#mason gooding

MASON GOODING via Instagram

MASON GOODING via Instagram

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MASON GOODING via Instagram

#mason gooding    #instagram    

Andrew is ambitious, charming, funny and conceited. Andrew comes across as a bit of a bully but at his core he cares deeply about those he loves (like Mia) and tries to help them.

At his best, Andrew becomes kinder and nicer to those around him. Once Felix explains to him that his actions and jokes can have a bad impact on people, he stops making fun of people as much. He is also very accepting of Victor and tries to make him feel comfortable on the team.

At his worst, Andrew can put up a front of not caring and come across a bit too arrogant. He also had a bit of a problem understanding people’s feelings as we see when he uses Lake to try and make Mia jealous and doesn’t consider how it will affect her.

Andrew is a very confident and cocky person and he shows it a lot through his status on the basketball team. When Victor first starts on the team, Andrew is threatened by him because he sees how good he is at basketball. However, once he gets to know Victor he accepts him on the team and actively tries to get him back, even calling him the best player (although he backtracks later).

Andrew seems to have always liked Mia and often shows his softer side when she is concerned. He doesn’t seem to get why Mia doesn’t like him and eventually chooses to date someone else to get over her. However, he never really gets over her and puts himself out there once again. He even says something to the effect of “I’m taking another chance on us” because he doesn’t want to give her up.


Andrew is very popular in the high school and loves it. Andrew is very vain and often likes to point out how great he is, which 3s can sometimes do. He even says to Victor that he doesn’t care who checks him out, because he likes the attention. Andrew also often charms the adults in his life, as we see in his interactions with his teachers and Mia’s father.

Andrew shows his wing 2 as he is more people-oriented and charming than a 3w4.

Tri-type:3w2 - 7w8 - 1w2

Some quotes to describe Andrew’s motivations

“For as long as I can remember anytime I wanted to take the easy way out, there was always this annoying voice in the back of my head pushing me to do better. To be…better. You know whose voice that is? Even when you’re not around me, I always hear you. I’ve taken a million shots with you, but I am about to take a million and one.”

“I need to exercise my second amendment anyhow. That would be the right to bare arms.”

Felix: “You’re like a tall, super tall giant.”
Andrew:“Are you hitting on me?“
Felix:“No, I’m insulting you. I’m not good at trash talk because unlike you, I’m a good person.“
Andrew: “I’m a good person. I just like busting your ball.”
