#mayuri shiina




So I went to fancon as mayuri shiina but no one recognised me though I dont blame them , my outfit didnt look like hers. lolol

Ohhh but I had so much fun ! I made friends ( fellow homestucks but no hetalians ) bought merch and took loads of pics with characters ! Definately will do it again

Forever peace signs ayeee

I took off the wig cause it was tight

To be continued.!



Art challenge??? Kind of ???

Ok I just think it would be fun if we all collectively did sketch dumps (or something of the sort) of our favorite characters from a bunch of different shows/movies/books etc that we love, and see how consistent our tastes are.

Tag me maybe if you decide to do it? I’d like to see what people come up with ^-^


all right boys, here’s the pickle edition. didn’t have time for any girls and as you can see i was running out of room for boys towards the bottom

Okey, here’s mine - good luck finding the common factor, heh! D=

(I’m now looking at this and I did not use my page space efficiently, yikes)
