#maybe im just emotional with hormones or smth



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♘︎ : @desiray562@gabzlovesu@reneeslay@emonaculate@po3ticb3auty@indiecursor@protectpancakes@hufflefluffwh0re@luvrgalore



TOJI FUSHIGURO AND RYOUMEN SUKUNA WERE AN UNLIKELY DUO. One that was only formed by their mutual love for violence and had blossomed into a full-fledged brotherhood. The same could be said for all the boys that they lived with, as they have all managed to go through a lot and still stick together through anything. But this situation Geto’s got himself in, has definitely rocked the boat.

“The hell were you thinking? Fucking someone like Jade?!” Choso cursed harshley the night Wendy and Gojo found out about Geto’s distasteful escapade.

Nanami leaned against the island counter, glasses shading his stoner eyes as he listened on silently, Gojo sat with Wendy on his lap in one of the seats at the table as Choso sat next to them while Geto was at the head. Toji and Sukuna towered behind Geto with their spots against the wall, watching Choso rip into their friend.

“Iwasn’tthinking! Just fucking–FUCK man!”

The thick cut table shook from Geto’s fist hitting it harshly, frustration taking over as he shifted uncomfortably in the comfortable chair. Toji could tell that the artistic man felt cornered by everyone in the room. Geto could hide behind his heavily tatted figure and disinterested eyes with most people, but when it came to the people in this room it didn’t work.

“I don’t think you understand, Suguru, Jade is not just some regular bitch you fuck cause you’re bored. Y/n rejected you and you got upset so you slept with her best friend, someone you knew would have no morals about fucking you, why? Because she’s insanely infatuated with you and you took advantage of that. And that, takes some serious fucking thought.”

As Wendy tore into Geto for his shallow behavior and faux obliviousness, Toji wondered how Y/n would take this information. His and Sukuna’s halloween party would be the next night and Y/n was, obviously, invited to attend as well as her boyfriend, which would be a situation in itself. All of them knew of Geto’s wounded heart after Y/n shot him down two months ago, although none of them seriously believed she didn’t have feelings for him. And Toji figured he’d try to move on with someone else but not with Jade.

Nanami’s movement in the kitchen is what caught everyone’s attention as he wordlessly moved to stand next to Geto.

“We won’t say anything–” “You a damn lie! Who is ‘we’?!” “Baby!” “–we won’t say anything because Y/n will find out and when she does, her reaction will be your karma. But, let this be known, we don’t ever want to see Jade around here again. Your actions aren’t supported by any of us and we are not liable for anything that may, or may not, happen.”

Silence stilled the room as they all registered Nanami’s words. The drug dealer never talked much, finding the usage of a lot of words pointless when everyone was trying to speak, but when he did talk it was often worth listening to.

That was yesterday. And today, Toji was seriously regretting this party.

SHE WAS NOT LIKING THE VIBES AT ALL, as her and Kenji sat in a secluded area with the gang. The party started four hours ago at the industrial warehouse the boys rented out. Y/n was sat on Kenji’s lap, back pressed against his chest as the two of them shared a blunt. It seemed like everyone else was on edge and every time Y/n’s eyes met Jade’s battered face, the question kept raising alarms in her head; What the hell happened?

Wendy seemed extra annoyed, having not touched a single blunt the whole time. Utahime and Mei Mei held hushed conversations with Sukuna and Choso, something about mid-terms and tutoring. Shoko and Toji kept small talk, commenting on random things here and there. Gojo tried speaking with Wendy, but she kept brushing him off. Nanami sat in a seat on his own, man spreading his legs as he smoked a blunt and hand out drugs to partygoers as they came. Jade was stiff as a rod sitting next to Geto, her eyes flickering between Y/n’s curious glare and Wendy’s murderous look.

“Are you guys always this fucking lame?” Kenji’s blunt tone tore through the unsteady atmosphere suddenly.

Y/n moved to pop his hand as a warning, reminding him that he was still on thin ice. Lately, the girl was discovering more and more about her boyfriend that she didn’t like. With that, she also discovered that she compared Kenji to Geto a lot and so far, the latter was winning.

“Depends. Are you always so fucking stupid?” Wendy responded just as smartly as Kenji did, a narrow glare on her face.

Gojo slapped his hand to his face in embarrassment whilst the others hid their poorly concealed laughs at Wendy’s comment. Y/n shook her head at Wendy’s antics but didn’t bother to defend Kenji’s disgusting honor. He had walked into that one himself and he would walk right back out by himself.

Kenji himself let out a chuckle but it held no humor. He bit his tongue for the moment, knowing that if he were to cross a line with his comments, at least one guy was bound to beat his ass. Sukuna would probably jump in just because, so Kenji played it safe and readjusted Y/n on his lap with a tighter grip.

Y/n, however, took the brief quarrel between her best friend and boyfriend, as an opportunity to study the two people sitting across from her. Jade’s makeup did a decent job at covering her bruises but she could tell her face was still a bit swollen from whatever the fuck happened. Geto appeared calm, but Y/n had studied his body language enough to know that he was anxious about something. And it was when he tilted his neck a certain way, that Y/n noticed the purpling bruise peeking through.

“Who you fuckin?” The question was sudden and caused everyone to pause what they were doing to watch the situation unfold.

It wasn’t really Y/n’s business to know who Geto was fucking at this point, but something was telling her that she needed to know. And from the anxious look that passed across his face, told Y/n that it was something she wasn’t going to like.

The tattoo artist scoffed, a hand coming to push his loose hair, back. “The hell? Wha’kind of question is that?”

Y/n raised an eyebrow, finding his defensive behavior questionable. “A question. You the one acting weird as fuck over there, staring at me and shit all night. So, who you fuckin?”

“Why does it matter?” Jade chimed in, speaking to Y/n the first time that night.

Her attention shifted to the girl next to him and she looked at her inquisitively. “And you’re speaking because?? Are you the one fucking him?” Y/n wasn’t prepared for the silence she was met with after her rhetorical question.

And as the silence settled, a realization dawned on her. “Y’all been sleeping together?” Y/n’s voice came out soft and low, her body now leaning forward off of Kenji’s chest as she eyed the two liars.

“Answer me!” She yelled, a feeling of rage beginning to grow within her the longer they went without answering.

Y/n hadn’t felt Kenji loosening his grip on her or notice everyone else slightly shift out of the way. All she could focus on was their lips, watching them in anticipation for their answers.

Jade, with teary eyes and shaky breathing, had answered her. “Yes.”

Her reaction was instant, the smack that rang through the air over the loud music was a sign of her anger. But one hit wasn’t enough and Y/n found herself fucking up Jade’s face even more. She delivered hit after hit after hit, words of disapproval spewed from her mouth in hot rage. She couldn’t believe that they’d do this to her. That they’d fuck around like that and then hide it.

“Fuck you! FUCK! YOU!” Y/n screamed, tears of her own blurring her vision as her hands found Jade’s neck. “I trusted you! And this is what the fuck I get? Huh?” Her grip tightening around the girls’ neck ‘til she was gasping for air.

“Ok, that’s enough. She’s going to kill her!” Mei Mei’s worried voice broke the others from their trance and it caused Geto to move and grab Y/n off of Jade.

But that was a mistake, because soon after he pulled her off, her fist had connected with his jaw as she landed a nasty left hook on his face. “Oh Shit!” Nanami had cursed, watching the blood flow from Geto’s face.

Taking his distraction as an opportunity, Y/n started hitting him. Landing hits near his eye and fucked up nose while he poorly shielded himself. “Fucking whore! I fucking hateyou!”

Geto just sat there and took the hits he was receiving, guilt and anguish making it difficult for him to breathe. He’d never seen her this angry, this hurt, before and it had him regretting everything he ever did with Jade. She wasn’t worth this. She wasn’t worth the looks of disgust he’d get from Y/n.

Kenji finally made a move to restrain his hysterical girlfriend, allowing her to get a few punches in before taking her off the man. Y/n have a swift kick to Geto’s dick just as Kenji lifted her off him. The sight had the other guys holding their own in phantom pain.

“I can’t—“ a shaky gasp for air was heard as Y/n struggled to speak. “I can’t believe you. After all i’ve done—oh God.”

Kenji worked to quiet her sobs, Wendy helping him in getting Y/n to calm down and breathe. Jade was her best friend and to sleep with a man she had such close relations with…Geto knew better. He could’ve chosen anyone else but chose the person would hurt her the most. And she wasn’t sure if she could ever recover from that.

“Come on baby. Come on.” Kenji ushered gently into her ear, tugging at her waist to leave the section they were in.

“You both are fucking dead to me.” She spat venomously at their bloody faces with a hateful glare. “Dead.”

And that hurt Geto more than he’d know.

. andddd SCENE


The way I should be happy but instead I’m all sad, I can’t believe you made me a Geto simp dawg
