#maya knight





✨ Reblog and Share so others know!! ✨

I’ve seen some amazing Star Warrior/Knight OCs here on Tumblr, and I thought it would be cool to see them all together! So I came up with an idea to make it more interactive! I’d compile the knights together onto a canvas! Also, here’s a complimentary Nimbus!!

Essentially, you’d reblog or post with a drawing of your Knight OC, and when I have enough of them, I’d place them all together in one giant canvas! With credit to everyone partaking, of course. You can also tag your Kirby Knight OC as “#StarWarriorOcCollab” So I can find it, if reblogging doesn’t work.

The only thing I’d ask is that the drawing has a transparent background (.PNG) so I could place them on the canvas! 

Also, you CAN add more than one knight! The more the merrier! 

As for a deadline, I’ll place it for June 30th 11:59 PM CST, but if you want more time, feel free to message me!

This isn’t anything serious, just for fun! I’d love to see all of your amazing Knight OCs, and what better way than to have them together for a group photo! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

A submission for @cosmicocoffee :D

A submission for @cosmicocoffee

My old Kirby OC character Maya knight. there is more other oc characters in my deviant art. https://

My old Kirby OC character Maya knight. there is more other oc characters in my deviant art. 


Name: Maya Knight
Race: Puffball
Gender: Female
Age: ????  26 in human years

Weapons and abilities: Great Sword Guardia ( I decide the remove  the transformation into Gladius form. because I don’t think I’m going to use this. )
Different between Day and Night - Maya knight Is more powerful at night than day. During the day her power is unchanged.
She can detect any form of energy, such as emotional and environmental.
Wings: This is what she looks like without her cape, and you can see her long, flowing hair. Her oddly shaped wings do not deter her flight ability.
The rings visible on her arms are the Moon Abyss Stones, it’s only use to control her power correctly without getting the supply energy out of control.

The Moon Abyss Stone or Core of Gaia is a gem that came from the underworld, and cannot be found elsewhere. It can only be wielded by someone with high spiritual energy. It helps Maya control her powers correctly, but you better not mess with her when the rings are absent, because it means a lot to her, though she still relies on them. One may wear one for luck, for health, for strength or for protection.

Spirit Chains - Spirit Chain are one of must powerful weapons that can destroy or capture evil forces, people’s soul who is imprisoned by supernatural beings. It can move like a snake; silent, very fast, invisible. Only Maya can see it and those who have aura-like senses can see it too. She can command several at one time, and there is no limit as to how many can exist at once. There is three phases: the first is harmless, use only for detecting energy. The second can cause pain, but without long-term damage. The third is a death sentence; once an individual is bound in their chains, they are only capable of breathing unless Maya commands so.
The Abyss crystals - Maya can summon shards from the ground and target at enemies like missiles.

Like: Drawing, salmon, sushi, travelling around the world. She likes to be with her friends, being alone (sometimes), walking and meditating.
dislike: Being bored, evil forces.
Personality: She is calm, intelligent, honest, steadfast and loyal. Maya can be stubborn when she has something in her mind. She never leaves her friends behind. Maya is mostly independent but she can work with a team. She takes thoughts into careful consideration and be serious and straightforward in needed times.

Maya knight (me) metakazkz

Kirby HAL laboratory (Nintendo)

Artwork by me metakazkz Meta-Kaz Deviant Art

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