#maybe itll work and maybe not heh


{out of exile} Friendly reminder that I have many rp blogs on this same account that are side blogs of this one. So if I followed you from here and you don’t really see why, it’s possible that I did so because of one of these side blogs:

@thiscrimsonsoul (Wanda Maximoff, MCU)
@fasterthanmydemons (Pietro Maximoff, MCU)
@armed-and-alxne​ (Luther, Red Widow)
@after-the-fxll(Aryx, fandomless fallen archangel OC)
@youmissedone(Carlos Oliveira, Resident Evil)
@freewillacquired(Matt Addison/Nemesis, Resident Evil)
@xleafyheartx(Jix, fandomless leafling OC)
