#mason mount fanfics


This one is shorter then my other two but like I have said before I am still on a break to try and better my writing so I hope you enjoy this anyways.

Let me know if you want me to do / be added to my Mason Mount Tag list.

Feedback is always welcome; HATE IS NOT ✨

“Stories to Tell”

Mason Mount x Female Reader

Warnings - None? Fluff


I had imagined many scenarios when it came to meeting my boyfriend’s best friend. At a dinner event, the football awards, or even in training but apparently, I must have done something horrible in a past life as the reality was far worse then any expectation I’d conjured up in my mind.

I am sure many would be quite suspired if not happy to see Declan Rice stood at the end of their bed, but for me? Mortifying.

My eyes bulged so far out of my head; it was almost comical. I grab the duvet to ensure I am fully covered.

“Mase, Mase?” I hiss, shaking my boyfriend to try and get his attention. His only was response was to groan and turn into me, attempting to wrap me back into his arms.

Dec laughs quietly at his friend and stands watching, bouncing on his heels as I try again to wake the Chelsea player.

“Mason!Why the hell is your best friend stood in your bedroom?” My voice reaches an octave higher than normal as I cough to hide my embarrassment.

One eye opens as that finally grasps his attention. He lifts his head slightly and locks eyes with Dec before groaning and huffing out a small gravely laugh.

“Come on Dec man! What are you doing here? ” He flops back down onto the pillow, hiding under the covers.

Dec just laughs again. “You slept through morning training. I came to see if you were alright”

Dec holds up to see what must be a spare key to the apartment.

This leads to Mason shooting straight up and immediately glances to the clock on the bedside table.

He lets out a low curse and jumps from the bed, not caring that he stands in front of Dec in nothing but a pair of boxers and dishevelled hair. Huh? Must be a guy thing.

I on the other hand continue wrapping myself in the sheets of the duvet so that I don’t accidently flash our guest.

Mase grabs a tracksuit and quickly slips into it just as I speak.

“Well now that we are all up, why don’t you boys put the kettle on? Meanwhile I am going to find some clothes, hmmm?”

I watch as Mason laughs at my shyness and leads Dec out of the room so I can dress myself.  I dig out one of Mason’s old Chelsea Tops from the back of the wardrobe along with some leggings. 15 minutes later I join the duo in the living area.

Mason passes me my drink and I say my thanks.

“So, you’re who Mase has been ditching us for” Dec winks, allowing me to see he is joking but I blush still creeps up onto my face.

“Y/N. It is nice to finally meet you” I hold my hand out which he gladly accepts.

I can hear Mason snort at my formalness and in response I give a light shove, making him laugh harder.

He stops for a moment to wrap me into a bear hug, and I can’t help but cradle myself into his side as he holds me closely.

“She’s shy at first” Mason dramatically whispers to Dec, as the sound of his laughter vibrates off us. Even though I am not looking directly at him I know full well that he has that certain smile plastered across his face.

“Well, you can’t exactly blame me! The first time I meet your best friend he finds us in bed together!”

It was Dec’s laughter I hear next.

“Well, at least you have one hell of a story to tell”
