#mayor andre salt


Olaf presents Ladybug & Chat Noir

Just watched the mini series and was inspired. Warning, got salt for everybody

As queen, Anna would be taking a tour of the world and visiting other kingdoms, one of which would be France.

Elsa would look after Arendelle in her absence.

Not to say that Anna was going alone, she was bringing Olaf with her.

And the snowman was thrilled to perform skits on what he had experienced in each kingdom.

France was truly an eye opener, Olaf had tried in vain to keep his queen from aiding the Parisian superheroes.

In the end, Ladybug asked Anna to guide everyone else away.

As queen, Anna was invited to various prestigious events where Olaf had met the lonely Adrien Agreste.

But Anna also liked getting to know people which was how she came across the Dupain-Cheng bakery and College Françoise Dupont.

At the Queen’s farewell event, Olaf had insisted on performing his skit, the contents of which only the snowgies were privy to.

Olaf wearing stones all over his body in imitation of ladybug spots. “I’m Ladybug. I use random useless objects to defeat villains with terrifying powers.”

Gabriel’s eyes narrowed in displeasure.

Olaf throws up a leaf. “Bye bye little Butterfly!”

Marinette giggled, nearly dropping her tray of macarons.

Olaf now dons a stick tail and leaf ears. “I’m Chat Noir. My lady, will you go out with me? Akuma, quit interrupting me!”

Adrien flushed at how irresponsible he looked.

Olaf now has leaf pigtails. “I’m Marinette. I live in a bakery and attend College Françoise Dupont! Oh hi Adrien,” Olaf-Marinette giggled and promptly falls over.

Marinette gaped and quickly hid her face behind her tray.

Olaf now has a leaf hairstyle copying Adrien. “Hi Marinette. I have to go do another one of my many tasks to please my perfectionist father who never seems to notice me. Oh well, at least I have friends. See you at the class party? Oh never mind, my schedule shifted. I’ll see you at next month’s party!”

Olaf has a leaf ponytail. He sticks out a hand. “Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. It is so ridiculous I don’t even care that I will cause another akuma whose sole goal will be to take revenge upon moi.”

Chloé sniffed.

Olaf has a camera in his hand. “Wait up Ladybug! It’s not easy dodging danger just to get a clear shot of your dangerous battles!”

Alya shifted uneasily under her mother’s look.

Olaf is regaling a crowd of snowgies. “My name is Lila. I am super charitable and super connected. But do you mind helping me do my homework and pay for my meals? I am too busy with the charities I donated all my money too. I also have to meet with my celebrity friends. No I cannot introduce you to them! But I can take any money you want to give to charity.”

Lila’s fingers clenched into fists. Hopefully her classmates are too dumb to suspect her in the snowman’s salty skit.

Olaf holding a flat stone tablet. “I am Ms Bustier. I believe in forgiveness. So I will not punish Chloé if she behaves badly. Ivan, quit talking in class. Go to the principal!”

Olaf sits in front of a snowgie. “Ivan, I have no time to look into this situation. I am too busy scouting Paris for trouble any other civilian can report. Hoo Hoo!”

Olaf strums a ukulele. “I can hear the song of people’s souls.”

Finally, Olaf is dressed as the mayor with a leaf sash. “I have all the power! I am the man in charge! Oh, whatever you say my queen. Of course my darling princess, whatever you want.”

Olaf, smirking proudly and innocently of his accurate skit: any questions?

Anna covered her mouth with her hand.
