#matt sanders


Zack was sitting nervously on Matt’s couch, heel tapping and taking large gulps from his bottle of beer as he waited for him to return and tell them dinner was ready.

“Will you sit the fuck still! He’s gonna get suspicious,” Brian whispered at him from the side of his mouth, hand going to Zack’s knee to still the bouncing.

“I can’t, he’s gonna freak the fuck out when he sees it,” Zack hissed back as he put the now empty bottle down on the coaster on the coffee table in front of them.

“He’s not gonna notice.” Brian let his hand slide further up Zack’s thigh. “Just relax.”

“You forgot to take your gloves off Zack. Gimme them here and I’ll put them in your jacket pocket.”

Zack jumped at the sound of Matt’s voice and stared at his outstretched hand. “Uh, no, it’s ok. I’m…ah…feeling a bit cold.”

Matt looked at him as if he had finally lost the last of his marbles. “Don’t be fuckin’ ridiculous, take them off.” He turned away as Val shouted on him to come and open the wine, looking back over his shoulder and pointing at Zack as he left the room. “Take them off!”

Brian tried to grab Zack’s hands but he tucked them tightly under his armpits. “Will you just take them off, you’re only drawing attention.”

“Leave me alone. You know I want to let everyone see together at the same time. If I’d known he’d only invited us I wouldn’t have come.”

“Well you can’t. You know Val’s rules. No hats or gloves at the dinner table, it’s fuckin’ rude.” He finally succeeded in getting Zack’s left hand free and ripped the old, ragged fingerless glove from it, throwing it to the other side of the large room. “Now take the other one off.”

Dinner went fairly smoothly, Zack managing to relax and enjoy himself until he reached out for another bread roll at the same time as Matt and their hands bumped over the basket in the middle of the table.

“What the fuck?” Matt grabbed Zack’s right hand and stared at the CALI emblazoned over his fingers. “Let’s see the other one.”

Zack reluctantly brought out his left hand and Matt grabbed it too, eyes widening. “Oh for fucks sake. Could you not have doubled up on some of the letters or used your thumbs as well or something? That 4 is fucking stupid.” He let Zack’s hands go in disgust.

Pulling his hands back into his lap before Val could get a good look, Zack caught her eye and gave a small shake of his head when he heard her gasp. He dropped his head to hide the small smile that came to his lips as Brian’s hand clasped his left, thumb running over the platinum band on his ring finger and leaned over to murmur in his ear. 

“Told you he wouldn’t notice.”
