#mcu drabble


pairing:marc spector x reader

genre: angst, blurb, marc sector has me in a chokehold rn

summary: he’s the folly of a god, a shell of a man, and no longer who he was when you first met him, a man who used to buy you flowers is now a man covered in blood and you can no longer handle it

word count:1k

takes place before the show

mcu masterlist

the bazaar was crowded, bodies pushing up against one another as the smell of saffron and turmeric filled the scene, vendors selling their own food adding the appealing aroma.

“care for some kebab?” the question was simple had the voice behind it not have sounded so tense, so full of fright that to the unknown ear it would have been almost comedic.

you turned your head away, jutting your chin out as you stalked through the sellers, blocking out every noise, every shout and yell as you clenched your fists tightly.

“i can pay,” he offered and you almost scoffed, it’s not as though he ever let you pay anyways, “free of charge,” gods, he was truly awful at joking.

he glanced to his side, biting hard on the inside of his cheek as he noticed you looking even angrier than you usually were, your brows pulled together as you looked straight ahead, refusing to look him in the eye.

he would spill everything if he could, right here, right now. but under the appeasing eyes of so many, he opted to wait, to save it when it was just the two of you and nobody else.

darlin’,” he tried, this time quieter, filled with more desperation, “it’s not as bad as it loo-” he heard a snort coming from your end, your jaw ticking as you rolled your eyes at his oblivious words.

“really it’s not,” he continued, his fingers trying to find yours but you kept pulling them away when he got too close.

your pace quickened, but his long strides made up for it, and he seemingly didn’t have to struggle very much to catch up to you, his hand finding your elbow as you paused, glad that you were out of the busy marketplace.

with a deep breath, you looked around, keeping your expression steady as it reflected his rather frantic one.

“marc,” you seethed through your teeth, looking away when he took a step forward, not trusting your tuition as you knew you’d just fall into his embrace, “not here.”

“yes,here,” he argued back, eyes trying to find yours as his hand slipped down to yours, encasing them in his larger, rougher ones. he had callouses on his palms, but you’d always press your lips to them, and say you loved them.

“y/n,” he tried once again, slowly, the air filled with a breeze that only autumn held in egypt, something you used to enjoy with him. you glanced up at the starry sky, lips pursing as you thought.

“i saw blood on your hands again,” you scoff to yourself as you shake your head at the haunting thought. you could vividly remember finding him in a corner, skin stained red as he widely breathed in and out.

“is that what he wants you to do now?” you pointed up at the sky, “khonshu?” you knew of his past job, heard of what he did. but you had never seen him in action. now, however, you could see the violence in his posture, how he was no longer the same person you met so long ago.

marc let go of your hands, running one through his hair as he looked back at the bazaar and then to you, eyes piercing as he debated an answer.

“marc, y-you’re losing yourself!” you shouted when he couldn’t think of a response, “look at where we are!” his blood-stained clothing, your crumpled night clothing from running out of your shared bedroom when you saw that he was gone.

y/n,” his hands reached for your face but you pushed them away in disgust. you missed the way his eyes flashed with hurt, how he looked at his own skin as if to see if he had burned you in some way.

“i-i didn’t sign up for this marc. you barely come home, the only time i see you is before you go to sleep, covered in blood. i mean, it’s like you’re a totally different person now,” you took a deep breath in, shaking your head as you admitted; “t-this isn’t a life i can live in anymore. i just can’t, marc,” your face broke, and for just a second, you mirrored him. there was pain, longing, and ache.

“darlin’, please, give me a chance,” he moved after you, realizing you were walking back to the apartment, and sighed deeply through his nose, looking up almost as if he were pleading for help.

“you know i love you, god, i’m so fuckin’ sorry for hurtin’ ya’ but you gotta believe me…” he trailed off, pressing little kissing to your knuckles, lips wet with hidden tears as he shook.

“this whole thing is new to me, i have to get used to it. but darlin’, you know i can’t forget about you. you’re my fuckin life, ya’ know that?” he pressed more and more kisses to your arms, traveling upwards as he tried to nudge your jaw with his nose but your eyes wrung shut, your face moving to the other side as you avoided his lips.

“you’re so good to me,” his voice cracked as his tears wet your skin, “ya’ know that? you’re so fuckin’ amazin’ and beautiful, y/n, you’re eveyr-”

“no, marc,” you wrenched your hand out of his once again, your eyes glossy in the light of the moon, shining over as your lips trembled, your head shaking feverishly as you took a stumbled step back, “no more. please.”

he took a step back instantly, hands up in the air almost as a surrender,

“okay, okay, i get it,” he quickly moved away, trying to give you space, “no more. how about we go home and i make you somethin’, yeah? that pistachio thing you like so much, hm?” he tried for a smile but you shook your head, quick to wipe your tears as you repeated it again.

“no more, marc,” you whispered, voice hoarse, and it cracked for a second as his face scrunched up in his oblivious confusion, “no more. please.”

andno more, please, translated to you pulling away from his hold, leaving him alone in the eyes of khonshu as he stared aimlessly at your receding figure.

sure he’s died before, but nothing felt as painful as watching you walk away with a piece of his heart.
