#mass hypnosis hour


Episode 94: You’re Doing Great

This week’s episode is just a whole bunch of praise for what a great job you do relaxing and emptying your mind and sinking into trance for me. This will serve to reinforce some of the little habits that make you so good at that, as well as your enjoyment of trancing for me.  There’s also some language here about it feeling good to be good at these things.


Episode 91: Groundhog Day

Inspired by the movie Groundhog Day, this week’s episode is some fractionation with variations on the same script a few times over.  As you listen, you might pay attention for how the experience of each trance is different even while the script remains largely the same.

There’s imagery here involving floating on and sinking into water, as well as language about enjoying trance, enjoying my voice, and wanting to sink deeper.

Have fun!

Episode 90: Avalanche

Which snowflake is responsible for an avalanche?

This week, the avalanche is trance and the snowflakes are all the lovely trance sensations that pile up in your mind, starting with the pleasant calm you feel when you hear my voice.  There’s lots of talk here about enjoying trance, enjoying feeling weak and heavy for me, and wanting to be swept away by my voice.  No proper awakener this week, just a suggestion to keep enjoying the blissful blankness of trance for a few extra minutes after the video ends.


Episode 89: The Tree of Suggestibility

The story I wrote that inspired this one is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/41643881

This week’s episode is about a conversation with a snake with spiralling eyes while you eat from the Tree of Suggestibility.  There’s multiple instances of talk about you eating the fruit, including juice dripping down your chin that makes you look like you’re drooling, as well as talk about you enjoying agreeing, enjoying being praised, and wanting to continue to eat from the tree.


Episode 88: Unraveling

This week, I invite you to imagine your mind as a knitted or crocheted object that we’ll then slowly unravel, leaving you feeling mindless and blank and wonderfully relaxed.  I’ll then weave it back together for you, maybe a bit looser than before so you can carry some of that relaxation into the next part of your day.

There’s lots of talk in this video about feeling mindless and empty and about enjoying feeling your mind unravel, as well as some talk about how easy it would be to weave you into something new.


Episode 87: Tea Time

It’s cold and windy here this week and I enjoy a nice cup of tea under these conditions, so I thought you might too.  This week is just an induction about drinking tea, a suggestion about carrying some relaxation with you into the next part of your day, and a bunch of talk about enjoying the relaxation and melting into my voice.


Episode 86: Filler Words

This week’s episode will leave your brain working a bit more slowly for about ten minutes after the trance ends, so that you find yourself using a lot of filler words such as “like” and “um” to build in more time to think.  The use of these filler words will also serve to reinforce how slowly your brain is working.  There’s also language here about enjoying trance.

Have fun!

Episode 85: You Deserve A Break

Because we all need a break sometimes.

This week’s episode allows you to melt away all that stress and tension you’ve been carrying and enjoy feeling slow and sleepy and heavy as you follow my voice into a wonderful mindless trance.  There’s lots of reinforcement here for you taking a break by following my voice, enjoying trance, and allowing me to think for you.

