#mclaren racing



  • The Engine Dealers

    Porsche ready to power Red Bull from the year 2024 ©️
  • Well in my previous post <<this post>>I said that Audi and Porsche would be powering McLaren and Red Bull respectfully by the year 2026 but seems to me that the companies <<Audi and Porsche>> are already working on the blueprints
    I really feel good about this change IDK why but I am really excited
  • Truth be told Audi and Porsche have been into fast cars for a longer time than Honda and they might have a good chance at producing engines that power the car well. Though many may doubt new engine suppliers, we should look at their performance on and off-road cars.
  • In conclusion, no engine provider has come into the sport doing well in the first year, so even though the engines change it will take time for the teams to adapt and develop the engine together.

    ∿ hannah abigail ©️

the article

“Porsche and Red Bull are at an advanced stage in talks over a Formula 1 partnership that could be finalized as early as March.” “The Volkswagen Group has been weighing up a potential F1 entry under the next generation of power units arriving in 2026 for some time, with officials from its Porsche and Audi brands playing a key role in high-stakes meetings. ”
“This could be given as early as March, providing there are no late stumbling blocks and secure Porsche’s return to the F1 grid as a power unit supplier. Red Bull motorsport consultant Helmut Marko and fellow Austrian Fritz Enzinger, Volkswagen Group Head of Motorsport, are believed to have been instrumental in drafting the partnership.”
“Independent of Porsche’s talks, Audi has been linked with a potential partnership with McLaren, which is currently powered by Mercedes.”
“McLaren issued a statement in November denying it had been bought out by Audi but has held exploratory talks with the German marque and said in January it would be happy to wait on the Volkswagen Group to decide on an entry before evaluating a possible tie-up.”

<<we should also keep in mind that the Volkswagen group also own Audi>>
