

Moved by mercy - Matthew West.

Anyone else relate to this song?

like you feel you can’t escape that little girl you used to be? escape the abuse the happened? the heart breaks? the getting made fun of? laughed at? ignored? the mistakes? the lies? the things people have done and said to us before? the guy who cheated on you? the guy who promised you that he would protect you but then leaves you? 

we guard that little girl, we try to protect her because no one else did, and sometimes guarding and protecting ourselves actually makes things worse and leads a road to destruction.

let’s be moved my mercy, let the past hurts that still hurt us to this day go away, and let us be made new and be a light to the girls who are going through what we used to go through. Let’s forgive those people and let’s move on. Let’s wipe the tears away from that little girl because we are not that little girl anymore. God can use our story for our good! Let’s be moved by God’s mercy!

#matthew west    #matthewwest    #movedbymercy    #forgiveness    #self image    #christian    