#character breakdown


Why Women Kill (Season 2): Alma Fillcott - Type 6w7


Alma is manipulative, timid and reserved. Alma has an obsession with being part of the Garden Club and will stop at nothing to be noticed.

At her best, Alma used to be really caring and compassionate, as we see glimpses of this in her relationships with both Dee and Bertie. Alma also did have a strong marriage with Bertie.

At her worst, Alma becomes extremely deceptive and deceitful, because she fears being exposed. She goes to great lengths (even resorting to killing) to protect her security as she doesn’t want to go to jail.

When we are first introduced to Alma, she is very timid and reserved but badly longs for friendship and a sense of belonging. All she wants is to be accepted by the Garden Club and to have a community that supports her, but she always feels like she isn’t good enough. This leads to her feeling like she needs to lie to get people to like her, which I feel like can be a problem for people pleaser types like 2s, 6s and 9s.

Alma envies and admires Rita because she thinks she is fabulous and confident, all things Alma wants to be. Initially, Alma feels like she can befriend Rita, but after Rita finds out about her connection to Dee, she realises they can never really be friends. This is where Alma starts to become more unhinged and act erratically because she has a sick need to be part of the Garden Club. Initially, Alma tries to blackmail Rita, and when that doesn’t work she goes to extreme lengths to be accepted into the Garden Club.

Alma is suspicious by nature and is able to sense that Vern knows something is up with her and Bertie. She and Bertie are also able to continually get away with their crimes as their plans are almost foolproof. However, she starts to have a feeling of being untouchable and goes too far, ultimately leading to her arrest.

Alma shows her wing 7 as she is more overtly nervous and expressive than a 6w5.

Tri-type:6w7 - 9w1 - 2w3

Some quotes to describe Alma’s motivations:

“There’s so much suffering in the world because of cruelty and unkindness. Rich, beautiful people with power humiliating weak nobodies who displease them. Rita thought I was weak. So did I. You, you taught me that we all have power. If only we’re brave enough to use it.”

“Now, when I want something, I take it. When I have a problem, I fix it by myself, without help from you or anyone else. And let me tell you, it feels damn good.”

“Killing is stressful enough without quarreling in front of the victim!”

“How horrible you are. To think I ever admired you.”

“Did you hear that, Mrs. Yost? I’m in the Garden Club, the club that you said would never have me as a member. Have fun turning in your grave.”


Rita is ambitious, ruthless and glamorous. All Rita wants is to have a lavish life with her lover Scooter and she sees her elderly and rude husband as a road block to her dreams.

At her best, Rita shows that she is caring and loyal. Deep down under her tough exterior, we see that Rita is unable to turn on her cousin Isabel in order to save herself from prison time over Carlo’s death. She really considers Isabel as family and is willing to stay in jail for a crime she didn’t commit instead of betraying her family.

At her worst, Rita is cruel and callous towards others as a way of deflecting from her own issues and keeping up appearances. She uses her wealth and tries to assert power over others through threats. We see that she manipulates and uses information against others such as the affair with Joan. She also becomes dangerous like we see when she threatens Alma and destroys her prized garden.

Rita is all about her image and how other people see her. She is extremely concerned with her status and likes being the president of the Garden Club. We learn through the series that she came from humble beginnings and she was a cocktail waitress before she met Carlo. She goes to great lengths to present herself as an elite and upper class woman, going so far as to change her accent to appear more proper. However, if you didn’t know this it wouldn’t be evident at all in the way that Rita carries herself and portrays her image to others.


Rita is a very jealous person and can’t stand the idea that Scooter could be with another woman. When she finds out he has been sleeping with Dee, her reaction is to criticise Dee’s appearance and be bewildered that Scooter would be with her. She uses her appearance to her advantage and the other ladies have started to label her as a gold digger due to her relationship with Carlo. It seems like she has hardened over time and that her marriage to Carlo was always unpleasant with a very unbalanced power dynamic. As a result, she changed and became even more obsessed with status and success than before.

Rita has a wing 2 as she is very people oriented and loves to try and charm others or ingratiate herself towards them.

Tri-type: 3w2 - 8w7 - 6w7

Some quotes to describe Rita’s motivations:

“I started the day convinced I would never laugh again. And then… you walked in, wearing that frock. Oh, bless you, Alma.”

Everyone has a price.”

“I don’t want your admiration. I want your fear, and now that I have it, get the hell out of my house.”

“Oh, she’s taking you out of my life. Whatever shall I do? Besides cartwheels, I mean.”

“If you can pretend to be interested in a fat girl, you can fake a bit of passion for a middle-aged woman.”

Padgett Sawyer - Type 2w3

Padgett is peppy, optimistic and helpful. She wants to help support her mother and becomes a well known influencer. Padgett is a personable and friendly person, even though she is popular and was dating JDV she seemed to be a lot nicer than they were and was inclusive of other people. She works hard to try and take stress away from her mother and is a real people-pleaser. As a result, she lies to tell the other popular kids that she is rich. When she is cheated on and has her reaction she disintegrates to 8 as she is so angry and hurt by what she has just seen. This kickstarts her bet to makeover Cameron. She is somewhat manipulative to begin with befriending Cameron’s sister and tricking him into getting a costume and make over under the pretence that it is a dress up party. However, she genuinely likes Cameron and wants to be with him. She shows that her popularity isn’t actually that important to her when she apologises at the prom as a way to try and earn Cameron’s forgiveness. She shows her wing 3 as she is more people oriented than a wing 1 might be.

Cameron Kweller - Type 4w5


Cameron is broody, kind and a bit of a loner. He has a passion for photography and spends a lot of time taking photos. However, he is doubtful of his art and doesn’t show the photos he takes to anyone. This is part of why when he plans the promposal for Padgett that he includes her photo that he took as he trusts her and wants to show her his photography. Cameron keeps to himself and has one good friend that he feels gets him, the popular kids often bully him and treat him badly. Despite this, he also wants to call out these guys as he sees them as being fake and someone needs to tell them. Cameron begins to open up more and enjoy himself with Padgett, he drops his guard and confides in her about his photography. Cameron shows his wing 5 as he is less people oriented and than a wing 3 might be.


Bex is spontaneous, funny, rebellious and kind. Bex has always seemed to want to do new things and explore the world.

At her best, Bex becomes more serious and tries her best to be a good mother to Andi.

At her worst, Bex can avoid her problems and often jokes about serious things, which annoys both Celia and Andi.  

It’s implied throughout the series that Bex was a pretty rebellious teenager due to her strict upbringing with Celia. This led to Bex often sneaking out and trying new experiences. It also strained her relationship with Celia and it never really recovered until Bex came back and started to settle down in Shadyside. 

Bex has also always wanted to fix her relationship with her mother and even says on one occasion that she lives for the day her mother says she’s proud of her. After a while, Celia and Bex do fix their relationship with Celia becoming less strict and serious and Bex become more settled down, showing their positive impact on each other.

Bex never really wants to hurt anyone’s feelings as she doesn’t like to feel bad, nor does she want anyone else to feel bad. We see this on many different occasions. Firstly, she finds it difficult to discipline Andi as she wants to be her friend. Additionally, when Cyrus gives her his script, she hates it but pretends to like it because she doesn’t want to be mean. 


Bex is also very sentimental and has a lot of regrets, however, she also tries to live in the moment. She has a ‘memory box’ which she likes to have for herself, but eventually lets Andi see it and it becomes their memory box. Bex also prefers to be spontaneous which we can see when she is reluctant about planning the wedding, but still decides to surprise Bowie when she sets up a wedding.

Bex shows her wing 8 as she is more practical and assertive than a 7w6.

Tri-type:7w8 - 9w1 - 4w3

Some quotes to describe Bex’s motivations

“You probably hate me. You probably should hate me. But I’ll always love you, and I always have. And you have that whether you want it or not.”

“I’m just not sure how many life-altering blows she can handle. “Hi, I’m your mom”, followed by “Your dad doesn’t even know you exist.”

“It’s what dads do. It’s their job to embarrass their daughters.”

Celia:“Oh Bex, I wish you’d just grow up already.”
Bex:“I have! This is it! I am here. And I’m raising my daughter. I have a job, that I like, that I’m actually good at. Believe me, I live for the day you tell me you’re proud of me. But it’s not gonna be today, is it?”


Marty is loyal, helpful, kind and reliable. Marty is also very competitive but at his core wants to be a nice person.

At his best, Marty puts other people’s needs above his own. For example, when Buffy hurts her foot in the marathon, he decides to help her past the finish line despite training for the marathon for a long time.

At his worst, Marty can avoid problems as we see when he doesn’t talk to Buffy for a long time after she rejects him.

Although we don’t have that much of Marty in the show, from what we see, we can see that he does worry about Buffy and wants her to be safe, which is common for 6s. For example, after she hurts her foot, he is always almost nagging her to see a doctor because he doesn’t want her to have permanent damage. He also tries to warn her against doing the marathon before training because he knows there are risks to that.

Marty and Buffy bring out the best in each other and understand each other really well. To begin with, they have a bit of a banter and competitiveness between them as they both want to be the best at track (Buffy more so than Marty…). Marty often forgives Buffy’s antics (like the soaking of his shoes) and gives her the benefit of the doubt. He also is happy for her when she makes the basketball team, even though he doesn’t.


Marty never stopped liking Buffy, but he wanted to give her space because she wasn’t interested at the time. When they start talking again, Marty makes sure to tell her that he has a girlfriend because he doesn’t want to do the wrong thing, even though his girlfriend (and everyone else) can see that he still likes Buffy. 

Marty shows his wing 7 as he is more extroverted and expressive than a 6w5. 

Tri-type: 6w7 - 2w1 - 9w1

Some quotes to describe Marty’s motivations

“We’re halfway there, we’re more than halfway.”

“I’m gonna say, you haven’t eaten a live frog.”

“Do I know you?”

“I never stopped liking you.”


Bowie is calm, jovial, laidback and funny. Bowie is a very calming force in both Andie and Bex’s lives.

At his best, Bowie becomes more involved in Andie’s life and expresses his feelings to Bex when he proposes to her. 

At his worst, Bowie can have a tendency to let things happen to him and not take the lead when he maybe should. 

Bowie doesn’t really express his anger or opinion very often, which can be a characteristic of 9s. One example is when Bex says she doesn’t want to get married and Bowie just goes along with it, despite wanting to marry her. Bowie also lets Bex take the lead on a lot of things in their relationship, even choosing to take her name because it makes Andie and Bex happy. 

Bowie likes to live in the present and doesn’t hold too many regrets. When he finds out about Andie, he isn’t even that upset about Bex lying to him. Instead, Bowie wants to make the most of his time with Andie and becomes fully committed to being her father. Bowie even decides to leave his band to stay in Shadyside with Andie and Bex. 


Bowie also becomes very attached to Andie and Bex and wants to settle down with them. Bowie also goes with the flow Bowie tries very hard with Andie and wants to show her that he is there for her, which he does with his video of her (set to the bestsong ever…). He also wants to show his commitment by proposing to Bex because he wants them to be a family.

Bowie shows his wing 1 as he is more quiet and calm than a 9w8. 

Tri-type:9w1 - 7w6 - 2w3

Some quotes to describe Bowie’s motivations

“Mack! That is whack! Whack-adactyl, yo! I mean double-whacker with cheese!”

“I spent a long time in my life wondering, was I ever gonna leave my mark on the world. Now I know… I am. I’ve only known her for two days, but I honestly can’t remember my life without her.”

“Yesterday, I was just Bowie. Today, I’m Bowie, with child.“


TJ is charming, competitive, image-conscious and assertive. TJ puts up a tough front but at his core he’s a good person.

At his best, TJ becomes much nicer and kinder as the series progresses, largely due to Cyrus’ influence. TJ also becomes more open and helpful, as we see when he borrows the golf cart to help Buffy. 

At his worst, TJ can be mean and competitive, especially at the beginning of his interactions with Buffy. TJ also finds it hard to open up to some people and is easily embarrassed. 

When we first meet TJ, he is a bit rough around the edges and a bit of a bully. However, after he meets Cyrus and realises they have a lot in common and that they understand each other, he becomes softened. For example, after seeing how scared Cyrus is about the gun, TJ decides to do the right thing and tell the police about it. 

TJ and Buffy often clash as they both have a tendency to want to be the best. This is especially evident when they are on the basketball team together as TJ is threatened by Buffy’s skills and doesn’t want her to be better than him. However, after seeing how close Buffy and Cyrus are, he starts to be nicer to Buffy and even apologises to her. He also helps encourage her to start a girls’ basketball team.


TJ is also very image-conscious and worried about what people think about him, which we see when he gets upset about Buffy telling him about his learning disability. TJ doesn’t want to tell his teacher or anyone else because he doesn’t want to be seen as dumb. Cyrus helps encourage TJ to tell his teacher and become more open about his struggles.

TJ shows his wing 2 as he is more people-oriented and charming than a 3w4. 

Tri-type:3w2 - 8w7 - 7w6

Some quotes to describe TJ’s motivations

“You’re right about me not having a moral code. You’re right about me needing help with my learning… issues.”

“Surprise. I did the right thing.”

“Classic TJ. Anything good I gotta ruin it.”

TJ: “You know what else you are?”
Cyrus: “What?”
TJ:“The only person I can talk to like this.”


Jonah is kind, reserved, calm and laid-back. Jonah never wants to hurt anyone’s feelings and often goes along with what other people want.

At his best, Jonah gains more of a identity and starts doing things that he likes, rather than what he thinks people want him to.

At his worst, Jonah can sometimes omit the truth and pretend things aren’t problems. For example, when he is hanging out with 

Jonah is not very good at expressing his feelings which can be a problem for 9s. This is a problem in his relationship with Andi, as Andi doesn’t know where they stand and he doesn’t really explain his view. However, he tries to be understanding and once he realises this, he tries a grand gesture by writing her a song. 

Jonah is also very scared of being different and being embarrassed which we see on many different occasions. For example, when he starts having his panic attacks, he is ashamed and doesn’t want any of his friends to look at him differently. Jonah also gets really upset at Andi when he falls at the virtual reality place and she laughs at him. However, in that instance, he doesn’t directly say anything and pretends like he is not angry/upset, which is something unhealthy 9s can do. 


Jonah is a very nice, accepting and happy person. Initially, Cyrus, Andi and Buffy all think he would be hard to approach, but after knowing him they realise that he is nice to almost everyone. In particular, Cyrus often comments on how Jonah is very different than he expected. 

Jonah has a wing 1 as he is much more reserved and quiet than a 9w8. 

Tri-type:9w1 - 7w6 - 2w3

Some quotes to describe Jonah’s motivations

“I don’t like labels”

“Cool! I haven’t had s’more in a while, so I guess I’ve been having s’less”

Buffy: “You know what you never say anymore? Docious magocious.”
Jonah: “I feel like I kind of grew out of it”
Buffy:“That’s too bad. I liked it.”
Jonah: “Really? You always made fun of it.”
Buffy: “That’s why I liked it.”


Cyrus is loyal, caring, nervous and helpful. Cyrus is always there for his friends when they need him. 

At his best, Cyrus becomes more confident and assertive, due in large part to his relationship with TJ. Cyrus also becomes more comfortable in his own skin and isn’t as afraid of what people will think of him. 

At his worst, Cyrus can sometimes let his fears get the best of him and avoid problems. Cyrus can also be a bit of a gossip as we see when he tells his mother about Andi’s secret. 

Throughout the series, Cyrus is shown to have a lot of fears and to be insecure, which is common for 6s. Cyrus often deals with some of his fears and insecurities by making self-deprecating jokes and making light of them, which I think he does to make sure he gets ahead of anyone making fun of him. For example, when he can’t do a somersault, he sends TJ a list of everything he can’t do to make fun of himself. 

Cyrus is also very kind and always wants to give people a chance as we see with his relationship with TJ and his friendship with Amber. TJ was in a bit of a rivalry with Buffy, yet Cyrus still tried to defend him to her and give him a pass because he knew that underneath it all TJ was a good person. He does have doubts after meeting TJ’s friends and seeing one of them have a gun, but ultimately he still listens to TJ and sees he did the right thing. Cyrus is also one of the first people Amber opens up to as he passes her test for being trustworthy. 


Cyrus always likes for people to solve their problems and does not like conflict or confrontation at all, like many phobic 6s. He often acts as a mediator when his friends are having issues, as we see when he tries to make TJ and Buffy resolve their issues. He also does the same thing with Buffy and Amber, where he tries to play therapist for them. 

Cyrus shows his wing 7 as he is more visible nervous and expressive than a 6w5.

Tri-type:6w7 - 9w1 - 2w1

Some quotes to describe Cyrus’ motivations

“Who am I today? Who will I turn out to be? I don’t know yet. All I really know is that I have people in my life who love me as I am… whatever that is. ‘Keeps changing. But today, I am a man. Tomorrow, I’ll be a 7th grader.”

“But I’m not strong.  I’m weak!”

“You do not want to run with the troublemakers.  They’re like coyotes.  They’re mean, and they hunt in packs, and they’re night feeders.”

“Yeah, totally. Yeah, full-throttle outlaw, kissing asphalt on my hog… those are all the biker words I know.”


Andi is creative, idealistic, insecure and kind. Andi changes a lot through the series and is always trying to find herself after she finds out that her sister is actually her mother.

At her best, Andi becomes more assertive and starts understanding her own needs. She grows into her talents and becomes less insecure in her relationships and herself. We can see this at the end of the series with her happiness about going to art school after she hesitated so much and wanted to make everyone around her happy she realises it is also what she wants. Andi also has a tendency to want to help others and she shows her caring nature when she befriends Amber despite all of the issues they had earlier.

At her worst, Andi becomes a little self-absorbed in s3 because she feels overwhelmed. At times, Andi seems to be in her own bubble and doesn’t think about her friends or families feelings. She has a tendency to try and meddle and if things don’t go the way she wanted them to she will become upset and angsty. This is seen with the way she feels about Bex saying no to Bowie’s proposal.

Andi has a very creative side and loves sharing her art and gift with her friends and family. She loves making bracelets out of anything and when she gives one to Jonah it becomes a symbol of their relationship. The Andi Shack is her safe haven and whenever she is upset or hurt she finds peace by spending time here. At the end of the series as she has grown up she turns the shack into a studio to support her art and the work she will be doing at the Arts high school.


Andi has a tendency to be indecisive and send mixed messages. She starts the series off with a crush on Jonah, and she spends all of her time trying to befriend him and get closer to him by playing ultimate frisbee. However, after he breaks up with Amber and starts to spend more time with Andi, she becomes insecure in the relationship. She starts to push Jonah away and doesn’t want to commit to him as she feels like he took her for granted. When Walker shows her some attention she really enjoys it and becomes unsure if she wants to be with Walker or Jonah. Ultimately, she realises she doesn’t want to be with Walker but she still acts jealous and starts avoiding the group when Buffy becomes interested in him and despite saying everything is fine.

Andi has a wing 3 as she is more people-oriented and outgoing than a 2w1.

Tri-type:2w3 - 9w1 - 6w7

Some quotes to describe Andi’s motivations

“I’m the secret baby! Bex is my mother! And my mother is my grandmother and Amber… is wearing my bracelet!”

“Two moms, one house, and they agree zero percent of the time.”

“Why is it so hard to stop liking someone…when there is a zero percent chance he’ll ever like you back?”

“By the way Amber alerts are for kidnapped children.”


Pilar is emotional, opinionated and passionate. She is very different to her brother Victor and is always challenging her parents and what ‘should’ be happening.

At her best, Pilar is kind and compassionate to those she loves. When she finds out about Victor, she is very accepting and lets him know that she doesn’t think any differently about him. Pilar is also very sweet to Felix about his mother and remembers specific details about her.

At her worst, Pilar can be rude and a bit aggressive as we see in her relationship with her mother. She can also seem to be a bit too negative about things that go wrong. 

Pilar is very reactive and often lashes out at her mother as she hates that she had to move away from her friends. In my opinion, when Pilar finds out about her mother’s affair, she starts to feel like her family is a lie and inauthentic, which 4s really value. Pilar also likes to test the boundaries of her relationship with her mother as she wants to be a bit rebellious.


Pilar feels like she has no connections with the people in Atlanta, especially compared to her friends in Texas. Initially, she was very upset about moving as she had to move away from her boyfriend, which was one of the only people she felt like understood her. In Atlanta, she meets Rahim and Felix who she connects with. She feels a strong connection to Felix and he is one of the only people she likes talking to. 

Pilar has a wing 3 as she is more people oriented than a wing 5 might be.

Tri-type: 4w3 - 6w7 - 9w8

Some quotes to describe Pilar’s motivations:

“I would crawl back to Texas on broken glass just to have five more minutes with you.”

“At least I had a crew…people to have coffee with, people to watch reality shows with”

“You’re right I think he’s the sexiest Muppet. He’s basically Gonzo.”

“I was upstairs sneak watching Euphoria. Then, I googled ‘Zendaya Red Carpet Looks’ and lost three hours of my life.”


Benji is caring, secretive, thoughtful and artistic. He comes across as very secure in himself and he is very understanding towards Victor and all of his friends and family.

At his best, Benji wants to do the right thing and he stands up for the people he loves and cares about. We see this with how he want to support and help Victor and he is willing to wait for him to be comfortable but also defends him towards Isabel. He believes she is treating him badly and he can’t stand by while she continues to hurt Victor and doesn’t acknowledge their relationship. Luckily Isabel starts to accept Victor and is willing to accept Benji as well.

At his worst, Benji is self critical and hard on himself. He is afraid to tell Victor about his sobriety as he is ashamed of it and thinks people will see him differently. As a result, he is secretive and withdraws from Victor as a way of keeping his secret. After Victor finds out, he is very humiliated and needs time alone as he is very disappointed in himself for his past actions and didn’t want to be seen in this way by Victor or other people.

Benji is a genuinely kind and friendly person and he seems to get along well with most people at school, his family and at work. He is a hard worker and takes his job at the cafe very seriously always trying to please his boss, even though she can be somewhat neurotic. He is willing to go on work trips to visit the people who can fix their machines and he follows what they say very carefully even if it takes longer than it should. He takes great pride in his work and takes Victor under his wing to show him the ropes and all of the tricks and techniques to use.


Benji has an artistic streak and loves being a part of his band. He is loyal and dependable towards the members of his band and always seems to try his best to help everyone around him. He is very conflicted when he meets Victor and Victor proceeds to kiss him. He wants to do the right thing and tries to stay away from Victor as a way of keeping his relationship strong and not overstepping any boundaries. It can be seen that Benji’s boyfriend is a bit disinterested and inattentive to Benji but he still wants to work on his relationship and sees Victor as a temptation that he doesn’t want to risk his relationship for. Ultimately, he realises he doesn’t want to stay in a relationship where he is unhappy and he breaks up with his boyfriend to be with Victor.

Benji has a wing 9 as he seems to internalise a lot of his feelings and is more withdrawn than a wing 2 might be.

Tri-type: 1w9 - 6w7 - 4w3

Some quotes to describe Benji’s motivations:

“We’ll tell the school when you’re ready, okay? And if I wanna hold your hand, or do something boyfriendly, then I’ll just…I’ll just do this.”

“You and me, that’s what matters. School, parents… it’s all just noise.”

“I wanted to keep that part of my life separate from you because I…I hate that it’s a part of my life and you’re the part of my life that I love.”


Lake is image conscious, kind and insecure. She wants people to like her and puts a lot of emphasis on how people perceive her at home, school and romantically.

At her best, Lake is a genuinely good friend, girlfriend and daughter. She does her best to care for others and tries to smooth things over between all of her friends. When Mia returns from summer break she wants to include her even though she is friends with Victor and Benji due to her relationship with Felix.

At her worst, Lake can become too concerned with what others think and as a result will become selfish and less aware of the feelings of others. This is especially evident when she wants to hide her relationship with Felix .

Lake tries to come across as confident at school but her home life shows she is insecure and wants her mother’s approval. Her mother is hard on her and at times can be cruel. However, Lake still listens to her and is compliant and respectful towards her. Lake values her mother’s opinion and this is why she comes to her about Felix’s mother. She genuinely wants to help and thinks this will be the best way to support him.


Lake seems to really value her romantic relationships and early on is interested in Andrew going to great lengths to try and begin a relationship with him. She spends a lot of time trying to impress him but when she realises he wants to be with Mia she steps away and stands up for herself. To begin with she likes the attention Felix shows her and how devoted he is to her. However, she starts to have real feelings for him as they spend more time together and she goes to great efforts to try and get him back.

Lake has a wing 3 as she seems more people oriented and extroverted than a wing 1 might be.

Tri-type: 2w3-9w1-7w6

Some quotes to describe Lake’s motivations:

“The bomb is bombing.”

“Come on, I know you wanna tap that Tex-Ass.”

“You are rockin’ the hell out of that bowtie.”

“Just say the word and i will ditch these gays like a corporation after pride month”


Andrew is ambitious, charming, funny and conceited. Andrew comes across as a bit of a bully but at his core he cares deeply about those he loves (like Mia) and tries to help them.

At his best, Andrew becomes kinder and nicer to those around him. Once Felix explains to him that his actions and jokes can have a bad impact on people, he stops making fun of people as much. He is also very accepting of Victor and tries to make him feel comfortable on the team.

At his worst, Andrew can put up a front of not caring and come across a bit too arrogant. He also had a bit of a problem understanding people’s feelings as we see when he uses Lake to try and make Mia jealous and doesn’t consider how it will affect her.

Andrew is a very confident and cocky person and he shows it a lot through his status on the basketball team. When Victor first starts on the team, Andrew is threatened by him because he sees how good he is at basketball. However, once he gets to know Victor he accepts him on the team and actively tries to get him back, even calling him the best player (although he backtracks later).

Andrew seems to have always liked Mia and often shows his softer side when she is concerned. He doesn’t seem to get why Mia doesn’t like him and eventually chooses to date someone else to get over her. However, he never really gets over her and puts himself out there once again. He even says something to the effect of “I’m taking another chance on us” because he doesn’t want to give her up.


Andrew is very popular in the high school and loves it. Andrew is very vain and often likes to point out how great he is, which 3s can sometimes do. He even says to Victor that he doesn’t care who checks him out, because he likes the attention. Andrew also often charms the adults in his life, as we see in his interactions with his teachers and Mia’s father.

Andrew shows his wing 2 as he is more people-oriented and charming than a 3w4.

Tri-type:3w2 - 7w8 - 1w2

Some quotes to describe Andrew’s motivations

“For as long as I can remember anytime I wanted to take the easy way out, there was always this annoying voice in the back of my head pushing me to do better. To be…better. You know whose voice that is? Even when you’re not around me, I always hear you. I’ve taken a million shots with you, but I am about to take a million and one.”

“I need to exercise my second amendment anyhow. That would be the right to bare arms.”

Felix: “You’re like a tall, super tall giant.”
Andrew:“Are you hitting on me?“
Felix:“No, I’m insulting you. I’m not good at trash talk because unlike you, I’m a good person.“
Andrew: “I’m a good person. I just like busting your ball.”


Mia is quiet, compassionate, kind and loyal. Mia cares deeply about her friends and family and always wants to make sure she is loyal to them.

At her best, Mia can be very supportive and kind to her friends. After having rumors spread about her at school, she takes the high road and lets Victor tell the school at his own pace.

At her worst, Mia can be withdrawn and try to numb her pain, as we see when she is drinking at the college party and has to be taken home by Victor.

Mia has a close relationship with her father as her mother left the family when she was younger. However, her father is also always traveling for work and is often absentee, leading to Mia feelings like she has nobody. She has always just accepted her father’s job requires him to work, but she also feels like he doesn’t care about her as much as she cares about him. She tells him that she has cut off contact from her mother because she feels loyalty to him and doesn’t want to betray him. This kind of thinking seems to align with 6, as there is an emphasis on authority figures and loyalty.

Mia doesn’t seem to open up to many people, which is can also happen for 6s. She is one of the most popular people at school, but she is only really truly friends with Lake. Mia also doesn’t date that much and she only wants to date Victor originally because she thinks they get each other and he seems like a good person to open up to. Eventually, she realises that Andrew is here to stick around and that he is reliable and begins dating him.


Mia’s relationship with Andrew shows a lot of her character. The way I see it, Mia initially didn’t want to date Andrew because she saw him as a bit of a player and wasn’t sure what they had was real. She was almost testing Andrew a little bit and let him take the lead a lot of the time. Once she returns from summer break, she is basically ready to start a relationship, but finds out Andrew is dating someone else. Mia doesn’t want to step on his relationship and takes a backseat, but after they break up, they are able to pursue the relationship.

Mia shows her wing 5 as she is more reserved and quiet than 6w7.

Tri-type:6w5 - 4w5 - 9w1

Some quotes to describe Mia’s motivations

“I think the winner gets to play an encore, so at least we’ll get to see whoever was least terrible.”

“Never have I ever dumped a college guy by the side of the road because he turned out to be an insufferable jackass, and then walked the last five miles to a cabin. Just me?”

Lake:“Andrew’s just as blah as the other guys at Creekwood. I want someone exciting and spontaneous, the kind of guy who isn’t afraid to do something crazy and unexpected like rob a bank.“
Mia:“So a criminal.”
Lake: “It’s not a crime if you don’t get caught.“
Mia:“That’s not at all how it works.”


Victor is levelheaded, generous, avoidant and kid. He struggles with finding himself and adapting to his families move in relation to his own feelings.

At his best, Victor is genuinely kind and compassionate to any one he meets. He is a friendly and gentle soul who makes people feel heard and accepted. He also starts to stand up for himself and his friends despite what others might think. We see this when he finally stands up to Isabel which she remarks he has never done before. He also stands up for Felix and calls him his friend when the basketballers begin to make fun of him.

At his worst, Victor can become despondent, represses his feelings and has a tendency to lie.He wants to be non problematic for his family and as a result avoids his own emotions trying to squash his feelings about being gay away by dating Mia and doing what he thinks will please others. However, we can see when he is on the road trip with Benji for work that he lies so that he can spend more time with him and avoid Mia. He continues to avoid telling Mia that he wants to break up and has the intention of doing so after the dance but is caught with Benji before he can come clean.

Victor wants to belong and fit in. Like many 9s, he is worried about how other people will see him and he doesn’t want to be embarrassed or seen as different. Due to this sometimes he will change his thoughts or opinions as a way to try and bond with a person or group. We can see this when Benji and his friends are talking about how dumb jacks can be and Victor who loves playing basketball is reluctant to voice his actual opinions as it is directly opposite of the group.


Victor finds it very difficult asserting himself and stating what he actually wants. Throughout the first season he tries to fit in being the new kid at school and falls into dating Mia. He builds a genuine friendship with her and doesn’t want to hurt her but I think he always had the idea that he wasn’t in love with her. He immediately had an attraction to Benji and tried to avoid his feelings and distract these emotions by keeping busy at school. However, much of his conversations with Simon show his thinking and how much he just wants acceptance and guidance from Simon about navigating his life.

Victor has a wing 1 as he is more reserved than a wing 8 might be.

Tri-type:9w1 - 6w7 - 2w1

Some quotes to describe Victor’s motivations:

“He’s really mad that I haven’t been standing up to my mum more.”

“Mom. Benji’s my boyfriend and I’d like you call him that.”

“Sexuality is a spectrum. Some guys like guys. Some guys like girls. Some guys like both. And some guys like feet? I’m not sure what I like but it’s definitely not feet.”

“It’s like…how am I supposed to know.”

“Mom stopped watching Jimmy Kimmel after he got skinny because she was having impure thoughts.”


Felix is loyal, anxious and caring. He immediately becomes friends with Victor and has his back throughout the series.

At his best, Felix is reliable and becomes more secure about himself and his relationships. We see this in his relationship with Lake where he battles insecurity and realises despite his feelings for Lake that he deserves to be seen as her boyfriend and not just be her secret boyfriend.

At his worst, Felix becomes reactive and emotional. He takes on more than he can handle and starts to become pressured by the demands that he feels like he has to maintain. This can be seen with the way he is trying to handle his mother’s illness and pay all the bills for their rent. He tries to hide what is going on and is very guarded about the situation resulting on excessive stress for himself.

Felix values trust and loyalty from the people he considers his friends and family. This is one of the biggest issues in his break up with Lake as he finds it very difficult getting over the betrayal of Lake telling her mother about the situation at Felix’s home. Despite Lake having good intentions, Felix can only see that she told a secret he asked her to keep and it led to his mother being taken away from him.


Felix is very nervous and worries a lot of the time. He often over thinks most situations and can fixate on events or thoughts that he has. He can get very stuck in his own thoughts and think of the worst case scenarios. Despite this he is usually good at giving advice and helps Victor through many situations. He respects Victor and covers for him so that he will be comfortable and ready to talk about things on his own terms.

Felix has a wing 7 as he is more overtly nervous and people oriented than a wing 5 may be.

Tri-type: 6w7 - 9w8 - 4w5

Some quotes to describe Felix’s motivations:

“Well, stressed and desperate is my resting state.”

“Damn it, you know I can’t resist historically accurate dirty talk.”

“I blink a normal amount”

“Do you guys always say grace roast style?”

“Lake you look perfect in pink. Like a sexy bottle of Pepto Bismol.”


Allison is loyal, naive, and stubborn. Allison spent a lot of the series being defined by her relationship with Scott, but later became her own person and started to pursue other things.

At her best, Allison becomes more aware of what she wants and confident in herself. She is also very caring and often protects those she loves.

At her worst, Allison has a bit of a tendency to hide things from people in her life. She can also be very naive which gets her into some bad situations.

At the beginning of the series, Allison was a bit of a damsel in distress. However, Allison hated this and was determined to become more independent, especially after becoming aware of her family’s history. She seems to look up to Kate and lets her teach her how to defend herself. After her mother dies, Allison becomes even more isolated from her friends as she takes on a larger role in the hunting world. This shows her development into becoming less dependent on others and finding her own strength.


Allison has an up and down relationship with Scott. They always love each other and she cares deeply about him and keeping him safe. However, after all of the events with her mother’s death she needs to take some time away from him to find herself again. She is often looking for a relationship and begins to date Isaac soon after, despite some of the same issues of having a werewolf and hunter romance.

Allison seems to pick up skills very easily and quickly. She changes her mind and doesn’t always stick with something as she hasn’t found what she is passionate about. She bonds with Matt about photography and she shows that she is a skilled archer. 9s tend to be jacks of all trades and Allison shows this with those skills as well as her work at school.

Allison has a wing 1 as she is more of a people pleaser than a wing 8 might be.

Tri-type:9w1- 4w3 - 6w7

Some quotes to describe Allison’s motivations

“I love you, and I’m proud of you. I’m proud of us.”

“We’re just a bunch of teenagers. We can’t handle this.”

“Someone’s not protecting him. Someone’s controlling him.”

“I thought you were psychic b***h?”

“It’s OK. It’s OK, it’s OK. It’s OK, it’s perfect. I’m in the arms of my first love. The first person I ever loved. The person I’ll always love. I love you, Scott. Scott McCall.”

“There’s no such thing as fate”


Lydia is intelligent, loyal, competitive and caring. While she initially presents the façade of being a ditzy popular girl there is a lot more to Lydia than meets the eye.

At her best, Lydia is able to be her authentic self and does not feel the need to pretend to be dumb. She is loyal to her friends to a fault and does everything she can to help them.

At her worst, Lydia can come across as vain and a bit shallow. For example, at the beginning of the series, Lydia seemed very concerned with being popular and took very little notice of those outside of her social circle. 

Lydia is a highly talented and intelligent person (I mean she is practically a genius). She enjoys learning and consistently pushes herself to expand her knowledge. Lydia is naturally gifted in academics and has high goals for her future academic career, even once proclaiming that she would win a Field’s Medal. Despite, having a stellar academic performance and GPA at school, Lydia still keeps pushing and tries to get extra credit when possible.

Lydia is concerned with status and achievements. We see this in how she only becomes interested in Scott after he becomes a star lacrosse player. I also believe that her relationship with Jackson was founded on the fact that he is the most popular boy at the school. Lydia is also always trying to throw the best parties and make a name for herself at Beacon Hills High School. 


Lydia grows a lot throughout the series. At the beginning I feel she was a bit manipulative towards the people in her friend group in the name of achieving her own goals. For instance, she advises Allison to break up with Scott but then immediately makes a move on him herself. Similarly, Lydia also had a tendency to be more deceitful. For example, she presented an image of being a ditzy and superficial girl. While Stiles was able to see through this, most of her other peers did not really know much about Lydia’s true personality and capabilities. 

3s often present an image to the outer world that they think people will like better, which I think is what Lydia was doing. However, as the series progresses she becomes a lot more caring and selfless. She is more secure and confident that people will like her for who she is. Lydia no longer feels the need to hide her true self from the world for acceptance.

Lydia shows her wing 4 (wing 2?) as she is more 

Tri-Type: 3w4 - 5w6 - 1w2

Some quotes to describe Lydia’s traits and motivations:

“I will not fall prey to society’s desire to turn girls into emotionally insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark.”

Jackson is gonna perform tomorrow, but he’s not gonna be at his peak and I prefer my boyfriend at peak performance.”

“That’s not it. It’s just…someone tried to strangle me, and I survived. I don’t need to hide that.”

Nobody likes a loser”

Never frown, because some one could be falling in love with your smile.”

Bridgerton actress Charithra Chandran, names Character Breakdown in her list of books she likes to read when she’s in a bad mental health space

Bonus: she also says Zawe recommended The Little Big Things by Henry Fraser to her
