#maya rambles



just a heads up, things might get a little hectic in the near future with MP updates/shipping out orders. we’re currently dealing with a friend/family crisis. everyone is OK but devin and i are taking a lot of time off of work to help our friend with something really important.


sketching new monsterpop strips tonight, sketches will be up for my $5+ patrons later tonight

You can’t tell from this drawing but this scene is going to be the hardest to draw in all of mp which is why I couldn’t tackle it when we were traveling constantly 

sketching new monsterpop strips tonight, sketches will be up for my $5+ patrons later tonight

we’ve been traveling/doing cons pretty much constantly since 2019 started and we’re about to go out of town again so i haven’t had time to get back to it. updates should resume some time between march and april since we’ll finally have a break then.

so, this has been a long time coming, and i’m sure many of you have seen the signs…

i will not be resuming Monster Pop!

i love this comic and i love you all, the readers. there’s only about 6 months of drawing left in chapter 6 for this comic that i’ve been drawing for 8 years — and i can’t do it. i love this comic but working on it is absolutely terrible for my mental and physical health.

i’ve battled with this decision for a long time — especially because of all of MP!, chapter 6 is my favorite and has been my favorite to write and draw. but i can’t keep forcing myself to sacrifice my well being for my stubborn pride.

so, what’s the next step? well, after SDCC (where i’ll be guesting and on a couple panels in a couple weeks), i’m gonna take some time and fix up the script for the rest of chapter 6, plus what I have written for the epilogue. after that’s made presentable i’ll be sharing it online with all of you.

will i one day come back to MP! and decide to draw the rest of it? maybe, but it’s unlikely. will there be a volume 3 kickstarter? sadly, i don’t think so.

thank you all for taking the time to read this and also my comic. and thank you, i hope, for understanding.





being an indie author is like being a car salesman except instead of saying, like, “now what’s it gonna take to get you into a brand new prius” it’s “now what’s it gonna take to get you to read my queer polyamorous dragon shifter romance novel”

instead of “[slaps trunk] you can fit so many children in this bad boy” it’s [slaps book cover] you can fit so much Gender in this bad boy”

>>now what’s it gonna take to get you to read my queer polyamorous dragon shifter romance novel<<

For me, what it takes is getting a pitch that sums it up like that. That sounds exactly like a thing I’d want to read. I shall now legit buy a copy of your book.

hell yeah my secret plan worked

sdfsdf i’ve linked it a couple times in the comments but for those wondering, the book is spitfire! you can buy it as a print or ebook on amazon(or perhaps elsewhere) or if you’d prefer, you can read the first 30k words for free on Ao3. i’m also currently writing the sequel, firebrand, and posting it serially on Ao3.

it’s a real mystery and we may never find the truth

ngl i dont think it’ll ever not feel weird to get ppl asking me for writing advice. like yes i did write a 300k word book but also all my writing “education” was high school english class and forum RPs

hello i have put all my (non-spitfire) books on sale because they are heavy and i want them out of my office lol
