#mcu crit



This is just baseless conjecture on my part, but I wonder if modern-day media has lost itself in a plot-twist frenzy. Like the Marvel-soaked scape of modern media is so strung up in needing to trick the audience, that anything apparent needs to be a red herring and everything important needs to be buried under an unforeseeable plot-twist because the media is in combat with the audience and if it can’ttrick its audience then it loses. It mires us in this reverse-psychology lens when consuming media where we learn to distrust anything obvious as tooobvious and instead build our expectations around the unspoken agreement that all important truths must be delivered via plot twist, intentionally obfuscated from us and hidden away behind the last door of a puzzle we should be continually focused on cracking throughout the entire experience, and victory as a consumer is predicated on outsmarting the plot before it condescends enough to reveal the twist to us at the end.

Which is to say maybe Dracula was actually a very normal story for its time and we’re all gobsmacked because the idea of a piece of media playing itself completely straight is so utterly alien to all of us experiencing it in 2022.

How am I supposed to read it without my subversive meta joke???
