

hiiii i’m probably gonna be on a mini hiatus / indefinite hiatus bc of me stuff , i’ll try to post art again soon! ty for supporting me still :]]] ily !

also hi it’s my birthday

hello maxpeaks community jus a lil reminder i do not like panphobes and i especially don’t want those bitches reblogging my art thank u <3

hey gamers if u wanna suggest object head ideas *grabby hands*

i’m going ballistic and making a fourth picrew

hey i rly need ur help , if you do commissions, pls answer! what would you do when… 1. a person doesn’t have a solid idea for the pose and background of what they want to commission, 2. proceeds to tell me that my pose that i sketched out for them looks good and the final drawing of the character looks good, 3. shows me what the want me to draw for the background and the artist cannot change the pose of the finished og drawing, 4. the artist draws the background and it took them hours to make it look good but the commissioner Does Not like it, and then 5. the commissioner wants the artist to change the pose and the bg completely

this person didn’t come ready with exactly what they wanted and so i went with it and did the drawings one step at a time. now after 8 hours of work, they want me to change a good chunk of something i’ve already drawn :/ also like to note that the drawing would in total cost about $40-50. pls plspslpslspsls help

CALLED OUT @ tumblr user starrymona you got me on the dot

wtf is this new update what did they do to the notes what the fuck is this i dont want facebook
