#mcr return


Imagine telling your 2013 year old self that mcr came back, dropped a new song out of nowhere, released teen magazine and gay tramp stamp t shirt merch, booked the biggest venue in their career, played cemetery drive live, and had gee appear on stage wearing a white mask and a bloody, white suit talking about the new cat he befriended and the rats it brings him as gifts.

If mcr decide to play sunsets in the year 2022 I’ll literally need someone to pick me from the floor. And the worst thing is I wouldn’t even put it past them. I Fear Them.

But,,,, what if,,, we made like a mcr discord server to collectively freak out together,,,,, what then

There are very few things that can make me more emotional than seeing all those pictures of mcr on stage all smiley and excited and so, so unbelievably happy to be playing those shows, to be back together after all those years, healthier and more mature and more sure of their work than ever. It truly is a new era as much as it’s a celebration of all the others that came before.
