#mason hewitt


For Day 6 of Morey Appreciation Week, I wanted to explore a missing scene from canon. For invisible shenanigans, I wanted to see a brief snippet of Corey’s perspective as they came up with the plan for him to sneak into the school to alert Mason that they hadn’t left. So here’s my aesthetic and snippet I created.


“It has to be you.”

For the first time in his life, Corey is speechless. He’s never imagined himself to be an integral part of the McCall pack, still always existing just on the fringes, but now there’s a group of faces all watching him across the metal surgical table. He’s never been the center of a plan before, not one with good intentions at least, and it makes his palms sweat. Rubbing them against his thighs, he flicks his gaze over to Liam who offers him a subtle nod.

“Me?” His voice thankfully doesn’t shake as he raises the question.

“It’s not like the rest of us can turn invisible,” Malia scoffs. Lydia gives her a sharp look and an elbow dig against her rib cage. “Come on, we were all thinking it!” Malia defends as she rubs her side.

“But I’m not a surprise to them anymore. They know that I can turn invisible. What if they expect me?” He thinks back to the last time he tried to be invisible inside the school with Liam’s life on the line. He would have died if Coach Finstock hadn’t intervened to stop Gabe and Nolan from beating him to a pulp. This is Mason’s life they’re talking about. Corey can’t knowingly put him at risk.

“We have to let him know he isn’t alone. Monroe will be tied up at school and no one will be able to ditch classes without causing a bigger scene. You can do this.” Scott says gently, drawing his gaze and holding it. “Do you trust anyone else here with Mason’s life?”

“No.” He doesn’t have to think on it. If anyone’s going to risk it all to reach Mason, it should be him. At least he can be a shield and buy his boyfriend some time if they were caught. “All right. I’ll go to the school and convince him to come here. If I don’t make it…” His voice quivers and Liam sets a hand on his shoulder.

“You will.”

For Day 5 of Morey Appreciation Week, I continued with my theme of what if Mason had been a chimera and decided to explore his powers a bit. Hope you enjoy!



For Day Four of Morey Appreciation Week, here is my take on musical endeavors. Definitely inspired by the fact that Michael Johnston can sing and play the guitar.



For Day 3 of Morey Appreciation Week, I took the boys on a spring break trip! This could also be missing from canon, which is pretty much my theme for this week.



A fluffy little oneshot for Morey week! Here’s something that could have been missing from canon. I wish we had seen more of Corey and Mason’s relationship in canon, but especially more of Corey’s backstory. They mentioned him working two jobs, which is incredible for a high school student. So here’s my take on what that meant for Corey and his struggling grades in school.



Just a quick attempt to give Mason some glasses!

Some Miam smut! Update for a fic I published a long time ago and it’s been long overdue for a second chapter.
