#master bigster

Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. He lays prone on his back, long brown hair cascading out around him. His various layers of clothing have been opened up; his coat parted, his shirt unbuttoned, his undershirt undone, and his binder shoved down slightly, so that he may pull a magical sword from his left breast, right over his heart. The sword he draws lights his face and collar up in gold. His golden neckpiece has been broken away, and sits over his right wing, bloodied. His right eye is swollen and bruised, the prosthetic eye in the socket covered with a dribble of blood. His functioning left eye looks off to the right, and he grimaces, clearly pained. There is the shadow of a larger demon with broad shoulders and long, pointed ears over his lower half. His pale knuckles are bloodied on his left hand. The overall lighting of the image has a golden hue.ALT

fight for your fallen comrades, until your life comes to an end

Master Big Star in four stages of dress. In the first, he wears a binder and frilly panties with stockings and a garterbelt. In the second, he wears a poofy white undershirt and white britches over those. In the third, his cravat is tied, there's a cuff on his sleeve, and a long, sleeveless waist-coat over the undershirt, as well as brown pants over the britches and his knee-length yellow boots. Finally is the addition of his yellow coat, the star-shaped spurs on his heels, and the red jewel he wears over his cravat.ALT
Ten drawings of Master Big Star. The first two are showing off his prosthetic eye, noting that his hair is in a star shape and he 'almost always has an at-ease smile around students' while showing off the eye's pink, rose-patterned iris. The next four are expressions - Genuine cheer, Furious, Upset, and Embarrassed. They note that his ears perk up and lots of sparkling when cheery, there is no light in his eyes when furious and the sparkles become more jagged sparks, his ears droop down and the sparkles dim when he's upset, and his ears go even further down and his iris shrinks when he's embarrassed. The full body art notes he's 6'4, wears a binder and knitted packer, has a naval piercing, and three scars on his front from Aurum, Castor, and Salvatore, as well as a docked tail, which is also detailed in a drawing of his behind. Next to that it is noted he has F-cup breasts that droop, and that his wings grow out from under his medulla oblongata, and are similar to a succubus's. His lost tail is also shown to be like a succubus's. Where his eye is detailed, it's shown that he has long lashes, no pupil, and a line of shine that keeps the iris from touching the lower lash.ALT

personal refs for how I draw Master Big Star, because at some point my little design touches on him got away from me and I started needing to note them down

Death King Hugo and Master Big Star from Disgaea. Hugo, in his battle form with his skeletal wings bursting from his back and horned mask on, is wrapped in a purple and green robe that tatters at the back where his wings burst through. He embraces Big Star, covering the majority of his nude body, and rests an enormous hand over his shoulder. He's smiling down at him. Big Star looks toward the viewer, smirking proudly about his situation. One of his wings curls around the outside of the robe. His bare thigh and backside can slightly be seen, both scarred with rose-shaped marks.ALT
Death King Hugo and Master Big Star stand facing each other, with Hugo looking down at Big Star with an annoyed expression, while Big Star smirks up at him. Big Star is labelled "annoying."ALT
Hugo stands smiling to himself, holding a sparkly rose in his hand.ALT
Big Star leans his face into his left hand, face flushed with small hearts around his head. His right hand is on his chest.ALT
Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. His long hair is worn in a side ponytail slung over his right shoulder, and rather than his usual bright yellow outfit, he's wearing a dark purple waistcoat with golden embroidery, a dark pink puffy-sleeved blouse, dark maroon high-waisted breeches with golden buttons, a dark orange cravat and waist ruffle, white gloves, and his usual necklace gem as a broach secured by gold chains and decorated with roses. He's blooming a rose from his left wrist, while resting his right hand over his chest as though swearing loyalty. He's smiling with narrowed eyes. His left wing rests over his left arm, while his right wing is raised. The background is dark, lit by his sparkles and the red eyes of a few Spirit demons that are looking up at him.ALT

death and the devil

Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. He is wearing a binder that buttons in the middle of his chest, and though it mostly disguises the shape of his chest there's still a distinct curve to him. It is beige, with yellow stitching in the patterns of roses, and covered in black stains. Big Star has a rose petal in his mouth, and another resting on his chest.ALT
Master Big Star from Disgaea. He is drawn in the style of Rose of Versailles, with his hair blocked in black with a lot of curls and volume to it. His visible eye is wide, a sparkle in his otherwise black iris. He is slightly smirking, eyebrows arching down.ALT
Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. He's grinning with closed eyes, holding up his hand as he does an anime-style dignity laugh. There are sparkles and roses around him.ALT
Three grayscale images of Master Big Star from Disgaea. In the first, he is a young child with short hair and a big smile, wearing a plain dress. He has a headband with three roses on, and also a visible tail. In the second, he is a teenager with slightly longer hair. he wears a red jewel around his neck on a pendant, and a more frilly dress with a leather corset over it, as well as dangling suspenders. His right eye is noticeably danmaged and lacks any shine to it, and he no longer has a tail. He is scowling. In the third, he is in his canon design as a young adult. He smiles, raising a hand to gesture breezily. His wings curl over his torso like a cape.ALT
An edit of a screencap from Revolutionary Girl Utena to be Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. He stands with a serious expression, sparkling. There is a rose pinned to his breast. In the foreground, partially out of view, there is a red flower in a vase.ALT
Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. He is wearing low shorts and a binder, and has knuckles wrapped in bandages. He has a bellybutton piercing. He is punching the palm of his left hand with his right fist.ALT

a collection of master big star scribbles from the last few months because this sparkly man is so transgender and so consuming of my thoughts

Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. He has a warm expression on his face, visible cheek rosy and lips curled up in a cute smile. His left hand rests against his chest, while his right is extended to hold out a rose. Behind him is a field of matching red roses, and rose petals are floating through the air. The sky is bright with yellow lighting, like early morning.ALT

it’s been a year since I drew my first Master Big Star. and so I redrew him to celebrate. I love him ✨
