage. If it would last for two turns you could chase on a puella combo. But that´s a luxury she wasn´t given. 
What her magia should do is provide Defense pierce. Assassins literally exist to bypass defenses. Either 100% to self or like 50% to her team. It would be good but nowhere near too broken for a free character. But you know who else is free to play, light type and can oneshot single target enemies. Shizuku. Her magia, being random targets, will outdamage single target magias. She is also uncapped and her Magia gives crit to her team for three turns. Thats more than Masara does. She also gives herself Attack up for three turns. Masara doesn´t do that either. So if you need a strong single target light magia, pick Shizuku (who also gets more mp and has evade as an SE active which makes her more  reliable).

Now, Masara is still capped and once she can reach 5 stars her stats will surpass Shizuku´s. But who knows when that will happen.

Lets summarize: She gives herself bad evade and mediocre chase. She gives others a very high crit chance but nothing else. By the way her chrit chance is bad on magia teams who don´t care about disc damage. Her SE gives her a mediocre crit chance for three turns and her personal gives her 100% crit for one turn. Her magia is outclassed by Shizuku´s who does more for herself and her team. She has no niche to fill in this game other than brr connect almost 100% crit but not quite brrr

Masara´s only source of defense pierce is a low chance from SE. Defense pierce should be her gimmick and her evade should be 100%. You can´t get more invisible assassin than this. This would make her unique but still balanced around being free to play. Her connect should be 100% crit chance PLUS another effect. Get creative and pick your poison. Ingore Dmg cut / Anti-Evade/ Evade/ Defense pierce/ Damage up whatever. 

I know that she might get new abilities once she gets uncapped but I´m not very optimistic. She is not a teamplayer and thats okay. But her not living up to her assassin theme is such a shame. The only thing 100% about her kit is chase which is a fun mechanic but no saving grace. Everything that makes her lethal in concept is weak in execution. 

So that wraps up everything wrong with Masara´s gameplay as an Assassin. Also let her throw knives from behind her enemies that would be so cool. 


Not sure if I should talk about why people are sleeping on Aimi’s design or give Masara a hard time for being the epitomy of misused potential who deserves so much better (this is no hate btw I love her too which is I think she deserves so much better)

Invisible Assassin

Masara Kagami (Magia)

Masara’s mss aka two gays who dont even realize how gay they are

From @silvermoon424‘s scans of the Magia Record Comic Anthology.

From@silvermoon424‘s scans of the Magia Record Comic Anthology.

Post link

Masara’s Doppel and How It is Gay As Hell

First of all, here’s Masara’s doppel, Selene:

I looked into it and Selene is the greek goddess of the moon, to which I was like “Yeah, the moon is a fit for Masara” but I was curious about if there was any connection to Kokoro in Selene’s lore, because y’know, the light lesbians and something about moon and light and stuff.

First potential connection was Selene’s beloved, Endymion. Now the thread was starting to fade the more I looked into them and their relationship, aside from Endymion being said to be the first human to record the moon’s movements (Kokoro making Masara feel shit and seeing her feel said shit more and more overtime), their lore didn’t have much in terms of threads (Endymion being put into sleep by Zeus and visited every night by Selene might sound romantic or a huge red flag, but nothing that really ties into Masara and Kokoro), but then I found it!

Because the Greek endyein meant “to dive,” the name Endymion (“Diver”) at first simply described the process of the setting sun “diving” into the sea. In this case, the story of Selene embracing Endymion, or Moon embraces Diver, refers to the sun setting and the moon rising.” (From wikipedia)

But you might be asking how do sunsets tie into this gay conspiracy? Here’s the answer!

Kokoro’s personal Memoria, The View in My Memory, is a sunset! So, to break down the connection: Masara’s doppel is inspired by the moon goddess Selene, whose lore includes her beloved. Said beloved’s, Endymion, own name references sunsets, which seem to be significant to Kokoro enough that a memory of one is depicted on her personal Memoria!

Masara’s doppel is gay! And also really, really pretty, have I mentioned that? Well, now I have.
